
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Conservative Leadership Election Today


DAILY DIRECTIVE - Day 115 // May 27th

Conservative Leadership Election Today
The Conservative Party of Canada will announce its new leader today, shortly after 5PM EST. This leadership election is a critical one and whoever wins this election has a good chance of being Canada's next Prime Minister. Please join in prayer for the election today, particularly as in-person voting takes place throughout the day.
Please pray that God would put RIDICULOUS favour on the candidate who will do the most good for Canada if elected. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give voters wisdom and discernment about how to vote and that social conservative voters would use this opportunity to send a strong and clear message that impacts the CPC's policy for years to come. Please pray against any voter fraud, technical delays, counting errors, etc. and that the election and announcement would run smoothly. Please pray for a spirit of unity amongst candidates, the CPC caucus, and all party members as the results are announced and in the coming weeks and months of transitioning to the new party leader. Let's cover the new party leader in prayer and believe for godly counsel, divine wisdom, and outrageous encounters with Holy Spirit. Let's pray for an outpouring of Holy Spirit in the Conservative Party of Canada.
Please also add praying for TheCRY Kingston to your daily prayer list. Thank you so much.

Psalm 5:12

For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.


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Please join us for TheCRY Kingston on July 1st.

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  1. Praying for Canada! May the holy name of God be praised!

    1. Hi Brian,
      Thank you for your prayers! The conservative leader that was elected in is a man of God!! Now we pray he will beat Justin Trudeau in the 2019 elections.

      Blessings brother,


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God Bless,