
Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Light Exposes Who We Really Are

"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God." - John 3:19-21

There are some things that just don’t like the light– at the top of the list are these four things: One cockroaches. Two, rats. Three, teenagers making out in a dark room, when a parent comes in and turns on the light. And four, a thief in the night. None of those four like the light. Why? Because the light says, “You’re up to no good!” So, obviously, there’s a tendency for roaches, rats, smooching teenagers, and thieves in the night to run for cover when the light comes on. They don’t want their deeds exposed.

Really, this is true for all of us. The closer we get to the Light, the more our sins are exposed. The closer a person is to Christ, the more aware they are of their sinfulness. The further a person is from Christ, the more unaware they are of their sinfulness and they tend to think that they’re basically pretty good people. So, when the Light exposes who they really are, they prefer to flee toward the darkness.

But there is good news in all of this. John 1:9 says, “There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.” And 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.” In other words, in Jesus, we are made clean – we don’t have to fear exposure. He is the Light that leads us into righteous living.

Right From the Heart is one of my devotions that I read and this particular one really stood out to me. Those who are actively sinning and don't want to change their ways cannot stand in the light of God, He burns them not because He is mean but because they are unwilling to let go of their sin, and it is the sin they are clasping on to that burns them so they need to flee into the dark. 

I have had the chance on many occasions to witness to those who are walking in sin and Scripture will shut them down every time. Who can argue with God? No one. His Words are living and active and they will either convict a person of the wrong they are doing and they will repent or that person will leave for the light that is shining on them they cannot tolerate for it exposes the evil that they choose not to let go of. 



  1. Excellent points. When the truth is revealed to those that don't want to hear it, they usually get really ugly fast. I've been there too… Not one soul that has ever been created by our Father can stand in His glorious righteousness without the blood atonement of our Savior.

    And I appreciate your vulnerable heart. That reveals Who resides there, sister...

    1. Hi Floyd,
      I've been there too. Walking in sin and squirming in the light. I am so thankful for Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross.

      I once witnessed to a satanist and man did he get ugly! I didn't let it unnerve me though, I kept giving him Bible verses to say what I wanted to say. Eventually he just walked out of the conversation. His god has no comparison to our God.

      Blessings brother. :)

  2. As I read this post I thought of Romans 13:12-
    "The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light."
    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Hi Lauren,
      Great verse to go along with this post. :)

      Blessings hon,

  3. Very good post!
    And what Floyd says reminds me of Moses when he came down from the presence of God and had to cover his face...(Shekinah Glory)...I once did a women's bible study in which I compared the power of that kind of light to the power of a light reflected off a mirror which can start a fire...I believe God's light reflects on us and 'heats up' the people whom we direct it to...setting them on fire for the Lord, or sends them running for the shade.
    Have a wonderful weekend, my sweet friend. Blessings and love and ((hugs))!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I LOVE your analogy!! Holy Spirit fire! I agree, the fire of Holy Spirit burns through to our soul and like a living vessel, will flow through us as we are connected to the Living Vine, and as we shine this Light on others, like you said... "setting them on fire for the Lord, or sends them running for the shade."

      Thanks for sharing that hon. That just helped this wonderful Truth go even deeper into my heart.

      Blessings and love dear one.

  4. Beautiful post coG,
    My life was quite dark until I came to Jesus, and now ...... who would want anything but the light of God. I thank the Lord for my father's teachings before he died because I remembered them when I was older. I also believe that my going astray before I came to the Lord had purpose too, because through having empathy I have sympathy and understanding of those who do likewise, and I can say 'been there, done that but would not in any way want to give up what I have in Jesus to have that way of life back. There is absolutely no comparison.
    God bless

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I believe God uses all of our situations to glorify His name, either in our lives or the live of those we touch. How wonderful you had a father that taught you valuable truth. What a wonderful gift you can give to others who are in situations that you can relate to. Having been there, you can relate on a very personal level and speak to their hearts.

      I agree there is no comparison to what we have in Jesus. I just totally adore Him.

      Blessings hon, thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Great points, love the examples of things/people who prefer the darkness.
    Light is a beautiful and wonderful thing. Even if we get "burned" by it, it's a refining burn. Having our sins exposed can "burn" but it can also bring healing and growth.
    life happens in the light.

    1. Hi TC,
      When I lived in Manitoba every spring the farmers would burn the rubble left over from last falls crop. Then they would get the mega farm tractors with those massive plows and churn up the soil mulching all of the burned chaff into the hard ground. After they were done the soil was so dark and almost fluffy looking, already for the new seed that would grow the next crop. Sometimes burning is beneficial to us as it helps get rid of the fleshly ways making us raw for the grafting into Jesus, the True Vine. Yes, the process hurts like crazy but after healing comes along with growth, a new crop, so to speak.

      Thanks for visiting hon. :)

  6. Hi Child! Thanks for visiting my little blog :) been out of commission for a while, as you can see, had to get new computer.

    Love this post! So true about the light exposing the dark things that run from the light.

    I've been going over (and over, and over) the book of Revelation, because there is a blessing for those who read and hear it, so I know we need to pay attention to what is there, even though (especially?) it is so hard to I'm going over and over it prayerfully asking for wisdom and understanding. These are dark times, and Jesus and the truth shine the brightest when the darkness is the darkest. My hubby once told me that darkness is the ABSENCE of light. Light is something, darkness is nothing, so when the light truly enters in it replaces nothing with something...something exceedingly wonderful, eh!? Love you <3

    1. Hi Susan,
      It sure is nice having a new computer! Glad you are back again. :)

      I love the book of Revelation, there is so much in there that I pick up something new every time I read it. Right now, what is sticking out most to me, is the condition of the heart of the church. If we want to see revival or restoration, the church needs to get right with God. We need to repent and obey His Word. These times we are living in are dark and we need to hold to the Truth that is in Jesus Christ for He is the light and like you said, darkness is the absence of light.

      Blessing hon, glad you are back.

    2. Good Morning, Child of God,
      This is an extraordinary post. I have been led by God to read it -as a gift and a blessing.
      I see the Light in every word you utter. May I share your words of wisdom in one of my blogs, please?
      Your message is so worthwhile that it should be read by many readers worldwide...
      I love the way you express your inner thoughts, Child of God.
      Happy Thanksgiving to you, family and beloved ones!
      May the Lord bless you all!
      Hope, Peace & Love,
      Poet Starry.

    3. Hi Starry Dawn,
      Well thank you BUT these are not my words but taken from the devotional Right From the Heart. If you use this you would need to link back to them.

      Blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours! Thank you for the wonderful wishes you posted on my FB page. You are always so very thoughtful.



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