
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

God's Presence

Special Notice: We are now just past the half way marker of 150 days of prayer and fasting for Canada! This is amazing! We are so encouraged by the hundreds of Canadians who have signed on to be a part of Pray 150 and we know the prayers are moving things in the heavenlies over our nation. Thank you for your participation.For the 2nd half of Pray 150 we will be repeating the directives from the first 75 days, expanding on them at times and inserting special directives as Holy Spirit leads. Thank you again for being a part of Pray 150.


DAILY DIRECTIVE - DAY 76 // April 18th

God's Presence

Please pray that Holy Spirit would move across this nation and that His presence would manifest from sea to sea. Please pray His Spirit would encounter those in the highest places of society to those in the lowest. Please pray for the conviction of Holy Spirit to fall upon our nation and draw us all to deeper consecration. Please pray for God's presence to draw Canadians from sea to sea into a posture of worship and adoration of Jesus Christ. Please pray that Gods' Spirit and presence would move into people's homes, workplaces and places of leisure in unexpected ways. Let us believe God for a full outpouring of His Holy presence on our nation, from sea to sea.
Please also add praying for TheCRY Kingston to your daily prayer list. Thank you so much.

Psalm 16:11

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


Click here
to visit our on-line fasting calendar and choose your day or days to fast during this 150 day period.


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God Bless,