
Monday, April 10, 2017

Signs and Wonders


DAILY DIRECTIVE - Day 68 // April 10

Signs and Wonders

The Word teaches that signs and wonders are to point to the reality of Jesus Christ as Saviour. With this in mind let us press in today to pray for an outbreak of signs and wonders across Canada which will lead multitudes into the Kingdom. Please pray that those in full time ministry would be endowed with power from on high and that signs and wonders would follow them as they preach Christ. Please also pray that all believers would be walking in a strong spirit of faith and that signs and wonders would follow them to confirm that Jesus is Lord. Please pray for notable miracles that will not only testify to the recipient of the miracle but to many others as well. Let's believe for high profile demonstrations of the power of the Gospel and high profile salvations that would impact many. Let us thank the Lord for confirming the finished work of the Cross through signs and wonders that point to the victory of Christ.
Please also add praying for TheCRY Kingston to your daily prayer list. Thank you so much.

2 Corinthians 12:12

For the signs of the apostle were performed among you in all perseverance, and in signs, and wonders, and miracles.


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  1. Lord I agree with the prayer for signs and wonders, and I ask that Your Spirit increase in Your church and that Your Word not be made void through mans' traditions. I pray that faith in You and Your Word increase, and that we as Your people be obedient to Your Word. Amen.


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God Bless,