
Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hi there friends!

Things are starting to slow down for me. It has been a very busy spring/summer but now as the weather is changing I am finding I have a bit more free time on my hands. I sure have missed this wonderful blogging community. I miss your comments and I miss reading your blogs.

I now have no homeschoolers with me as my son has headed off to university to continue on his degree. My daughter has graduated from her Bachelor of Science and is now doing a Master's study and I am finding that I really miss them being around the home. Yesterday, I realized, it was the longest time I had spent alone in 22 years. I have always had one of my children around me and now I don't. It was a very odd feeling and my emotions were all over the place. This year is going to have a lot of adjustments for me. A time of change is coming.

I'm looking forward to sharing some awareness and prayer requests with you. 



  1. That's a beautiful photo my friend, for I love photos that show reflections like that, and I love how you have that verse on there as well.

    God bless you my sister in Christ,


    1. Hi Lon,
      Thank you. :) This photo was taken on one of the family mountain hikes. In this particular mountain there are a lot of lakes. I really love the way the trees are reflected in the water.


  2. Oh how I remember those early days when the girls had flown the nest...It is a real adjustment for us as mothers.
    I know you will find an even deeper relationship with both the Lord and your husband in this season of your life...Many blessings will come from that. But, there are still times when we miss the kids so much, even the not so perfect times when they were arguing over the bathroom, or you had to drive them to practice,etc...Yep, you're gonna miss those too!
    Blessings and love~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you for your encouraging words and for giving me a positive outlook. I am looking forward to what the Lord has next for me to do and I know He will use this churning inside of me to bring glory to Him. It 's just the process of change especially here since my kids and I have done EVERYTHING together and it is like a huge chunk of me is missing. But Father is allowing this change process to be slow as both of my kids go to the local university and are home every evening. :) (I know I am whining here. )

      Blessings and smiles,

    2. A little whining is blows off some steam.
      It is great that your kids are both home in the evenings with you...and your family seems to be close when it comes to activities together too!
      I know I feel very blessed to have one of my daughters still living in the same county! Man does she ever get spoiled now.
      Blessings and ((hugs))~ Lisa

    3. Lol Lisa! Yes whining does blow off steam. :) We are a very close family, we do so much together. It is wonderful to know that my kids tell me most everything they do and confide in my husband and I. Aside from my hubby my kids are my best friends.

      Your daughter must LOVE being spoiled, it is a special feeling. I'm glad you have at least one child in the same country, I'm sure she must spoil you too.

      Blessings hon, thanks for listening.

  3. I'm praying for you, sister. And excellent job in your calling. It's not over, just a new chapter in the life and path that our Father has directed.

    1. Hi Floyd,
      Thank you for your prayers! I really need to be surrounded in them.
      Yes, a new chapter and I am excited to see what is ahead. I just don't know what that is yet. I'm sure it will be about Father's work as that will be the only thing that will fulfill me.

      Blessings and thanks for visiting.

  4. I'm in the opposite season as you. I have a toddler and a baby on the way. Life for me is changing faster than I can comprehend. I'll be praying for you. God is with us both and knows just what we both need.

    1. Hi TC,
      How exciting!! Yes having children is a huge change and it does take a bit to adjust to less time alone and always being needed by someone but that is a good change and one that warms you up inside. It is wonderful to be needed.
      Thank you for your prayers, I will be praying for you too.


  5. Change can be difficult. Your photograph is amazing and that scripture is very comforting as we deal with changing seasons.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Hi Lauren,
      Yes, change can be so tough sometimes, but Father has instilled change into everything around us even the seasons, so I guess it is good for us. :)
      Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Hi CoG,
    nice to see you back. There is definitely a time for everything. I find since our son left the nest over twenty years ago that my life has filled with things that fill in the gaps. I have loved both times, and find change exciting.
    God bless.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you.
      Thanks for sharing. It is encouraging to know that there is peace and joy awaiting me and I am excited to see what Father has planned. Seriously, I LOVE working for Him.

      Blessings hon,

  7. I've missed you my friend. I hope to catch up with you soon.

    1. Hi Barbie,
      I know lots has been happening in your life and it will be good to catch up with each other.

      Blessings hon,

  8. Hi child of God. I am glad to see you back here again. I always enjoy visiting your blog and your comments and replies to mine. I also love your photos with verses you share here and facebpok. Congrats with tour kids too. I sure do understand being busy, so many things on my plate right now. There are things I planned on doing this fall, but not getting to because of things I must do and take care of. I will remember you in my prayers in your season of change.

    By the way, I noticed Lon left you a comment. I do not know if you have visited his blog lately, but I went there last night and he is now a witch. I am praying for him and this crazy spiritual battle he has faced over the years gets solved and he permantly comes to Christ.
    God bless you,

    1. Hi Ken,
      Thank you for your compliment and for your support on my facebook page, I really appreciate it. It is funny how we make plans to do things and life kind of gets in the way. :) My pastor use to call it God's eraser and he has learned to pencil in the activities he has planned and be prepared for Father to just rub them out and do what He has planned instead. :)

      Yes, I have been following along with Lon's blog. It is very sad that he keeps flipping back and forth like a fish. I pray for him every day and know that he needs to deal with these demons and take a stand for Jesus Christ. Only in Jesus will he have freedom. It is great to know there are bloggers here who really care for him and support him in prayer. He is in the hands of the Almighty and I hope and pray he makes the right choice before it's to late.

      Thanks for visiting brother. I too love your pictures and verses and always look forward to reading what Holy Spirit reveals to you about the verses you share.



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God Bless,