My son, SOTK (son of the king), is in a major growth spurt! He is 15, 6'5 and growing up wards. This morning he came and sat down with me and proceeded to tell me the dream he had last night. "Mom, I had a very real dream last night. We all went out for dinner at a fine steak restaurant. You guys ordered steak, medium and I ordered mine medium rare. The waiter brought them to us and I dug into mine only to find out that mine was rare! Mom! I woke up with my finger in my mouth and blood everywhere!! I bit into my finger!
SOTK's bitten finger |
Oh my! What to do? I guess this bottomless pit of a boy will have to have a major snack before bed time until this growth spurt slows down!
Have any of you had dreams that are so real? Are you willing to share? I once had a dream that I could fly. I believed I really flew around the house. For years and years I tried to fly only to find out that I couldn't. It wasn't until I was 18 or so that I realized it was only a dream and really, I couldn't fly!!
I pray that your son's finger will be okay!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is so very true!
I feel we have to be partially awake in our dreams.
One time I was having a dream I could actually see and feel my spirit in a transparent image coming out of my body. This was very frightening to me, so I called out the name Jesus! After doing so I felt and saw my spirit go back into my body! The name Jesus was the key, otherwise who knows where I would have gone!
God's Blessings to you my sister in Christ and your family,
Hi Lon,
ReplyDeleteThat is a wild dream you had!! My daughter had the same dream about 2 mths ago. She said she was so scared. I don't think this types of dreams are from Jesus, you did right in calling out His name.
Thanks for sharing your dream experience.
You are right, these kind of dreams are not from Jesus!!! This is the reason I had to call out His name!!!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless,
Lon, there is so much power in the name of Jesus. There have been many nights I have been woken up from a scary dream with Jesus on my lips.
That is one realistic dream!
ReplyDeleteI have very vivid and sometimes unsettling dreams. Dreams are a strange thing.
Hi Ma,
ReplyDeleteMy son was just commenting on how he is nervous to sleep tonight as he cannot control his stomach! :)
My husband and daughter have pretty vivid dreams as well. My daughter, Squeaks, keeps a dream journal for God has shown her some pretty neat stuff; prophetic for our church.
Ouchy! If you get one of those gimongous candy bars for V-Day totally give him some before bed LOL...ok no don't choco gives you nightmares hahahah
ReplyDeleteOK so I am gonna tell you a funny story so ya'll will know everyone can have dreams that feel real...
When the hubs and I first got married he was asleep and apparently he was dreaming about a big trancula (spider) and I guess he dreamed it was on me so he swated at me and ouchy it hurt LOL and I woke up and he jumped out of bed and ran to the door and I laughed soooo hard and i said thanks if it was a spider you totally was gonna leave me with it hahahhahahah
Summer that is soooooo funny!! Hahaha!! Poor you! Dreams can feel so real sometimes. I'm glad he didn't get you on the nose. ;P
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing,
Hello Child of God,
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day to you, to all your dear family and beloved ones!! I am so happy you visit me.
You have got an amazing blog, I may say, sweet Child of God.
I was going through your posts, and I found your last topic truly superb. You know how to catch the reader's attention with one super post. You ask your readers to share their dreams. Well, that is something I actually have tried to erase from my mind, not my dreams but my nightmares...
I have been suffering from nightmares since I was a little child. My nights were haunted with dreadful dreams about a serial killer chasing me all the time trying to catch me. So, the only way that I was able to get away was by FLYING AWAY...He never caught me. The character of the killer was an old man, and I was just a frightened child. Lately, I have been dreaming with many lions. In the dream, I was walking through a desert with no water and no food. Then, I saw somebody in the distance with a truck. When I tried to run towards the man in the truck calling out for help, all the lions began to chase me trying to eat me up alive. Then, I woke up crying loudly and calling out for Jesus' most Almighty and Holy Name. The Lord always came to my rescue after all.
I also dreamed with tornadoes, hurricanes, flood and other natural disasters crushing me or blowing me away. I have hard times in falling asleep, so I take prescribed sleeping pills. My nights are filled up rather with nightmares than pleasant dreams.
The worst ones were during my childhood when the serial killer stalked in the dark, trying to snatch the body and kill a child who was me, back then... Now, I am a mother and a grandmother. Those days are gone with the wind. I use those things to write thriller's short tales. Yes!! I've got a good dream, the dream to become a published author. I want to publish my Book of Poems and Short Stories. Well, I think I have written a whole chapter by now. Have a Happy Valentine's Day, sweet Child of God with all your beloved ones!!
God may bless you all!!
In God's Garden,
Starry Dawn.
Hello Child of God,
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day to you all!!
You have got a super topic right here with dreams...
I hope and pray that you post my last entry. I was telling you about my dreams...
God may bless you all!!
In God's Garden,
Hello again Child of God,
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying to our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for your son's healings and complete recovery in his finger.
Prayers on your way,
Starry, a prayer warrior.
Hi Starry Dawn,
ReplyDeleteThank you for praying for my sons finger! The very wonderful thing about being in a growth spurt is you heal really quick. He is feeling much better and was tossing around hay bales like nothing happend! Praise our God!!!!
Dreams can be pretty wild a source of communication for good and evil. The awesome thing is we can rebuke evil dreams with the name of Jesus. I have done so many times and there have been many times I have woken up praying for my kids only to find out later that they had a nightmare that all of a sudden stopped.
I will pray for you Starry Dawn. Have you tried covering your self in the blood of Christ before you go to bed? Also really helps to make a prayer walk around your house and cover your windows and doors with prayers and the name of Jesus rebuking Satan and commanding him to stay out. For he must obey a child of God he has no choice but to obey. Take authority over him and rebuke him for scary dreams can only be from him.
How awesome you want to publish your poems and short stories! That is fantastic! Go for it.
God bless your sweet spirit.
In Him,
Wow, that is quite a growth spurt and quite a realistic dream. Ouch!
ReplyDeleteGod bless your boy Child of God!!!
Wow, interesting post. Oh wow, pray that your son's finger will be okay. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteWow-15 and 6'5?! That's crazy that he bit his finger as he was dreaming...poor guy!
ReplyDeleteYes, I've had very real dreams (none that I've bit my finger on though :) My brother knows me as the person who has the most weird dreams...and sometimes (okay, MOST of the time) they're flat out gross and freaky. So I'm hesitating to share those ;) Once, I dreamed that a huge T-rex was chasing me around the house. When I finally made it inside, I ran to my room. I slowly started opening the curtain, and the dinosaur's head was right up against it with his eyes glaring and teeth showing. That still completely gives me the creeps when I think about it...
Hi Vilisi,
ReplyDeleteThat was a crazy real dream! I guess he was pretty hungry!
SOTK's finger is well on the mend thanks for the prayers.
Hi Kaboom,
That is a very scary dream! I use to have dreams like that. I would be running but I was stuck in thick mud and really couldn't move and then like Starry Dawn said, I would, out of desperation, fly away and do these amazing flips and sommersaults that would put a gymnast to shame. :)
God bless,
Hi Child of God -
ReplyDeleteThat was some dream that your son had. Wow! It was quite real to him.
And, Child of God, you DO fly in the Spirit as you soar as an eagle for our Lord.
Isaiah 40:31 -KJV
"...they shall mount up with wings as eagles;...
Hi Sandra,
ReplyDeleteI guess my son was really hungry! :) He once asked me if it was ok to be in love with food. Haha! I told him no it wasn't, but I think that for this time in his life it was fine to be thinking about it as his body is really needing it right now.
Yes I guess we do fly in the Spirit! I know when I pray in the Spirit my prayers jump all over the place, as the Spirit leads.
Thanks Sandra,
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI once had a dream that I ate a giant marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow was gone! :-)
ReplyDeleteTake care and have a great week :-)
Hi Ron,
ReplyDeleteOh my! That IS funny! I wonder if your pillow was feather or sponge.
Dear child of God, Thanks for stopping by my blog to give encouragement. It is true, there is a time to keep quiet and a time to speak. I know the Lord will guide me as I follow Him and do my best to tell others about Him. Time is getting closer and closer for our Kings return. I want to work while it is day. But I don't want to get ahead of the Spirit or behind.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted you to know that I have prayed for Joanne since I first read about her. I know others need prayer and I pray but she especially comes to mind often.
Looks like there is much improvement. I thank God for that.
Visit again. I enjoyed your visit.
Gosh, I have never heard of this happening before??
ReplyDeleteAbout dreams, I feel a bit scared. Before I left my 29yrs abusing marriage I dreamt about being pregnant, being in labour and then giving birth and dying. I asked God about it and knew I would begin a new life. These dreams were over months.
This week on three consecutive nights I dreamed, I had a new baby, a toddler, and a young child. I believe this means a sudden change in my life. Now I wonder what it is?? I must just trust, pray and obey..
I feel I should have written this in an email..??
Much love Crystal xxx
Hi Aliene,
ReplyDeleteI love visiting you at your blog, you are a very pleasant person. Thank you for keeping Joanne in your prayers for I feel she is very special too.
Hi Crystal Mary,
Interesting dream you had. I have no idea what it is. I will be keeping you in my prayers.
Feel free to email anytime, I welcome them.
I am sorry for the abusive marriage that is very tough. I thank God that you are safe! I praise Him for giving you dreams, wonderful dreams that mean something.
Blessings to you Child of God. I once had a dream where the entire sky in changed color to pure white and I started going up praising Jesus, the rapture just happened. Then I woke up.
ReplyDeleteHi Ken,
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet dream that would be! Only I would have been very sad waking up to find out that it wasn't real!
God bless and thanks for sharing,
Glad his finger is on the mend. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteChild, What a though-provoking post, I myself dream often many more leasant than not but when there not the Lord erases them, so though my heart is racing and I am awakened I don't recall them. I think it's because I try and lift my dreams before I go to sleep and my Saviour spares me when necessary because I ask ahead of time. I do hope your son gets some peaceful rest...Have him lift his dreams up before he closes his eyes, I will lift him up in prayer God Bless and have a fruitful week Patricia
ReplyDeleteHi JBR,
ReplyDeleteHis finger is surprisingly fine!
Hi Patricia,
Good idea to lift your dreams before the Lord. Thanks for the idea I will pass it on to my son.