
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Do You Have the Courage?

"Giving His Spirit" SpiritFire for 06/25/2014

Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by your observing the law, or by your believing what you heard? — Galatians 3:5

Key Thought

God's Spirit is given and God's power is displayed in those who believe. We don't make the Spirit come to us — the Spirit is God's gift to followers of Jesus. We cannot make God's power happen in our lives — this power is released through the work of the Holy Spirit in those who believe. So what is the bottom line? Do we believe or do we try to force God to act by adhering to a set of laws or do we believe in Jesus and trust God will supply what we need?

Today's Prayer

O Father, move among us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe in Jesus and his power to save, redeem, and transform. So we ask for you to move with power among us! In Jesus' name. Amen.

The above is a daily devotional from Heartlight

We cannot force Holy Spirit to work in us or others we need to step out in faith and just believe.  When we do this act of obedience then we will see the mighty hand of God move and miracles happen. Studying, seeking wisdom through worldly means will enable our minds to know a lot of things but it takes real courage to step out and take the chance to look like a fool to those who belong to the world and trust what Scripture says. 

Jesus is a real man of courage. He was not afraid to go against the world and the common way of doing things. He stood in the face of utter humiliation and said,“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  Luke 23:34 

Recently I watched the movie 'The Cross and the Switchblade'. I have attached the movie here and I encourage you to listen to 1:31 - 1:41 where David Wilkerson talks about having the guts to be different from the world and choose to love instead of hate. 

Holy Spirit is calling all people and offering a relationship with Jesus, the only way to Father. Are you listening? Are you a real man or a real woman? Only the brave ones who are not afraid to step outside of the group will find the way to eternal salvation and true, pure happiness. 


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cancer Sucks!

Luke 23:43 ESV
And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Hi friends and prayer warriors.

I know there has been little activity on the updates of these dear people we have been praying for but truth is there has just been not much activity on their blogs. Until recently.

You might not remember this dear one because I never got permission to post a picture of her. Kerri T is her name and she blogged at He will carry me through. Here is a snippet of the update she shared in October:

Ok so everyone has been waiting and waiting to find out what we found out. We found out where the cancer is.
It is in a lot of places:
around the outside of most of my right lung
a spot on my left hip
a spot on my right pelvis
spots in my right chest and neck
spots in my left neck
on multiple spinal bones in my back
Places it is NOT:
brain- due to some people's lack of belief this report said my brain is normal!! LOL

Chemo every 3 weeks
PET scans after every 3rd treatment to see how the cancer is responding
 - IF the cancer is not responding they will change up the chemo and keep going. My dr in Philly said that she has some out of the box ideas too.
ALL of my drs said this IS treatable!!

Since then I haven't heard until a few days ago. Kerri has gone home to be with our Lord on June 4 2014. Her gracious husband Bob has updated us. Please visit her blog for the full update and read how she was able to plan her own memorial service. Here is a little bit of what Bob has shared with us:

While we are all saddened by this loss, I would like to note that because the doctors did do things to help in January, when things were looking bad, she was able to live to see our oldest son's first band concert, and also to have Easter and Mother's Day with us.  When I get pictures from the memorial service I will post them under a Memorial Service heading.  One Kerri decided to stop treatment, she started planning her memorial service; she called it, her "party".  We had around 250 guests there, and the hotel we held it at said this was the largest memorial service they have done. 

Please pray for her family as they make it through without Kerri by their side. 

Revelation 21:4 ESV
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”