
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Parliamentary Pro Life Caucus & TheCRY Kingston


DAILY DIRECTIVE - Day 63 // April 5

Parliamentary Pro Life Caucus & TheCRY Kingston

Today we wanted to ask for prayer for two strategic national initiatives. Firstly, the Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus which meets in Ottawa today (Wed April 5th) at 6:30pm. Please pray for a strong presence of Holy Spirt in this caucus meeting. Please pray for God's covering and protection over this important group of MPs and interest groups who meet to discuss how to advance pro-life legislation at the federal level. Please pray for deep unity. Please pray for heaven's strategies. Please pray for ridiculous favour over this group. Please also pray that more likeminded Members of Parliament would feel compelled to join it and intentionally work for the cause of life. Please pray that God would prosper this mandate of this group and establish the work of their hands at a federal level.
Secondly, please pray for TheCRY Kingston. Please pray that all the necessary planning elements (venue, tech needs etc.) would fall into place with grace, speed and ease (negotiations with venues and tech companies are currently underway). Please pray that any resistance the enemy would send against this national gathering would be halted and turned back. Please pray that the word would get out about TheCRY Kingston and that many would be compelled to come and pray and fast in Kingston on Canada's 150th. Please pray for a clear sound to go forward for ears to be open to hear. Please pray for a strategic leaders gathering that will happen in Kingston on the 11th to prepare for TheCRY. Pray for unity, clear vision and synergy at this meeting. Please pray for the needed finances and for great favour and breakthrough in this area. Please pray that this gathering would hit the mark for the Lord's purposes and net a powerful breakthrough in the spirit realm for the Lord's purposes in Canada.
Please also add praying for TheCRY Kingston to your daily prayer list. Thank you so much.

Psalm 90:17

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!


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to visit our on-line fasting calendar and choose your day or days to fast during this 150 day period.


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God Bless,