Prayer Requests


For more prayer request please check out my Facebook page CPREzra823 Intercession

I am honoured to pray for you. If you wish me to add you or someone you know to the prayer list, or if you have a prayer request, please let me know in a comment or email:

--February 22 2017--

Monday, November 29, 2010

What you confess you possess; Words Part 3

When you declare something you actually pronounce that into your life.                                       Google image

I am sure lots of you know of 'Thomas the Tank Engine' and the 'Little Engine that Could'. When my son was little he loved trains and requested to watch a video clip almost every night before bed time. Me, being the smart parent that I am, took full advantage of all the good lessons these shows had to offer and put them to use towards my very hyper active and somewhat stubborn child. :) My favorite saying for him when he couldn't do something was, 'I think I can, I think, I can, I know I can, I know I can, I can, I can, I did it!! Now, this took time convincing him and eventually it did get him moving in the right direction and before long he was doing what he previously thought he could never do.

These following verses bring to my mind 'The Little Engine that Could' pulling that heavy load up the mountain, oh how he wanted to quit because it was so hard and he was just a little engine and the loads so heavy and the mountain so steep.                                                                                
Job 22:27-28 NKNV You will make your prayer to Him, He will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.                                     
Mark 11:22-25 NKJV ....“Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
When we are filled with pain, sorrow and hate, that mountain seems so steep and impossible to climb but as we declare God's word over and over again and stand against Satan claiming health by the stripes of Jesus, then eventually that mountain won't seem as big and God's word becomes who we are. 

Declare the things of God's Word and wonderful things will be established for you. Make negative declarations, and negative things will be your share in life. Have rugged faith, the kind of faith that wins, the kind that can make it up the mountain that seems so steep.

If I am always speaking of failures and lack of faith that increases my doubt and every time doubts and fears are confessed we are confessing our faith in Satan and we deny the ability and grace of God. Proverbs 6:2 NKJV You are snared by the words of your mouth;You are taken by the words of your mouth. Ephesians 4:29 NKJV Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. We are ruled by our confessions and what you say is what you get. 

I think I can and I will because I follow God's word 2 Corinthians 4:13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak 
Step out in faith with me and possess what you confess.

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Well this is the end of the series on Words. I hope you agree with me that our words are very powerful and it is wise to think about what we say before we speak. For those of my blogger friends that are sick, claim health and repeat it over again and you will be healthy for our Father cannot lie to us, His words ring true. I claim health and I am in remission from the RA; praise God!!
God Bless,
PS Barbie, thank you for claiming that this post will be better than the one I lost because it is tons better. God knows best and I am grateful that the other post didn't make it. :)



OHH! I just lost my whole post! :(  

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger abounding in love, He will not always accuse, nor will He harbor His anger forever; He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

Psalm 103:8-10


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Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanks Dad

Canadians celebrated Thanks Giving last month but I was looking through some blogs and stumbled across Rachel, Finding Joy and she has a link up on the ABC's on Thanks. I thought it would be good to do as we should be thankful every single day, so here I go....

Finding Joy | The ABC's of Thanks

A)   Apples, I am so thankful for apples
B)  Bible, where would I be without the Living Word of God
C)  Cats, I just loooooove them, so snugly and furry :)
D)  Dogs, stinky but hey they are tons of fun, especially my 5
E)  Easter, my favorite holiday, so thankful for Jesus dying for me I have no words.........
F)  Fireplace, it is so peaceful sitting in front of an open fire with the husband and kids; cats sprawled out and snowflakes drifting down outside.
G)  Grandmas and Grandpas, mine are no longer here but my family have some adopted ones that make my heart sing.
H)  Horses, there is nothing better then getting on a horse bareback and zooming along at top speed.
I)  Internet, so thankful for having this as it makes home schooling easy
J)  Jesus, He is my best friend, brother, saviour, comforter; I couldn't imagine living without knowing Him
K)  Kids, I love them to death even if sometimes they are the death of me :)
L)  Lemons, especially lemon gelato. My husband always tries to find places with it because he knows how much I love it. Thanks hubby.
M)  Mud, mud pies, writing in the mud and squishing it with your boots
N)  Nature, if I could spend all day outside I would be so happy!
O) Oriole, birds of all kinds I just love
P)  Puddles, jumping and splashing in puddles, oh so much fun
Q)  Questions, reminds me of when my daughter was very little, she was a motor mouth asking a zillion questions a minute.
R)  Rain, who can resist twirling and dancing in the rain
S)  Snow, I love snowshoeing and just walking or running in the stuff
T)  Trees, any type I love them all especially the way they smell
U)  Umbrella, big ones so two or three people can fit under
V)  Voice, listening to my daughter singing, she has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard; makes me cry
W)  Windows, so when I am stuck inside I can look out at God's beautiful creation
X)  X-rays, my kids have had so many of them, I am so thankful for this piece of equipment and for my husband always bringing them to the hospital and zooming them in fast.
Y)  Yams, my son loves them and gets so excited when I cook them.
Z)  Zebras!! They are related to horses so I just love them.

God bless you all and it would be great to see what you are thankful for. Rachel will have this link up until Saturday, so there's still time.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

WORDS Part 2

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Do we as Christians believe a lie? NO. Then why do we not believe all the words we read in the Bible? I would venture to say it is because we do not know the truth of the Word we read. We haven't done our studying of the Word of God and tried it out for ourselves, we give up or void the results, cancelling the Word by saying something negative.                                                                      

Imagine with me for a moment.....A general practitioner; physician, will attend university for a minimum of 6- 8 years, a specialists will venture in studies for 12-14 or more years of school. When they graduate you would hope they know their stuff and when they see a sick patient they, by tests and symptoms, would be able to make a diagnosis of the sickness they have. You would hope that they don't make a mistake and if they did it would be caught before damage was done. Now physicians are under grueling school work and major exams with a certain percentage needed in order to pass. In general, most physicians know their stuff or know how to go searching for the answers. Many times a pre-diagnosis is made before the actual results come in.
Ok now think of us as Christians. We are commissioned to spread the Good News, heal the sick, cast out demons but how can we do this if we don't live the Word, or know the Word to be true and have faith that what we proclaim will be fulfilled?
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We need to agree with God and disagree with the devil. How? Talking about your doubts and fears destroy your faith. Talk about your faith and your faith will increase. Just think about how you feel when you have come out of a really good church service. You feel light and up lifted, then as the week goes on you feel drained and not as close to God as you did on Sunday. Sunday service rolls around again and you feel great. See the picture? When in church you are surrounded by people who encourage you. You have listened to a sermon that rings true with the Word. Worshiping God with other believers always leaves you feeling great. If we continue this positive up lifting praise through the week then we will feel the presence of God.

Faith demands the impossible and prayer is for things that seems out of our reasoning. When we say, "we cannot" we have been beaten. When we say "we don't have the faith", doubt sneaks in. We close ourselves in by the words we speak. If we claim failure, then failures we will be; if we claim success then successful we will be. Proverbs 6:2 you have been trapped by what you've said, ensnared by the words of your mouth. Our words dominate us. Remember, greater is He that is in you than any force you come against. Make the words you speak work for you. Your faith will never rise above the words you speak. Declare God's words and leave it at that. Do not voice the words Satan puts into your mind, squash them before they leave your lips.

We cannot benefit from who we are in Christ until we let love rule our lips. Remove the phrase, I can't, from our vocabulary and replace it with, I can, God can, God will. If we confess our fears they will rule us. If we confess our freedom in Christ, freedom in Him rules. Thinking and speaking faith leads us from defeat into victory. Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace through God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen." John 8:32, 36: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." "So if the Son sets you free, then you will be free indeed." 

John 15:7 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." This is amazing!! Jesus tells us ask whatever you wish and He will will do it for us, IF we remain in Him and His words remain in us. I think this is the key to unlocking the power of answered prayer. How do we remain in Him? We need to stay away from the things of this world, confess our sins when committed, know His word and then pray according to His word.

When we confess our fears and doubts we give Satan dominion over us. Those words honour Satan. The Father will be to you what you confess Him to be. If prayer is not answered, hold fast to your confession and wait, for He will answer it in His timing and according to His fashion.
Luke 1:37 "For no word from God will ever fail." Isaiah 55:11 "so is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire, and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

Talk about stepping out in Faith! Wow, this will take guts and conviction to do, but if we really want to see results like in the days when Jesus was here this is what we need to practice. Now I am sure, like learning to ride a bike, it will take time and we will fall but with practice we can become good at this. 

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This is a journey one I that I see I have stumbled along many times, but I am plugging on aiming for positive, affirming words that will glorify Him. Will you join me in the walk of faith? He has promised us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Will you take the plunge? Let's know the Word of God better than a specialist in medicine knows his material, so we can go forth praying for people and see results in healing of not only the physical but spiritual and mental as well.

God Bless,


I thought I would share a bit of our place. This is Limper, our snow covered cow! Silly thing, she has so much hay in the field yet she has decided that she wants a breakfast of fir needles! Yuck! 
I am so happy to have snow as last year we only got a dusting of the beautiful white fluffy stuff. Here are some other pics of God's beautiful winter land.

Stellar Jay
Pack rat infested cabin out back :)
God Bless you all!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


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Do we realize the power of the words we say? Words can either build someone up or tear them down. We can pronounce words of healing or destruction. You can accept these words or rebuke them. Our Bible is the Living Word of God. What does that mean? Living means having life; being alive; not dead; in actual existence or use; active or thriving; vigorous; strong; burning or glowing; flowing freely; pertaining to; suitable for; or sufficient for existence or subsistence....The words in our Bible are active and pertain to us today and in the future. 

Hebrews 11, the faith chapter states in 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. I have confidence in what Jesus did on the cross, I trust His work allows me access to God. I can stand in front of God and He can look on me because Jesus redeemed me. I claim this. I have faith that Romans 10:9-10 is true...If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in you heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. I also profess 1 John 4...the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. Do you believe this? I mean really truly believe this. If so then you must also believe that healing follows our confession. Some people, me included, have a dual confession; confessing one moment the truth of the Word but the next moment confessing that He has not made it so in our case. Christianity is the great confession and it is our duty to boldly declare of the truth of the Living Word whether we have seen it happen or not. Abraham boldy declared the promise of a nation that would come from him and he was living by faith when he died.

Isaiah 53:5 But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed. Do you believe this? Every disease, every weakness and every illness was laid on Jesus Christ and we are free of them. Just as He bore our sins, He bore our diseases. We stand complete in Him. Free from the burden, the power, the pain and effect of disease. Confess this! Claim this! Declare this and possess this. It is ours for the taking. We are the righteousness of God in Him, Jesus Christ for He took the price of sin for us. When we confess our sin He wipes the slate clean. We need to believe this and take hold of it. 

I challenge you today to declare healing. To speak forth in declaration not only salvation but who you are in Christ Jesus. The Word will heal you if you continually confess it. I confess Jesus as my Lord therefore I possess salvation. I confess Jesus took my illness for by His stripes I am healed, therefore I possess health. Claim the promises of God then possess them by declaring them over and over again. The words we speak are powerful and they will set us free.

Take a moment to look at this website to know who you are in Christ. Claim your identity in Christ and continue to walk in faith that what you claim you have received.

God bless you and know I am praying and praying for you.       Google Image

Monday, November 22, 2010

God's Guidance

Psalm 73:24-26 (NIV) You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 25:4-5 (NIV) Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. 
                                                 This is my picture please do not copy it unless you ask permission.

God Bless,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Away for the weekend

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I am going to be away for the weekend and hopefully I will have something for you when I get back. Since writing does not come naturally for me I am totally relying on God to tell me what to write about and right now my mind is BLANK! I have many pictures that are flashing through me but no words to go with them. :)

God bless your weekend and know I am praying for you all.

In Him,
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant. For the sake of your name, LORD, forgive my iniquity, though it is great. Psalm 25:9-11NIV

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Knock, knock, knocking on Heaven's door

Persist defined by is:
To continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the like, especially in spite of, opposition, remonstrance.                                                                                                                                                   Google Image 
To last or endure tenaciously
To be insistent in a statement, request, question, etc...

Here are some Bible verses, I am not writing them out as they would take up this whole
post. :) 1 Chronicles 16:10-12 2 Chronicles 7:13-15 Job 8:4-6 Matthew 7:7-8 Luke 11:9-10 Luke 18:1-8

2 Chronicles 7:14-15
...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

If you have read the above Bible verses you will kind of get the idea where this post is leading us to.

God doesn't want us to give up. There are so many references in the Bible where God asks for us to persist in seeking Him; His face. God wants us to humble ourselves before Him, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. He promises us that if we do this He will hear from heaven and forgive us our sins and heal our land. He wants us to keep knocking on His door. Well that is what I am doing, I am bugging Him. :) And you know what? I think He likes it. 

When I went for prayer at Bethel, I was given some reading material to go over before I attended the healing rooms. This material was pretty straight forward and consisted of Bible verses that covered healing and how to repent of my sins. I said the prayers, repented of sin, asked for forgiveness and then was prayed over. I had hands on prayer and the RA was commanded to leave my body. Nothing happened. So we left for the hotel, a bit discouraged but still clinging to His promises. The next day after the 3 hr chapel, people were being healed all around me. Deaf people were hearing, legs were growing out, (yes I did say that). You heard shouts all over the place and me, still the same. One man prayed over my wrists and the pain kept on moving from one spot to another. He claimed that there was a demon on my wrists and concluded that we should continue to rebuke this and claim healing. Well my husband and I looked at each other and he asked me, "really", I told him, "yes, the pain is moving away from the spot this man is praying over". So we left for home and I was a bit better and found that I was slowly recovering movement in my joints. 

A few months later the kids and I were visiting my sister and she recommended I see a man by the name of Henry Warkentin who wrote a book called Answers & Hope for the Struggling Christian  I agreed to see Mr. Warkentin and we talked for over 3 hrs. He told me to think back to when I was little, were there any sins there that I might not have repented for? I thought and thought and said no way, I have repented of all that I remember. Then he asked if I had any fears as a kid. Fears are not of God, except the fear of God Himself. We are to fear God and God alone and if we have another fear, then that is from Satan. We must rebuke this and give the fear to God. So I thought and remembered...........

When I was little I was a pretty happy go lucky kind of girl always getting into near misses of fatal accidents. There was a period of time in my life when  I had a new cast on every six months for 3 years in a row!! My mom was so worried for me and I remember she use to tell me, "you really need to slow down and be careful or you will become a cripple". Cripple!! That terrified me and when I prodded into my past I realized that I was terrified of becoming an invalid. When I mentioned this to Mr. Warkentin he told me I needed to rebuke this sin and ask God for forgiveness. Sin? I didn't think this was a sin, but I did as I was told and you know what? I felt relief!! A lift from a heavy weight on me. Pretty amazing I must say, who would have thought. The healing process was on the move! It still took another 2 years of persistent prayer but I must say I am almost without pain. My joints are normal looking, not deformed. 

We need to step out in faith and claim the healing that God has for us. We also need to repent of all sins, even stuff that we don't think is a sin because Ephesians 4:26-27 states:
26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 
We don't want to give Satan a foothold, an opening in to wreck havoc on us. 

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God Bless,

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Healing Power of God

The blind can see, the lame can walk and the dead rise! This was happening when Jesus was here on earth. But does this happen today? I believe it does. We need to have faith that Jesus heals, belief that Jesus is the only way to the Father and that He is God's son sent to die for us, repentant of the sins we commit and a willingness to change our ways. I think the key to healing is to confess our sins and the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Job 5:8-9 NIV                                                                                      Nikon Sniper Mt. St. Helens
8 “But if I were you, I would appeal to God;
   I would lay my cause before him.
9 He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,
   miracles that cannot be counted."
 13 Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the   sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

How do we become righteous? Easy. First we need to believe Jesus is God's son. Romans 10:9 NIV If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Keep our eyes on Jesus, when we do sin repent of that sin ask Jesus for forgiveness and if we have sinned against someone we need also ask them for forgiveness. Accept the forgiveness from Jesus and believe we are truly forgiven. We also need to look at when we have communion with our church...

1 Corinthians 11:27-31NIV
27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. 31 But if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under such judgment.
If we take part in communion while we have un-confessed sin or anger at someone, we really should make it right with that person before we commune, or just pass on the communion until your heart is right with God again, for we see that this could be a reason we are sick. 

Jesus is perfect and He hears His Fathers voice and does what He says, so when He prayed God answered Him. But can we do this? Can we a people leaning towards sin do this too? Yes! When we become Christians our sinful nature dies with Christ and we become new in Him. We are righteous in front of God because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Yes, we still sin, but the original sin nature is gone. We are pure; white as snow! When we do sin we need to make it right then we can hear God's voice clearly and He will answer our prayers. Sometimes we need to wait for His timing just like Jesus waited before He went to see Lazarus when he was ill and sometimes we get the answer no, just like Paul got when he asked God to remove his affliction and sometimes it is instant. We need to trust God and have faith that His will will be done.

I am not a perfect person, just ask my husband or my kids they will tell you I sure do mess up, but I do have the hope I read in Scripture and the promises of God's word. I believe do you?

If this raises any questions in you please ask and I will do my best to answer, or direct you to an answer. This really is a huge area to cover and I really only scratched the surface. Here is a cool web site I found on Divine Healing, A Bible study on God's Healing Power. 

May God's peace rest on you and I will be praying for those who asked for prayer.

In Him,

Friday, November 12, 2010


Yep, uhuh google image:)

Talk about a huge topic, where in the world do you start? That is what I am asking God who really seems to be placing this in my heart. I think I will have to go back a few years and try to explain what happened to me and why this is something I feel that God is placing on me.

I think it is pretty amazing watching how God directs us. This can be a really slow process and for me it started when I was pretty young. I have always loved animals, all kinds. I remember being really young somewhere around 4 years old, trying to pet a beautiful black and white cat only to have my mom yelling at me to "Stop! Don't pet that kitty!!" Me, being kind of stubborn, didn't listen to the urgency in my mom's voice, continued to approach kitty only to be greeted by a big squirt of disgusting spray. Yep, you got it. It was a skunk! Well, I don't remember much after that but I remember lots of tomato juice baths and asking mommy why did that kitty had to make me stink. That never did deter me from animals I continued to approach them and my mom continued to having to keep me away from many dangers.

Skip forward into the school years. I was always the odd one in school and never really fit in and that hurt. But now when I look back I see this to be God's hand preparing me for His work, preparing my heart to take on the love of His heart; people. I still have a enormous love for animals, especially hurt animals; I am drawn to them and because I was such a loner I was and am still drawn to hurt people. Six years ago I became afflicted with Rheumatoid Arthritis and within a month of acquiring this disease I went from extremely hyper active to barely able to get out of bed in the morning let alone walk. I remember saying to God, ok Lord what is it you want to teach me? And can you make it a quick lesson as I really want to get moving again. Teach me He sure did! He taught me to trust Him and seek Him out. I believed He would heal me and even though I am not 100% I am very mobile and active again.

This leads us into the healing part of this post. I believe God heals and wants to heal all, maybe not in the way we think it should be but in His perfect way. I also believe that God puts people in your path for a reason and I believe that Emily, Summer, Milly and Lisa are in my path for God's reason, (there are more people in my life but they really do not pertain to this blog). I believe God wants to heal these ladies, I am not sure how He wishes to accomplish this but I do know that He wants me to be obedient to the point of embarrassment and to step out in faith. So I am doing that!

Ok, so a few years ago I headed down to a church in Redding California, Bethel Church, because I heard that many people were being healed at this church. The family and I jumped into the truck and headed off on a 20 hr drive. I was prayed over many times and came back home with the instructions to claim healing and rebuke the demon of arthritis. I did. The process for me was not as quick as I wanted it to be but I must say that I am on my way to 100% recovery.

Last year the kids, Grandpa D, Grandma L and I went to a John Paul Jackson conference on the Art of Hearing God. What a pivotal point this was for me. At the end of the conference we did a line up and we were prayed over and had an impartation of gifts laid on us. I was repeatedly prayed for the gift of healing!! Like, blow my socks off! One fellow prayed a 10 times healing gift on me. Excited? Yes! Scared? Oh my yes! Why God? What does this mean? I thought bamm, I would be healed, no. Well, nothing at the time, as it seems to be God's way with me, wait.

This, in a nut shell, leads to this blog. I feel it is God's will for me to pray for the lost, lonely and hurting people and I believe God wants to heal them. How? I am not sure. Does He want to heal His people? Yes! I think that like fasting, healing is thought of as a thing of the past, for the disciples of Jesus' days but I believe it is for us now too. Bill Johnson from Bethel church wrote a book called, When Heaven Invades Earth and that healing is for now and we, by the authority of Jesus and His work on the cross, can claim healing for our sick. I believe this. I am proof of this.

With that being said, I am only His servant and if I have made a fool of myself then so be it. I am trying to hear His voice and step out in obedience to the calling I feel He is giving me. I will pray for you my friends and any other person my Father puts in my path and I lift you up and leave you at His feet; His beautiful blood stained feet where I know you will be safe until He is ready to act on the prayer of health for you, be it here on earth or in heaven.

Google Image, Feet

BOJOY, (Blood of Jesus on you)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


(Translation used NIV)
1, Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.
This is very straightforward and yet intricate at the same time. Let’s unwrap this gift and see what it is! :) The cross reference here is Romans 6:13 Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness.  So, we are not to offer our bodies to sin. In view of the world, what is most important? I would say self. The motto of today seems to be, ‘look out for number one’. Satan is the role model for self worship and this is direct opposite of what God wants in worship. He wants us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. God does not want us to obey the rules of this world, which is self worship, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  When we accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour over our lives we become one with Him. We do away with our old pattern of living and we become babies into a new way of life. Eventually as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus we not only become like Him but we can see the difference between right and wrong therefore being able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.
Wow, very straight forward.....accept Jesus, change your ways, worship God, renew your mind and then you will know God’s will. How do you worship God? Me, I love to dance and sing, or walk about in the mountains praising Him for His creation, but worshiping God is a daily second by second act. Everything we do we should do for the glory of God and that means even the chores we do not like, yes Squeaks dishes and SOTK cleaning the deck. If our lives become a living sacrifice we can worship God 24/7! 
So worship shouldn't be left for Sunday morning but should be a second by second act. Let's renew our mind to be like Christ and worship the Creator of all in everything we do.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why are we here?

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Have you ever wondered why you are here on this earth? What is your purpose? I think Rick Warren got it right in his book, 'The Purpose Driven Life'. He claims that we are here to worship and glorify God, and I agree with him.

God created us to worship Him and if we don't worship Him then we turn ourselves towards worshiping something. That can be money, work, people or anything that becomes first and foremost in your life. I don't know about you but when my eyes wander away from God I feel empty inside, like a piece of me is missing.

Trouble will come in our lives, it is inevitable after all we live in a fallen world. It is how we handle these difficulties that really makes a difference. Now this may sound like an odd thing to do but..........have you ever tried praising and worshiping God when things are really going bad for you? I mean singing out praises of thanks to God for all of our troubles. Sounds really backward from what we would find natural to do like complain, but it really does work and allows us to see that really our troubles are bearable because He handles them for us. For He promised in Matthew 11:28-30      
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I believe that we were created to worship God and when we give Him thanks and praise we will be equipped to handle the problems that come our way. Next time you are feeling really down turn on some worship music and dance and praise the Lord your God; trust me it works!! :)


Hi Dad,
Thank you for impressing on me to start this blog. Please bless it and allow it to be everything that You want it to be. Fill me with Your words so You will be glorified. I praise Your Holy Name and I thank you for bringing these people into my life. Please Father bless, Emily, Summer, Milly and Lisa. Touch them Father and heal them. Draw them close to You and comfort them. Let them feel Your warm presence as You wrap them in Your ever loving arms. Comfort them Lord as they travel down this very hard and rocky road. Guide them so they will walk where You want them to go and please, please ease their pain and suffering.

Father, I also want to pray for Kaboom's friends dad. Will you please give him work? Times are really tough and work is scarce but I have faith that You, the giver of all, will provide for him and the family that you have gifted him with.

Thank you Dad! I worship You above all and praise Your Holy Name. In the name of Jesus amen.

Nehemiah 8:6 NIV

6 Ezra praised the LORD, the great God; and all the people lifted their hands and responded, “Amen! Amen!” Then they bowed down and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground. 

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stepping out in obedience

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Faith! God calls us to be obedient to Him and sometimes that means doing things that we normally wouldn't do; kind of like this blog for me. :) I am not a writer, nor do I have much of a creative writing hand but over the past few months I have felt God calling me to start a public blog. I do have a private one, for my family, but I have never even dreamed of going public until recently. You see God has really been placing on my heart a few people that I have met in the blog world. He has put them on my heart and has given me His heart for them and I am compelled to pray and pray in an urgent way.

I do not know where this blog will lead me but I am excited to make this journey and hope and pray that God will touch those who drop by. The theme of my little corner is going to be Prayer; fasting, praying and obeying God's voice.

If you have a prayer for me or wish for me to pray for someone please leave me a comment and I will commit.

In Him,
Child of God