
Monday, March 28, 2011

First sign of spring!

Yellow Wood Sorrel
The yellow wood sorrel is our first official flower. This little beauty is the earliest to pop it's head out after the snow starts to melt. It is known as a weed but that is ok I love weeds and that is a good thing because we have tons of them on the farm.

Yesterday and Saturday we started our outdoor spring cleaning. Every year after the snow starts to melt we notice all the work that needs to be done outside. The dogs and those nasty ravens carry stuff all over our massive yard so this past weekend we started dragging and piling stuff to burn. We had tons of little fires all over. It was then that I noticed this sweet little flower. I know it is just a weed but it is so pretty and colourful in amongst all the dead fir and pine needles on the ground. Pretty soon the trees will be waking up from their winter slumber and buds will be appearing everywhere. Time to hang out that laundry and bring this wonderful smell inside the house.

Wild flowers do not last long and this reminds me of our life, for we are here today and gone tomorrow.

 Psalm 103:15 NIV
The life of mortals is like grass, 
they flourish like a flower of the field; 

But we have the promise of our Lord...

Isaiah 40:8 NIV
The grass withers and the flowers fall, 
but the word of our God endures forever.”

Praise God His word will last forever!



  1. This is a blessing too, because it is a symbol of hope of the joy to come! Sometimes the winter of our lives can drag on for what feels like an eternity, but if we hold on, we can be sure that spring is coming! Thanks for this reminder today!!

  2. Hi Kimberly,
    This is a blessing! I love all seasons and I am learning to love all seasons of life. As with all seasons in nature and life, I am sad to see each one go but happy to see the next one come. Hope. I am so thankful for hope!

    Blessings sister,

  3. COG ~ Its like taking a breathe of fresh air to see color on the ground. Simple pleasures is so sweet to the soul!! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful glimmer of hope that spring IS around the corner!! Hugs & Blessings :)

  4. Hi IwP,
    Yes, simple pleasures! I could walk around in the wilderness simply looking at creation and praising God.

    Spring is springing!

  5. I love weeds too:) What a nice sign of springtime.

  6. Hi Ma,
    Really?! Dandelions are my favourite, I love to eat them, so nummy.


  7. Greetings I am so glad you are a new sister of mine. You recently followed me on Twitter. my blog has a add button now and you were my first commenter...YAY
    I love what you are doing for the Kingdom and am following you now. Peace! Dustin

  8. Hi Dustin,
    Thanks for dropping by! I just saw your followers button and am following your blog.
    God is good and His children are awesome. We need to stick together supporting and praying for each other especially in these scary times we are living.


  9. Very beautiful . . . indeed!!!

    God's Blessings,


  10. Hi Lon,
    They are really pretty when they take over the ground and these beautiful purple and blue flowers pop up as well; takes my breath away.


  11. Lovely post, COG. I enjoyed reading this; the yellow wood sorrel is beautiful. I love the imagery of trees waking up from their winter slumber... I can almost smell the crisp fresh fragrance of spring.

  12. Lots of people say they don't like weeds, but you'd have to admit, some of them DO have pretty flowers!

    Just thought it was neat...I'm learning about Canada in geography. And here, I'm able to talk with someone who lives there :)

  13. I love seeing those first flowers come out! It's so amazing because you know that Spring is just around the corner :)

  14. Amen! I love when spring rolls around and praise God, His word will endure forever!


  15. Hi Vilisi,
    The smell of spring around our place is so amazing because we have a lot of trees around that give off this wild musky smell, very heady and relaxing.

    Hi Kaboom,
    If you have any questions about Canada ask, I will help you out. You can send me an email. If so, I can even give you my son's skype address he is doing grade 10 socials, lots of Canadian history and good sites to pass on.

    Hi R&K,
    Around here we get these wild sunflowers, that really do look like a sunflower except they are yellow.:P They grow all over the mountain side. They appear within a week covering everything and then as quickly as they appear they disappear. So, so pretty.

    Hi Ken,
    Yes! Praise God His word will endure forever! His promises are good and His creation is beautiful!


  16. I love spring flowers of all kinds - but the weeds seem to be the most pretty!
    We don't have weather quite warm enough to hang laundry outside (yet), but I can't wait. I love when God does the clothes-drying.
    This post just gave me the hope I need to keep waiting for spring to get here.
    Hugs and blessings,

  17. Hi Deb,
    We don't have warm weather here either, if fact it is quite chilly,(winter snowsuit chilly) and we still have tons of snow on the ground and falling from the sky but I just love the smell that the clothes capture when it is like this outside, awesome!



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God Bless,