I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. I sure am! Busy!! That is what my summer has been so far, very busy. I'm up early in the morning and the minutes seem to fly by and the next thing I know I am exhausted and ready for bed. I have had very little computer time this summer, and although I miss my online friends, I have enjoyed the break from the screen. School is starting up again in about 3 weeks time and this year it will be a bit different. I don't have any high schoolers at home. My daughter is finishing off her Bachelor of Science program and my son is starting his first year in university. :) He will do his first year at home with an online program and then September 2014 will find me free from the 17 years of homeschooling and on my own. Already I am mourning this soon to happen change.
There are a couple of prayer requests for Phoebe and Lucy.
Here is a little snippet from Phobe's blog
An Atypical Miracle...
Grief is a strange animal. One moment I’m fine, the next I am blubbering to Benjamin on the way home from the grocery store about Phoebes and life and how it will change. Most days are good; I try to stay in the moment lest I use up these precious hours with pre-mature self pity and sadness. I know it’s God and that yes indeed His grace IS sufficient, because it oft occurs to me that I should be plummeting into the depths of despair right now. There is a super-natural buffer that He is manifesting in my life that keeps me even-keeled and from teetering over the precipice. ...
This is a very difficult time for Amey, Nathan and the family. Please, when you think of them, pray for Father to intercede and carry them through these precious days in front of them. They have one of their sons, Deacon, going through counseling already as he is having a very hard time dealing with the news of the return of cancer in Phoebe. Thank you for your prayers and for your caring hearts!
Lucy, will be having scans on
September 4th. Please pray these scans are clear and show no signs of cancer. Thanks!!
Psalm 88:1-2 NIV
Lord, you are the God who saves me;
day and night I cry out to you.
May my prayer come before you;
turn your ear to my cry.
Praying and praying!!