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--February 22 2017--

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hell's Best Kept Secret

 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.

I had a chance to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit yesterday while I ministered to an atheist and a satanist on Twitter. I do not go out of my way to step into enemy territory because I have learned that if I do something in my own strength then the Father is not with me and I get trashed. So how this occurred is pretty interesting and totally God's doing.

Thursday night I had an amazing time of praising God in #GodsPraiseRoom on Twitter. The normally hour long session went well over 2 hrs plus and this hashtag was #1 trending, reaching millions of people. It was amazing. Friday morning, a friend of mine, sent me a link to one of Ray Comfort's videos called Hell's Best Kept Secret. I have seen this one before but felt urged to watch it again, and man am I glad I did.

Just after watching the 37 minute clip I got a tweet from an atheist and believed God wanted the video to go to this person. The man was very polite and agreed to watch the video and chat with me about it at a later time. Then just after that a satanist sent me a tweet and I confronted him which led into an amazing conversation.

Later that afternoon the atheist got back to me and we chatted for 2 hrs!!! Now, I cannot say that he is now a Christian, but I can say that I know the Holy Spirit is working in his heart. Although he tried to take me down and pull me into a fight, I didn't veer from the gospel and Scripture and he just couldn't argue with that. In the end, he took a good jab at me and so I just praise GOD because I know he was stirred in his soul and some tender spots of his belief system were challenged.

The conversation with the satanist was really cool too. Although it didn't go on for long it was totally amazing to see God's Word make Satan flee. After quoting some Scripture, the demeanor in the, I think boy, changed from being demonic to defensive. He was totally polite, yet still jabbing but him too, I could see the Holy Spirit work in him.

When we as Christians, will ignore the jabs and underhanded ways of non-Christians, and we stick to Scripture, then the Holy Spirit will do His work and minister to those who are in need. This is a spiritual war and we are caught in between. The fight is between God and Satan, so when we fight wearing the armour of God it is God who will win the battle every time. God's ways are upside down to the worlds way and seem very foolish to those who do not know Him BUT, it works! Scripture diffuses the bomb and they cannot argue against it and it leaves the Word of God on their mind and the Holy Spirit will work in them.

Here's the clip from Ray Comfort, I urge you to watch it as it is really good and helps us to know just how to break up the hard heart and sow in God's Word.

I'm linking up with Barbie for The Weekend Brew.



  1. Excellent post title by the way!

    And perfectly timed post- will watch the video a bit later. It is so true about the WOrd of God lingering with people. It is how the HS works. God really used a specific passage of scripture with me and I wrestled with it for two years before fruit was born. John CHapter 3:1-15. Jesus conversation with Nicodemus. The rest is history...or as we like to say His story...THanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Dawn,
      Thank you. :)
      Don't you just love how God will gives us a verse and leave it with us for a few years. He is just pretty amazing.

      Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did.


  2. It's so important for us to know that we live in a different "flow" than the world; in family matters, finances, business practices ~ and yes, even social media (** Bravo to you for being salt and light to this generation. ~Blessings to you

    1. Hi Susy,
      I love how you put it, 'a different "flow"', that is so true. We are separate from the world and we don't think in the same way.

      Thank you for visiting,

  3. It's so amazing how God can only work through those that truly have an obedient heart to follow His lead--no matter what it looks like. Thanks for the video.

    1. H bettyl,
      God, He is just simply amazing. :) I get all giddy when I watch Him move, it is truly something very beautiful.

      Blessings hon, that for visiting,

  4. Wow, friend this is amazing! I know your obedience to the Lord will have a great return. I am believing for this man's salvation!!! I hope to be able to watch the video soon!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      I pray, Father will melt their hard hearts and they will embrace His love & peace & kindness. They have no clue just how amazing God is.

      Thanks for agreeing with me for salvation. :)

      It's a good video I hope you have a chance to watch it.

      Blessings sister,

  5. Hi child of God,
    wonderful, Gods word cannot go out and come back void to Him. The battle belongs to the Lord, there is only one enemy in this world and that is the deceiver, 'the liar from the beginning'. The reason the word of God is so powerful is because IT IS TRUTH. Praise the Lord.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      It is a real beauty to see God's Word in action slicing through and demolishing strongholds.

      Yes, Praise the LORD!!


  6. Really good post. When I used to go into Christian online chatrooms a good few years ago now, I found that often Christians would be arguing, and sometimes viciously, with other Christians. That is the last thing we need. God doesn't just want Christians to preach in churches, He wants us to be light and salt everywhere, preaching to all kinds of people. For a long time, because of my background, I found it very hard to really tell people I was a Christian; Christianity in England has seriously bad connotations, it isn't seen as the thing to be. Now, I often mention to people in passing I am a Christian and it gets through to people; sometimes!

    There is no typical Christian, as there is no typical human. God didn't just create nice Middle class church goers, He created every human with love. So with that, we must remember that every person has a God-centred hole that only God can fill.

    1. Hi T-Child,

      It is sad that Christians have so many problems getting along. And as we get closer to the Rapture it will only get worse. People today are lovers of themselves and are not willing to put the other person first. That just breaks Father's heart.

      Yes!! We are to be the light for God and we are His hands and feet. :) We need to do this with joy because it is Him we are serving and He deserves all.

      Ever single person needs God and we are not complete until we have sanctification through Jesus Christ This is the good news! That we can be reconciled to Father and be made whole.

      Blessings brother,

  7. His Word does not return void. Hugs to you my friend.

  8. Hi JBR,
    Yes indeed!! His Word will come back bountiful!


  9. wow!! sometimes when I get discouraged that we are losing the battle...I come back and remind myself to NOT be discouraged...because we know the end already and God wins!!!

    1. Hi Annmarie,
      Yes!! God has won!! That sure does help drive me forward when I am under attack. We already are on the winning side.


  10. Hi Child of God,
    I have found that when witnessing to unbelievers, it is most important to stand strong on God's Word. They will try to take us down a path leading the conversation away from the truth of scripture. We must keep bringing the conversation back to scripture and speaking to them the Word of God. The bible say's, "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

    I love everything Ray Comfort produces. I was listening to him on a radio program a couple of weeks ago, he has a new video and book out titled, "Hitler, God and the Bible." You can watch the video on u-tube. I haven't seen it yet, but it sure did sound interesting.

    Thank you for sharing this and may God bless you and I pray for the people you witnessed to on twitter.

    1. Hi Ken,
      You know these non believers can be so sneaky! I agree with you that it is key to keep to Scripture even if they think it is all bogus. It is the Holy Spirits job to catch them and real them in, it is ours to throw out the line and wait. You know, in my own strength I can not do this because the tactics they use really hurt and make me want to lash back at them, but with Father right there with me, His Spirit comes in, soothes the hurt and gives me all the right words and Scripture verses to reply with. When I sat back and mulled over in my the conversation I was just awed at how Father worked. He is truly brilliant!!

      I will check out this new video, sounds great!

      Thank you for praying for these lost souls. It totally breaks my heart knowing how blind and deaf they really are.



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God Bless,