
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Do You Have the Courage?

"Giving His Spirit" SpiritFire for 06/25/2014

Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by your observing the law, or by your believing what you heard? — Galatians 3:5

Key Thought

God's Spirit is given and God's power is displayed in those who believe. We don't make the Spirit come to us — the Spirit is God's gift to followers of Jesus. We cannot make God's power happen in our lives — this power is released through the work of the Holy Spirit in those who believe. So what is the bottom line? Do we believe or do we try to force God to act by adhering to a set of laws or do we believe in Jesus and trust God will supply what we need?

Today's Prayer

O Father, move among us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe in Jesus and his power to save, redeem, and transform. So we ask for you to move with power among us! In Jesus' name. Amen.

The above is a daily devotional from Heartlight

We cannot force Holy Spirit to work in us or others we need to step out in faith and just believe.  When we do this act of obedience then we will see the mighty hand of God move and miracles happen. Studying, seeking wisdom through worldly means will enable our minds to know a lot of things but it takes real courage to step out and take the chance to look like a fool to those who belong to the world and trust what Scripture says. 

Jesus is a real man of courage. He was not afraid to go against the world and the common way of doing things. He stood in the face of utter humiliation and said,“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  Luke 23:34 

Recently I watched the movie 'The Cross and the Switchblade'. I have attached the movie here and I encourage you to listen to 1:31 - 1:41 where David Wilkerson talks about having the guts to be different from the world and choose to love instead of hate. 

Holy Spirit is calling all people and offering a relationship with Jesus, the only way to Father. Are you listening? Are you a real man or a real woman? Only the brave ones who are not afraid to step outside of the group will find the way to eternal salvation and true, pure happiness. 



  1. Wow… Cross And The Switchblade… I haven't thought about that book or seen that movie in forever. What an excellent reminder, sister. I needed this tonight. It is being used to speak to my heart. Thanks for your obedience.

    1. Hi Floyd,

      I read this book when I was a young teen and it had a huge impact on my life but it was only recently, about 3 weeks ago, that I saw the movie. The impact was 10 fold on me. To see the life of such a rough young man change in an instant does wonders for our faith in God.

      I'm glad this ministered to you. :) Praying the work of Father goes deep into your heart and the work that He wishes to accomplish will be done.

      Blessings brother,

  2. Hi child of God, hope you are well.
    I say 'Amen' to the prayer. I did nothing to deserve the miracles that I have experienced. The instant removal of the large lump from my breast was done through a prayer of faith when oil was put on my head and I was prayed for by an elder in the Adelaide Revival centre, and other healings I have received were had by the grace of the Lord through the word of God being enlightened to me by the Holy Spirit. I have also been kept in trials by the grace of the Lord, some not easy, and I wait on His grace now for healing. I know He is not a man that He should lie, and my faith is always strengthened in those trials. I have found Job's words ' Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.' to prove true many times in my life. I find the Bible is not a book to me but a vocabulary whereby I can both question and learn. I believe absolutely that all things are possible with God, and that the promises of God can be 'yes' in Jesus.
    May God bless you for sharing this post.

    1. Hi Brenda,

      I have missed you greatly! I hope you are having a good rest.

      We can do nothing, we have no power but all power belongs to Father and it is in Him that we find healing and life. I am so glad you received this miracle and you sharing this testimony is very encouraging. Keep sharing it over and over again for with each telling of your healing, healing is passed on to those who hear.

      Blessings sister,

  3. Good reminder sister of His power to work His will in our life for His glory.

    1. Hi Betty,

      His power in our lives is a daily filling. With each new task we need to step out in faith trusting in His provision for the situation at hand. And with time we trust Him He is right there ready to show His power to us. It is so amazing!

      Thanks for stopping by sister,

  4. Hi child of God
    So true and the biggest miracle of salvation is only seen through eyes of faith and hidden from those who would rather mock God and believe the devil's lies :( but the Lord will prove His foolishness is wiser than man's highest wisdom to the humbling of the arrogant mockers. Regarding diseases even recovering from the common cold is a miracle that cannot happen without God's healing, He is the Great Physician and everything that is good comes from Him :)

    1. Hi Susan,

      I feel so sorry for those who mock God and don't see just how awesome He is. It just breaks my heart knowing they are throwing away the very best thing ever; a realtionship with our Creator.

      Yesterday night I was with my elderly neighbour while her 60 year old daughter died in our presence. It was alarming for me to witness this yet I knew where this lady was going, she loved Jesus and is now at peace with Him. My elderly neighbour, though, does not know Jesus and it broke my heart hearing her say over and over again, "Poor B, poor, poor B." I told her that B was in the presence of Jesus and she is whole and healthy and she looked at me like I was off the deep end. She believes the lie and I can only pray she will eventually see the Truth.

      Father is the Great Physician and in Him only will we find true healing.

      Blessings sister,

  5. Hi child of God. I have heard my pastor say many times, "Where the Lord leads, He provides." Sometimes it is easy to think, "if I have enough faith, God will give me what I want." We must trust God and believe His plan is the right one and the best one. Great post and God bless.

    1. Hi Ken,
      There are times where I need to check myself on the "if I have enough faith," part. Really it is not our faith but His faith that we have and if He gives us this faith and He is known for never lying then He is trustworthy and will always be there and pull through even when all looks really bleak. Something I have realized is, do I really trust God? Do I believe that His good plan sometimes includes physical suffering and worldly loss? Am I really willing to walk His path even when I know that it will hurt? Father does provide what we need to make it through and He does grow us in a way that is pretty amazing but often that comes at a worldly loss.

      Thanks for stopping by brother. :)


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God Bless,