What a very powerful movie, an eyeopener to what our battle really is about and how the love of Jesus can and will break the power of Satan and his attacks on people. We are born into a battle that we really have no idea about. The earth is breaking up around us, (click here for a great blog on the reports of natural disasters, The End Time by Elizabeth Prata) in the form of earth quakes, tsunamis, fire, and all kinds of natural disasters, and the church (the people of God) are doing nothing but sitting in their homes living their lives for themselves and trying to make things better for them. There is a sleepiness that has been prayed on us, kind of like in the Wizard of Oz, when Dorthy and her buddies were walking through the field of flowers and they fell into a deep sleep. We need to shake this off and toss cold water, in the form of the Living Water, the Holy Spirit by reading and studying and praying into the Word of God. Then we need to act on His Word by doing His work in our everyday lives.
We need to wake up and pray. The followers of Satan are praying and they know the extent of the battle. If you haven't already done so listen to the confession of Ester, the former Satanist, she explains things very clearly. There are 3 parts to the 'up next' video and Ester explains our battle from eyes of one who was deeply involved with Satan and has been set free by the love of Jesus.
1 John 4:16-18 NIV
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
How do we show this love of Jesus to others? This is something I am really working on in my life. We need to live in love who is God and we do this first by spending time in His Word and then spreading this to every single person we meet. When they ask us the reason for our joy we just simply explain the gospel. Simple, or as my friend Summer would say, easy peasy!

I would highly recommend watching this movie, Furious Love, it is a real eye opener to the power we have through Jesus Christ.
Trying to live in the love of Jesus,