
Saturday, February 26, 2011


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Come Lord Jesus, come
1Thessalonians 3:12-13 NIV
May the Lord make your love increase
and overflow for each other and for everyone else,
just as ours does for you. May he strengthen
your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy
in the presence of our God and Father when our
Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. 
Over the past few months, my mind has been drifting to the return of Jesus. With all that is happening in the news in the Middle East and the crazy weather and the earth shaking and breaking up all over the place I am wondering, is His return soon? For a long time I believed in a pre tribulation rapture then for the past couple of years I started question my belief and started thinking there really is no Biblical proof of a rapture, after all the word rapture isn't in the Bible. This past week as I have spent time in prayer and surfing the web I found a few spots that have led me back into believing a pre tribulation rapture. Lamb and Lion Ministries gives a really good explanation of the rapture, backing it up with Biblical reference which has led me back into my original belief of Jesus rapturing His church before the tribulation. Thanks Steve from Nikon Sniper for answering my question on rapture for that really got the ball rolling in an all out search for the truth.

Taken directly from Lamb and Lion Ministries:

'So, "Rapture" is a Biblical word that comes right out of the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible. The word is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. In the New American Standard Version, the English phrase, "caught up," is used. The same phrase is used in the King James and New International Versions.'
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I love Biblical prophesy and as I read the news I see that things are unfolding before our very eyes and I am getting very excited. Elizabeth Prata at The End Time blog has some very interesting top of the news reports that really opens your eyes to what is happening around our world right now. 
We need to keep on praising God and telling people about Him and His coming back. He is standing at the door to our heart and soul knocking, will you answer and invite Him in? 
Pray, God's people, pray for those who do not know our Lord. That they may come to know His love before it is too late.

Revelation 22:20-21 NIV
                                    He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.


  1. I came over here from Crystal Mary's blog. As I read a few of your posts, I felt a delight at having discovered yet another treasure chest blog. Praise God for leading me here. When I read blogs, I always pray that God will not let me waste my time by visiting blogs that He does not intend for me to spend time in. So, I do appreciate my being here this afternoon. I was encouraged and uplifted.

    Blessings to you,

  2. I feel our Lord Jesus is going to return very soon!!!

    God's Blessings,


  3. Hi Lidia,
    Welcome and thank you for leaving a comment. I pray over this blog that the Holy Spirit will guide in those that He wishes to speak to through me. This is His leading and for a purpose. I am happy that you were blessed.

    Hi Lon,
    Praise our God!! He deserves all the praise and honour and glory.

    In Him,

  4. Hi Child of God, about the rapture - on weary days, I wish sometimes that the Lord would just come and take me home but on other days I feel so unprepared.It's a good thing our salvation is based on faith in Christ and not on feelings, isn't it!

  5. I think it is interesting how we all have different beliefs about the rapture, (mine are different from yours :) ) but the bottom line is yes indeed, Jesus is coming soon and we need to be ready! We don't know the day or the hour, but we know the signs. He is preparing us even now!

  6. Hi Vilisi,
    Me too! On rough days I just wish I could go home and praise God our salvation is based on Jesus and our faith in Him.

    Hi Kimberly,
    Beliefs on things as these can differ as the Bible just isn't clear on it but there is no mistake in our salvation and that is on Jesus Christ.

    God bless you sisters,

  7. I think God keeps it unclear on purpose! :) It keeps us seeking. He knows how to keep us on our toes! :)

    And I agree, I often fantasize about how it would be SO nice if Jesus would just come and take us!

  8. It is so wonderful to read in your post that when doubt and unbelief was creeping in, the good Lord connected you to the right place for guidance.

    What a mighty God we serve. His Word will be fulfilled about the last days.

    God bless you more.

  9. Hi Kimberly,
    I too agree that God wants to keep us on our toes, fresh in Him and not being lazy and sleepy. We need to live looking at today and tomorrow.

    Hi Carole,
    God is so good in providing people right when we need them. There have been many times when my faith is faltering or I just want to give up that God comes in with a word, a person even an animal that shows me exactly what He wants to say to me at the time to reforce my belief.
    Everyone here in blog world has had a part in stengenthing my belief in God and growing it as well. God is so good, I love Him so much!!

    Blessings sisters,

  10. Hi Child of God -

    Thank you - this warmed my heart.

    It is so comforting to know that we shall spend eternity with our Lord.

    You are right, we must proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of GOD so that others will come to love and serve Him...

  11. Hi Sandra,
    I just read a devotional this moring about a preacher passing away. He said to his daughter who was sitting beside him, "I see heaven and Jesus, you mom is there too. It is so beautiful and my sermons never did it justice".
    Heaven will be better then our immagination!


  12. There is a book on the Best seller list right now called "Heaven is Real". It is about a little boy's experience with going to heaven and back. I really want to read this book! He was 4 at the time and I saw a story where he had seen a sister that he didn't know about naturally; his mom had had a miscarriage that he never knew about. He saw some other relatives too, and from what I gather it is theologically sound. We have much to look forward to!!!!!

  13. Hi Kimberly,
    This sounds like a good book to read, I will look it up. My husband has talked to people who have had this type of experience and he says he get the shivers all the time.

    Thanks for sharing this with me. :)


  14. I too believe in the pri trib rapture. When I look at all the things going on in this world I think Jesus's return is very close. BTW I enjoy listening to the Lamb and Lion Ministries podcast, which is very good.


  15. Hi Ken,
    I didn't realize Lamb and Lion Ministries had a podcast, I will have to check it out. I have just recently found their site and so far love what I have read.


  16. Child of God,
    For your convience, here is a link to the Lamb and Lion podcast:


  17. Why thank you Ken!! You are so thoughtful!

    I will check it out sometime today.



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God Bless,