
Friday, February 25, 2011

It's A GIRL!

Sundance and Mist
We have had our first baby of the year! A sweet little girl calf that my son has named Mist. She is a beautiful black Angus babe that I nearly ran over this morning with the farm truck! At -20 C our place is so icy and while we were feeding she walked in front of the truck and proceeded to slip and slide almost under the rolling wheels of the front of the truck! Thanks to our God, we have chains on the rear wheels and I was able to stop before her and I collided. With inches to spare and my son screaming from the box of the truck we stopped and watched this beautiful calf struggle to get up and run to mama.
Praise God this is a beautiful, healthy baby. Last year this same mama, Sundance, had twins and was mooning over the dead calf and refused to nurse the alive one who was named Hezekiah. Sundance was so mean to Hezekiah she was picking him up and throwing him in the air! We put mama in the squeeze so little Heze could drink and even then she managed to pick him up and toss him. We ended up forgetting about mama's milk and proceeded to bottle feed this bottomless pit of a bull calf! Seriously, Hezekiah would drink close to 4 liters of formula at one feeding. His tummy would go from sunken in to a huge round ball. My neighbour told me that we were way over feeding him and we should only give him 1 liter of formula twice a day. No way! Heze would be bawling if we gave him less than 4 litres 3 times a day. I was later told that Angus babies need more because they are bigger then other breeds of calves.

Needless to say, SOTK and I were thrilled to see that Sundance was nursing her baby and we don't need to take on mama duties. Fun, yes it is, but a whole ton of extra work.

Psalm 69:30-31 NIV
 I will praise God’s name in song
   and glorify him with thanksgiving.
This will please the LORD more than an ox,
   more than a bull with its horns and hooves. 

Psalm 103:4-5 NIV
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
   and his courts with praise;
   give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
   his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Thanks Dad for the gift of life!


  1. The beauty of the two together is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Sara,
    Thanks for leaving a comment as I wanted to follow your site but I couldn't find it....but now I have.


  3. Awww! I love that 2nd picture! So sweet! I love pictures of animal babies and their mamas. It makes me think of the movie "Dumbo" where his mama sings that song "Baby Mine"...always makes me choke up. Thanks for sharing! Where is Hezekiah now?

  4. Hi Kimberly,
    Hezekiah is in the field with all the other weanlings getting fat on hay. :)


  5. Hmmm, I really like that name called Mist!

    I too thank God that Mist wasn't run over!

    Sundance and Mist are really cute!

    These verses are very fitting!

    God Bless you sis,


  6. I love, I love, I love this story!!! In fact I just love all your animal stories. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Hi Lon,
    I too am glad that I was able to stop the truck and Mist wasn't crushed. :) Glad you liked the verses!

    Hi Vilisi,
    Thanks! That means a lot coming from you a fantastic story teller.
    I hope you have a restfull weekend and you will be ready for work on Monday.

    Been praying a lot for you two.


  8. Shalom to you my friend!

    Thank you for your kind comment. We christians are one big family.

    God Bless you lead you with His Love & anointing.

  9. Aw-they are both beauties!!! I'm glad she's able to nurse from her mommy...bottle feeding is a lot of work!

    That just makes me more excited-I'm wanting to get miniature cows after we finish with the goats.

    Wow-that's a lot of milk! Where do they put it all? Every time I finish feeding Mogen (my goat), it looks like I stuffed a basket ball in his belly! Too cute!

  10. Congratulations on the new born:) Such beautiful animals. I also love those verses:)

  11. Hi David,
    You are so right, we Christians are one big family and we are told to encourage and build each other up in the Lord. So nice meeting you bro!

    Hi Kaboom,
    I don't think I have ever heard of a minuature cow before, minature horses but not a cow! Cool! I will have to check them out.

    Hi Toyin O,
    Welcome! I so enjoy your blog and am very happy to have you stop by here and leave a comment. This is the first of 12 cows to much fun!


  12. How Exciting! And thank goodness she'll nurse this calf :)


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God Bless,