
Friday, May 30, 2014


I rejoice for my God reigns and He lives in me. God on high has set me free and He is worthy to be worshiped, praised and honoured always. 
His love is peace to the broken, faith for the widow and hope for the orphan. If He can control the sun, the moon, the stars and the sea then He can take care of you and provide for all of your needs.
Seek God and I promise you will find Him.

I'm linking up with Barbie for The Weekend Brew



  1. The sea is the part of God's creation that most speaks to me. I love you photo and verse! I'm next to you at Barbie's this week.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      The sea is so powerful and wild, I wish I lived closer to it.
      Thanks for visiting. :)


  2. So much to rejoice for....sometimes we just don't always see it. Seeking Him more!
    Have a blessed day!

    1. Hi Chelle,
      Sometimes our circumstances can put a blindfold on us and we just need to stop, remove that blindfold and see that He is right there. I have had to do that many times.

      Blessings hon,

  3. I really like your scripture picture. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi Lauren,
      Thank you. :) So far the weekend looks great. We are having the youth group over to have a few games of paint ball and then devotion and singing time by the fire.

      Have a good weekend too!

  4. Amen! I love that verse. When everything seems out of control look up- God's got it all taken care of.

    God bless!

    1. Hi Karen,
      It is one of those verses that makes me go "Awe" about God. He is mighty and always in control.

      Thanks for visiting,

  5. I echo the Amen! God is awesome! Father God deserves our awe. Are you making all the beautiful photos with Bibles verses? They are great! I wish that you could market them.

    1. Hi Brian,
      Yes, Father deserves all of our awe!
      Yes, these are my pictures that I have added Scripture to. I have thought about making cards or something but I guess the timing is just not right yet. Maybe this will be something I will do in the future.

      Blessings brother,

    2. I hope that you do something wonderful with your photo/verses. They truly bless those who get to see them.

    3. Brian, thank you for your encouragement. :)

  6. I love to sit on the beach and watch the waves and listen to the sound of the sea. It makes me realize how Majestically big our God is.

    1. Hi Barbie,

      The sea is so wild and vast and I get the same feeling looking out into the expanse as I do when I stand on the high mountain tops. Pure awe and wonder flow through me as I ponder on the fact that our Father created this and there is so much more to Him that we just don't know about. Truly, He is awesome.

      Blessings sister,

  7. Hi child of God. Love the picture and verse. Both are awesome. Also amen! "He who can control the sun, moon and stars can take care of you." There is nothing better than going through life with God and then through all of eternity.

    1. Hi Ken,
      Doing life with God is so secure and truly fulfilling. Yep I agree, I would have it no other way.

      Blessings brother,

  8. Amen, sister! If our Father spoke all of creation into existence, including the sun, how powerful must He be? And how bright?!!! That puts things into perspective, huh? Right there with you, sister!

    1. Hi Floyd,
      Yes how bright! I Father God spoke the sun into existence then He must be quite a bit brighter than the sun itself. If we cannot look at the sun because of it's brightness and the damage that it would cause our eyes then not being able to behold the face of God makes total sense. Great thought Floyd! I never looked at it that way before. Sweet!

      Blessings brother, thanks for visiting.


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God Bless,