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This is a tribute page for the ones who are home with Jesus. These children were strong fighters and deserve to be remembered with honour and dignity for what they have taught us; how to be faithful to Jesus, love Him unconditionally and how to pray without ceasing and many more things. Some children, through their story, brought many people into a relationship with Jesus. They were truly fishers of men!
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 NIV
Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.
Please, when you look over their pictures, pray for their families as it is always heart breaking to lose a precious child. If you feel led, click on their link and leave a word of love for their family, their blogs are still active last time I checked and I know it would be very encouraging for them to know you said a prayer for them. Thank you so much!
They may not be here with us any more but they will never be forgotten!! Praise God!!
On June 4 2014, Kerri went home to be with Jesus. She may not be here with us on earth but one day we will see her in heaven. Please pray for her husband Bob and her children.
Our dear friend and fellow blogger John Turner better known as JT has gone home to be with Jesus. A fellow blogger did a bit of research and found out that JT had passed April 28 2013. Please remember to pray for his wife as she is alone in this world and this was a request of JT before he stopped blogging. Thank you! Here is a link to JT's obituary.
pray for my recovery and pray for my wife. She is devastated. We have
no children. We have outlived the other members of our family. If God
calls me home she will not be alone. God will be by her side. Thank
you for your prayers. Taken from JT's post A Personal Note
Joy Tuesday December 10 2013, 7:30 am CST went home to be with Jesus.
At 730am CST our Joy was called home. We have told her from the beginning that if Jesus called her name she should run to Him and she did. We are Blessed to serve a God who let us call her ours for even a little while.
Saturday October 5 2013 Phoebe passed through the door from this earth into heaven.
This sweet child touched my heart deeply, she is precious and dearly loved by many, many people. Phoebe battled AT/RT cancer for 2 years and now she is in heaven with Jesus, out of pain and free from all the complications the chemo did to her poor body. Please remember Amy, Nathan and the children as they travel this road that no parent ever wants to walk down. Thank you!
Tuesday January 22 2013 Wayne is now home with Jesus talking to Him face to face. I am so thankful that he is now out of pain and free from the cancer ridden body that he occupied here on earth. The body he was in was only temporary, a dwelling place during his time here. Like all of us, the bodies we are in are only for a short time and our pain and suffering only lasts for a moment.
Please pray for Marge and Chelle as even though they are pleased Wayne is no longer suffering, they now must deal with the sorrow that comes with losing a dearly loved one.
Jordan: UPDATED 12/12/12 is a 14 year old boy who was diagnosed with bone cancer January 2 2012. Jordan is resting and playing with Jesus. He put up an amazing battle and when the fire was gone, he still trusted in Jesus. If you have a chance please watch his Celebration of Life service.

Joey: Updated 11/19/12 an adorable 9 year old boy fighting multiple relapse medulloblastoma, brain cancer. Joey is suffering from seizures and right now is in need of your prayers. Below in green is taken from Joey's CarigBridge page.
Joey has gone home to be with Jesus Sunday November 18 2012. He put up an amazing fight and now he has won the better prize. I know your mom and dad are going to miss you Joey. Praying for the family.
Brennan Home with Jesus April 25 2012 What a long fight this sweet baby had. Brennan was diagosed at the age of 10 months old with stage 4 high risk Neuroblastoma. He fought so well for 10 months.. Feb. 2nd 2012 he was diagnosed with high grade undifferentiated sarcoma.. Currently he's fighting against 2 very aggressive cancers, all before the age of 2.
Quinn: UPDATED 07/04 In the arms of Jesus. Please pray for Marc, Mandy and Camden. Quinn was an EB Epidermolysis bullosa fighter just like Tripp. There needs to be a cure for this nasty disease. Please pray for one.Thank you!
Bree: UPDATED: 01/04 Please pray for the family as Bree has gone home to be with Jesus. Thank you!!
Tripp: A fighter and a smiler right up to the very end. His story reached nation wide and there is more research awareness for EB, Epidermolysis bullosa, because of Tripp.
Keegan: Home with Jesus. Man did this sweet baby fight hard and brought many into a relationship with Jesus Christ through his story.
Addison Jo: Lost her battle to cancer and is now resting with Jesus. You can read her story and support the cause her parents started by visiting here or by clicking on her name.
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God Bless,