
Monday, January 12, 2015

Submission; Surrender

Happy New Year! 

In my neck of the woods we are holding at around 0 degrees Celsius and have a ton of snow!! I am so thankful for 4x4 and studded tires otherwise the family and I would be home bound!

I had a wonderful Christmas with my family and our New Year was brought in with two baptisms on New Years Eve. What a deep joy to see two young kids make a public declaration of their love for Jesus. Now that’s the way to start a new year!

I also learned to downhill ski. Although I was terrified at first I did it and now I am able to make it down the green hill without falling. I can hardly wait to go again! It was so much fun.

I have spent a lot of time praying asking Father if He had a new word for me this year. 2013 I had Spiritual Warfare, 2014 He gave me Obedience and 2015 He has taken obedience and brought it into two divisions. Submission; Surrender. I have mentioned before I feel like I am a spinning top going deeper and deeper into Father as I swiftly spin on top of Jesus my Centre, my Support, my Everything.

Definitions taken from (I removed some of the off track definitions to make this post shorter, although they still do apply.)
Submission: (n)

the quality or condition of being submissive to another

Surrender: (verb used with object)

1. to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand or under duress:
4. to give up, abandon, or relinquish (comfort, hope, etc.).
5. to yield or resign (an office, privilege, etc.) in favor of another.

7. the act or an instance of surrendering.

This past year has brought a lot of changes not only to my daily life but to who I am as a person. I am being stretched beyond what I ever thought was possible. I am doing things I couldn’t even bring myself to think about without getting sick over. The biggest challenge has been praying publicly, over a speaker, leading our church in opening prayer. I still find it very hard to do but every time I obey Him, He comes right in and fills me up with His Spirit and takes over. That really is a miracle. I am so shy and I really dislike being the center of attention but just like our faithful Daddy, He gave me a way that not only helped me do this but brings great glory to Him. When I go up to pray I kneel and ask the church to kneel with me if they are able.

I am excited to see what He has in store for this year, but I must admit, I am a bit nervous too. As He shows me how to yield even more to His will, I am sure it will be painful yet He will be glorified and that is the desire of my heart.

There are two verses that came with these words.


James 4:7 ESV
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Mark 14:35-36 ESV
And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Have you asked Father for a word for this year 2015? If so please share it in a comment, I would love to hear what it is and how you feel about it. 


  1. Oh I love that scripture in Jeremiah...submission is a great word, one Jesus fully understands as He submitted to the cross for our sake. Happy New Year child of God..

    1. Hi Betty,
      Happy New Year!
      It is comforting knowing Jesus fully understands what it takes to submit. His gift to us goes way beyond my understanding and when I think about that I am so humbled.

      Thanks for visiting.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi JBR,
      Thanks hon. I know this year is going to be a real challenge for me but I am ready for it. I am so glad for your online friendship and sharing with you on Facebook. 2014 has been fun!

      Blessings hon,

  3. Oh the beauty of submission. I remember when I was so afraid to pray on the mic during corporate prayer. I quickly was able to get over my fear the more I submitted it to Him. May this year bring about much love, joy, peace and prosperity as you go deeper in Him.

    1. Hi Barbie,
      It is an odd feeling hearing my voice coming over the loud speaker. It can put me into freeze mode if I dwell on it. It is only by the grace of Holy Spirit that I can do this. Each and every time He carries me, and that is such a cool feeling.
      Thank you for the blessing and the encouragement with your testimony. It is nice to know there are others who were fearful and were able to overcome.

      Blessings hon,

  4. Your growth in Christ is inspiring. Thank you for sharing. I think some people believe being Christian is "easy" and that only those called into the ministry will be asked by God to do things they find uncomfortable. But everyone is called to deny self and draw closer to our Savior.
    I look forward to hearing more about what God is doing in your life in 2015.

    1. Hi TC,
      It is because I am so in love with Jesus that I am growing. I am allowing Him to work in me and move me in areas that I would never venture on my own.
      "I think some people believe being Christian is "easy" and that only those called into the ministry will be asked by God to do things they find uncomfortable"
      I have pondered this quote from you for a long time now and it has turned into a desperate prayer of mine, to see the 'church' wake up. All who claim Jesus as Lord are called to fully submit to Him and do their part in His Kingdom. If all Christians really took Scripture to heart I know this world would be a very different place.

      Looking forward to sharing what He is doing in 2015!!

      Blessings dear one. :)

  5. So wonderful how the Lord is making your faith grow stronger with your obedience and your faithfulness...You are truly an inspiration, Sweetie!
    I love the second part of that verse in James that says..."Draw nearer to God and He will draw nearer to you."...Maybe when we are on our 'spiritual knees' that is when we are nearer to God.
    My word for 2015 is 'Heart'...I am learning to listen and look with my heart....So far I feel inspired by living this way!
    Blessings and love~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I agree with you that when we are on our knees in humility and prayer God draws near to us. Just yesterday before the lunch that is served to our neighbouring high school kids, I felt the pull by Father to bend my knee in prayer during the giving thanks for the food. I have done this before, but I was always out of sight from the majority of the kids but yesterday I was in full view of about 3/4 of them. I struggled to obey, because it really is embarrassing to show such humility in front a bunch of rebellious teens. I did eventually obey and I felt the peace and presence of Father. I only hope that act ministered to someone who was watching.

      I LOVE your word, Heart!! I am excited to see how your year goes as you listen and look with your heart.

      Blessing and love hon,

  6. Good for you, sister. I appreciate your heart and humility. That is the mark of a child of God… one of humility, not pride.

    Those verses really spoke to my heart. Thanks for your obedience. I'll be pondering my word for this year and being thankful I'm in the desert! It's cold enough for me here!!!

    1. Hi Floyd,
      I see a lot of humility in you! And, that encourages me greatly and inspires me to go even deeper into God. It's amazing how this brotherly love works and pushes us on to dig even deeper into His Word.

      Lol the desert!! I'm wondering if you can sand ski there. That would be fun. :)

      Blessings brother, that for always being so supportive.


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God Bless,