
Saturday, March 26, 2011

When Trouble Comes

2 Corinthians 1:8-11 CEV

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My friends, I want you to know what a hard time we had in Asia. Our sufferings were so horrible and so unbearable that death seemed certain. In fact, we felt sure that we were going to die. But this made us stop trusting in ourselves and start trusting God, who raises the dead to life. God saved us from the threat of death, Please help us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks for the blessings we receive in answer to all these prayers. and we are sure that he will do it again and again. 

When life is smooth and things are going good it is so easy to forget God. Why should we seek Him out when we have everything in front of us. Finances are flowing in, family and friends around to keep us company and we feel loved and our health does not even cross our mind. It is when these things are stripped away from us that our floor drops out from under our feet and we find ourselves falling and suffering. It is during these times that we realize we need more than just our self or family and friends, money or food. None of these things can provide us the comfort we need it is then that we seek out God or He reaches us by seeking us out that we can find the all surpassing comfort we need. 

If our lives were so smooth that we never had any troubles we would never search God out. God uses these problems to reach and shape us into the people He wants us to be. It is when we turn away from self and focus on Him that things become better. He may not restore the materialistic things to us or even our health back but He will give us a all surpassing comfort that goes beyond understanding and He shapes us into the person He wants us to be to serve Him and others who maybe need to learn from the experiences we have gone through.

I have found that during these times of pain and sorrow I will turn to God for comfort and answers but I noticed that as soon a things are moving along smoothly I tend to stop focusing on Him and go back to life as it was. Then trouble comes back in and I look to Him again. This is not what God wants of us, He wants us to keep Him in the center of our lives praising and glorifying Him in good times and in bad. He wants us to take our focus off of self and put it on Him because it is in Him that we find our greatest pleasure. 

I have heard stories of people suffering in prison for their faith. They are being beaten and tortured but their faith in God increases. The Holy Spirit comes in and fills the deep need they have inside even through they are physically suffering, I want the Holy Spirit to fill me like this and the only way this can happen is by rejoicing in Him in all circumstances, taking our focus off of self and turning it on to God. Brother Yun author of  'The Heavenly Man' is one such story of faith and obedience to Jesus Christ, being empowered by the Holy Spirit through prayer from himself and family and friends who covered him during trial and persecution.

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Nobody likes trouble to come but it will come to all of us at one point in time or another. When it does come don't look inward but upward towards God and keep your eyes on Him who sent us the comforter to be with us empowering us with His Spirit, praying in all circumstances and singing praises to Him who created all.

Jesus thank you for giving us hope! For showing us a path when there is trouble all around us. Brother, I want to be like You so please forgive me when I have not looked to You during the good times in my life. You are my center and I want to revolve around You. Praise Your Holy Name!! Jesus Christ, in You I ask and pray. Amen.


  1. Amen, our troubles comes to draw us closer to God. That is why we are called to glory in tribulation, knowing it works patiience; and patience gives us experience; and experience gives us hope. I know without some of the painful things that I had gone thru in this life, I would not be close to God as I am now:)

  2. Hi Toyin,
    I believe third world countries see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit more than we do because they are lacking therefore seeking Him more. Here in North America we have plenty and our eyes are turned to self dependency instead of towards God for provision.

    I praise God for the lessons you have learned because your posts are so rich, I truly love reading what you have to say.

    Blessings sister,

  3. This is a very good post, thank you!!!

    If we keep our eyes on Christ Jesus at all times, then when the bad times come, they won't seem so bad when they appear.

    God's Blessings to you sis,


  4. Hope is the anchor we hold on to when trouble comes. FLoods come to lead us to seek the higher ground, and the earth shakes so that what is unshakable will remain.

    Your posts are always so timely and relevant.

    I love reading your heart. So encouraged by this post.


  5. Hi, Child of God!

    I've missed your posts these last few days!!! What a blessing it is to read your words. This is a powerful post. It reminds me of Deut. 8 where God warns the children of Israel, as they are about to enter the Promised Land, not forget the Lord who delivered them out of Egypt and all that He did for them in the wilderness. I believe in my heart that the greatest blessings of the Lord in my life are yet to be manifested but He has allowed me to be conditioned to receive those blessings, so that when those blessings come, He will not be forgotten.

    You are SO right about 3rd world countries and how they experience so much more of the Lord's power and manifestation. The Light is brightest in the dark! I pray I would not fail Him and forget...

  6. Hi Lon,
    That is so true! Fixing our eyes on Christ all the time will lessen the pain during trouble times. Thank you for sharing that bro!

    Hi Lidj,
    You sure do know the faithfulness of hope. Losing your husband yet still thriving forward. You are a blessing! I am happy this encouraged you. These were the words I read before I went to bed last night; it sure made me feel bad for my grumbling especially when Paul was sitting in a prison being beaten for Jesus and he still praised and glorified God. Shame on me for gumbling.

    Hi Kimberly,
    It is great to see you back!! I have missed your fellowship. I too believe that God still have huge blessings for you. The words that you will put down in your book will help many, many suffering people and God has conditioned you and I believe He will continue to condition you into a beautiful shining diamond.


  7. Nothing gets past God without His approval. He knows just what draws us near to Him. Thank you for sharing dear one. Blessings.

  8. Hi JBR,
    You are so right in saying nothing gets past God, He knows all. He will not put more on our shoulders than we can handle.


  9. Thank you COG. This puts things into proper perspective for me and affirms the truths I have been learning (again & again) about praising & thanksgiving in all circumstances, about focusing on Him & trusting and not losing joy and peace.And I'm not even being tested to the point of death (except for my flesh!).
    "Nobody likes trouble to come but it will come to all of us at one point in time or another. " So true. The key to surviving is in closely walking with Him at all times.
    May God richly bless you dear sister.

  10. Hi Vilisi,
    It sure can be hard to do, praising and thanking God in tough situations. For me sometimes it is just plain hard to even say the name of Jesus so I just make myself and then soon enough I am praising and worshiping Him full tilt. It is a spiritual battle with Satan trying to clamp my mouth shut for he knows the power in the name of Jesus.

    I agree that the key to surviving is in walking close with Him!

    Blessings sister,

  11. Good Morning, Child of God!!
    I am thrilled to know that this special Online engagement among a Brotherhood of Christians serve the purpose to praise and glorify our dear Lord worldwide. My throbbing heart vibrates with the melody of Heaven and in tune with God. All folks prepared!! Get ready!! Our dear Lord, Jesus is soon coming to our world nowadays. Our troubles get us closer to God. The Scriptures, the Bible is the Book of Wisdom, for all lessons of a righteous life are found there for all to read. The Book of Revelations and Prophecies is telling us so much. The time is soon coming...
    Thank you, Child of God for reading my site, and posting the creations of your wonderful heart!! You are Welcome Aboard at anytime, sweetheart!!
    God may bless you all!!
    Until we write again.
    Starry Dawn.

  12. Hi Starry Dawn,
    It sure is wonderful to be able to worship God worldwide via internet! I too believe the time of the second coming is very near.

    I love reading your poetry, you write beautifully.


  13. This is so true. I really press not to forget Him when "it's all good." He deserves better than that.

  14. Hi Queen E,
    Yes He sure does deserve better than that but He is so forgiving and loving and He understands how faulty we are. Praise HIM! We need to keep trying and getting back on track, aiming for perfection in Him.



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God Bless,