Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
your paths straight.
The above verse is fairly easy to do when your life is smooth sailing. If the trials you face are only involving you then this can be doable, hard, but doable. But, bring other people into the equation like your loved ones and this can be very difficult especially if there is a life threatening situation at hand.
God asks us to trust Him and His wisdom even when we can't see the rationale behind it. He wants us to recognize Him in every situation that we come across, not just the easy stuff but the really hard, tough stuff, like the sickness or death of a dear loved one.
When we trust and acknowledge His presence and divine, perfect ways, then we realize that our paths are straighter and our destination one of peace, joy and pure bliss even when the outcome is not favourable.
Jeremiah 17:7 NIV
But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
Blessed in
1. consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified: the Blessed Sacrament.
2. worthy of adoration, reverence, or worship: the Blessed Trinity.
3. divinely or supremely favoured; fortunate: to be blessed with a strong, healthy body; blessed with an ability to find friends.
4. blissfully happy or contented.
If we trust in the Lord we are considered by Him consecrated, scantified, supremely favoured, sacred and holy. When we trust in the Lord we are sanctified with Jesus Christ and become one with Him. Jesus is holy and through His sacrifice we too are holy.
Painful trials like the loss and sickness of a loved one are very hard to go through, but if we go through it trusting in God and His ways then we will come out on the plus side. We may not understand the reasons why this side of life but He does assure us that we will understand. Then we will see His plan and all things will fall into perfect perspective.
Psalm 125:1 NIV
Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
Although sometimes very painful, God's ways are always perfect and right. Trust in Him, He will provide the explanation eventually. The lessons and gold nuggets we gain through the trials of life are precious and worth the pain we go through, but only if we keep our eyes on Jesus and look through His window and not ours.
What I intend for good can be flawed and lack wholeness. Please help me to trust in You and Your perfect ways even when it looks like my whole world is falling apart. Even when I am in amongst pain and suffering, help me to keep my eyes on You and trust that You do indeed know what is right and good will come out of any situation that I give fully into Your capable hands. I trust You Lord, help me in this I pray. In Jesus name, amen.