
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Spiritual Warfare; The Next Generation

Ezekiel 33:1-9 NIV
1The word of the Lord came to me: 2“Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, 3and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, 4then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head. 5Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves. 6But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’

7“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 8When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 9But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved.

 Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock!

I hear the sound of a clock and it is getting louder and louder every day reminding me that the time is short. I just recently read an article talking about how Lesbian premier orders Ontario’s sex-ed update to teach kids about giving sexual ‘consent’ from ‘the very earliest stages’. My heart just sunk. How can God be pleased with us? Surly our time here on earth as we know it must be running out.

I have read Ezekiel 33:1-9 before and felt an underlying nudge on my heart but it was only a dull probing. Today, as I read this familiar passage, that nudge was pretty intense and I felt if I ignored this probing I would be disobeying Father's leading. Where is He leading me? I am not too sure. I am pretty certain I am not a watchman but I am also certain that as a Christian, I have a duty to share what I know with those who Father brings into my path.

This year I am helping out with our churches after school program and youth/young adults. Many of these kids do not know much about God and I am thrilled that I have a moment in their week to share Jesus with them. What I am noticing is the more I share the more the spiritual warfare increases. Last week while helping serve lunch to these kids the warfare was so intense that after the kids left I felt very drained and just needed to be along with Daddy. What I learned was I was lacking proper prayer cover. I went in, in the flesh and not in the Spirit. There is a war for the next generation and the devil is pushing the limits. The only way to overcome is to humble myself to Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead and direct me. This week I went in to help after having spent a lot of time in prayer for those kids, the workers and drawing a blood line around the church asking Father to hold back the attack of the evil one. What a difference!!! The rebellion was gone and those kids were receptive to the word being shared.

I see God cannot be pleased with us at all. How can He when we have regulations, like the one I shared in the above article, being pressured into our school system. How can He when we have walked away from His rules to follow those which please the flesh? We, as Christians, need to blow the trumpet and spread the Word so we don't have the blood of none believers on our heads. (Here I made a mistake and mixed up two thoughts. See comment from Brenda and my response.) Once we have shared the Word then we have done what we are supposed to do and it is up to those listening to make a choice.

Intense prayer every step of the way is needed if we want to see these strongholds come down. 



  1. Tonight before reading your post, we watched a Christian movie entitled 'Persecuted'. It was about a pastor who was asked to agree with a new piece of legislature that would unite all faiths in the U.S...I will not say more in case you want to see it...But I was jolted awake in my spirit while watching the film...God has been whispering in my ear, and like a child just awakening from a fevered sleep, I sense his voice getting clearer and stronger ushering me fully awake (very recently). Of course it begins with our convictions, and then we must once again turn from (repent) whatever has kept us distracted and face our Father awaiting his Word.
    It wasn't an coincidence that I read your post tonight.
    The movie reminded me of a video you posted not long ago about how the churches are turning to the 'feel good' kind of preaching.
    Thank you for this post and for being so faithful to our Lord...and willing to show your heart for the Kingdom...You are an inspiration to me, and I am sure you will be to the children you are ministering to as well.
    I plead the blood of Jesus over you...and may no weapon formed against you prosper. ~In Jesus' name~ Amen.
    ((hugs)) <3 Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I have not heard of this movie, but I will check it out as it sounds good. It is hard to find good Christian movies.

      How cool this post supported what you are sensing from Father. I just finished reading 'The Harbinger' by Jonathan Chan. This is another one of those, 'WAKE UP' type books. Very surreal the events he relays in the book how they fit in with today and Biblical prophecy. You might want to read it I know you will enjoy and glean a lot from it.

      We really need to be active in sharing the love and everlasting life we have been given in Jesus, there are so many who just don't know about Him and the love and forgiveness He has for us.

      Thank you for your prayers and pleading the Blood of Jesus on me. We are in a war zone and it is only through Jesus Christ that we will survive.

      Hugs and love to you too my sister,

  2. Hi coG,
    I had this from Ezekiel spoken to me a long time ago. the 'watchman' is a watchman over the people of Israel, 'Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.'

    This is talking about God's Spiritual Israel, the church. It is the church that the watchman has to warn.

    1. Hi Brenda,

      I do realize this is passage is talking to the church and it is a call of repentance and a turning back to God. I see where I made a mistake in saying, “We, as Christians, need to blow the trumpet and spread the Word so we don't have the blood of none believers on our heads.” Thank you for your gentle correction.
      I guess I mixed up two ideas and didn’t explain myself correctly. Here I am talking about the Christians and the state of our country and the non-believer that Father has put into our paths. In sharing both points, I messed up and got off track. Again thank you for catching it.


  3. Hi coG again,
    please don't consider what I said as correction, I know that you already would have known that. If I had not been in such a rush I would have, and should have, said more in my comment . I believe it is good to bring the scriptures into the discussion so that if any one who is reading the post and maybe didn't see the Scriptures spiritually, they would have a little more enlightenment.

    It is good for us all to share and be built up, as I often am by reading your posts. It is also lovely to read about your beautiful encounter with the children.
    God bless you.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I'm glad you said something to me and didn't just let it pass. :) I am very poor at getting my thoughts out in writing.

      I had a lovely time with the youth/young adults last night and today we are taking them skiing/snowboarding!! I am so excited and feel so blessed to share another day with them this week.

      Blessings hon,

  4. "Today is the day of Salvation"

    As a Christian we must make the most of every opportunity. I'm so thankful that as a youth I learned to put on the Armor of God each morning.
    I think many Christians downplay or are ignorant of the realness of spiritual warfare.

    "Ascent from Darkness" by Michael Leehan really opened my eyes to the reality around us. Before reading that book I'd never before realized that there were people praying against Christians. I'd only thought of us praying for the lost.

    1. Hi TC,

      What a blessing it is to have walked in Truth since your youth! These kids I'm working with are very rebellious to God, not knowing a lot about Him and really shutting down when we talk about Him. It is a very special opportunity given to our group to share with and love these kids. The warfare around them is intense and I believe it will be through sharing God's Word and a ton of prayer that the demonic attack will be held back so these kids can be free to make the choice of salvation or not.

      I will have to look this book up. I have been praying for a few people who are dealing with the occult either themselves or one of their family members and what I am learning is 1, satanists put Christians to shame but their dedication to prayer and their god and 2, it is deeper then I could possibly have imagined. But the most wonderful thing is our God is even deeper and so much more powerful and this evil is and has been conquered by Love.

      Thanks for sharing hon, blessings.

  5. That made me sick to my stomach… What happened to plain old common sense and protecting our children as long as possible?

    Prayer is indeed the best and only place to start. Maybe we are all watchmen of our corner of the world...

    1. Hi Floyd,
      It is sad news. The public school system is failing fast and yet society thinks this is great. What terrible shape we are in.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. :)


  6. Hi coG,
    have you stopped blogging? I came across Googleplus1 on my blog and opened it for the first time, but I do not know anything about having people in my circles or being in people's circles. When I clicked on it I found that nine people including you have me in their circles and I have three people in mine. I have never clicked into that before. I am a bit afraid to click on things because I had a bad virus on my computer a while back, but I would like to learn more. I would particularly like to join an on line prayer group. I will have to look into it more. Hope you are keeping well, God bless.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I'm still around just been busy on the farm and running the House of Prayer out of my church. I'm also working with my churches youth group. I have been around more of Facebook as I find it easier to share all the different prayer requests there since I don't need to acquire permission to share information on those who are in need of prayer. But, I haven't abandoned this blog yet. :)

      Hmm, that's odd that you just opened Googleplus 1 and found you have friends already in your circles. I wonder if people have just added you because of your blog. I don't understand exactly how it works.

      I know there are a few online prayer groups around. If I find one I will share the link with you.

      Thanks for visiting. :)

      Blessings hon,

    2. Thank you coG
      Blessings to you and your prayer group.

  7. Blessings and Happy Resurrection Day Brenda! Praying you find a local prayer group to join into or maybe Father will have you start one up.


  8. Thank you coG, I think the Lord may be guiding me towards it through a dream I had recently.
    God bless

  9. Oh gosh, this world is becoming so bad... I hate to read so many of the awful happenings. I have come to learn about the Leviathan Spirit.. it is a terrible demon and still very active from early Bible times until now. Research it on Google. I was surprised.

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      Thanks for stopping by! :)
      I agree this world is becoming so bad. :(
      I have been dealing a lot with the Leviathan Spirit here where I live and it is a terrible demon. It is very powerful, delusional and has many people caught in it's vortex of evil.

      All children of God need to seek Father in Truth, repent of our sins and chase after Him because I believe Jesus is coming back soon.


  10. That was a very powerful post Child of God, my sister in Christ, thank you for sharing!

    God bless,


  11. I hate it when my computer does that! I started to comment and whoosh it was gone! LOL, I see you haven't blogged in a while, I've slowed down quite a bit as well, but hope to get back into a regular habit of it, I've been spending too much time on Facebook, but one gem, Eva (from Namaste), got back to me to thank me. She lives in Hungary. I recommended Frank Perretti's books, she was able to find "This Present Darkness" in Hungarian and said she cannot put it down! Praise the Lord! I too have been sensing a greater urgency to get the truth out there, so many are lost and confused. I hope the church wakes up to her responsibility. <3 Love you, maybe next time we head out west we can stop for coffee!

    1. Hi Susan,
      Yes, I haven't blogged for a long while. The Lord just hasn't led me here. I am waiting on Him to show me what He wants me to do with this blog, but so far He is silent.

      How cool you were able to connect with Eva and suggest the Frank Perretti books! Those are good ones. I will keep her covered in prayer.

      Blessings hon, see you on Facebook!


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God Bless,