
Friday, January 31, 2014

One, Two, Three... GO!

Just look at those verses!

This morning for my Scripture reading for the day these verses jumped off the page at me and made me stop and look up and think, 'Okay Father, You have my full attention.' 

God has said it and He will do it so I am claiming it and preparing to run full tilt to the edge of that cliff and jump. He's there ready to catch me.





New here and have no idea what I am talking about? Read Obedience, then Hitting The Wall and then A Puddle of Tears. That should catch you up to speed and have an idea of what this whole post means. :)


I'm linking this post with Barbie, The Weekend Brew


  1. What a wonderful promise! I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Sola Scriptura!

      Thanks my friend. :) You have a wonderful weekend too.


  2. When you jump and do what He has asked of you....He will catch you. I would go with a full on run!!
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi Chelle,

      Going ahead full tilt and taking a giant leap off that cliff. :) He will catch me. Praise You Father!

      Blessings hon,

  3. Hi child of God,
    confirmation from the Lord is all we need. When I sat down at this computer to start a blog, something completely alien to me, the Lord confirmed to me that what I had done was His will.
    God bless you in your new ministry

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I have told Father where He leads I will follow but He needs to light the path and reassure me that I am hearing correctly. He does this all of the time!! I sit, pray and wait and He is so faithful to show up and let me know, it is my job to obey once I hear and that, my friend, can be scary especially when He is asking me to do something that really terrifies me. I am learning, though, this is really good because I am so scared I have to keep really close to Him so He can fill me up and this is where He wants me, growing ever so closer to Him and loving Him.

      This really is my ministry but Father's. I am only His hands and feet doing what I believe all children of God need to do, serve Father in order for strongholds to come down and to see sinners saved.

      Thanks always for your encouragement and love.

  4. When we are obedient to the Lord's calling, He meets us right there, as we jump off the cliff. He is so faithful!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      Yes, He is so faithful!

      Blessings sister,

  5. I'm jumping, thanks for the scripture..

    1. Hi Betty,
      Lol! Love the excitement!! You jump my friend.


  6. I'm thrilled for you! To have our Father speak so plainly is a joy that can't be contained. Our Father is calling you, sister! Go!!! He's leading you into the ministry He born you for. Love the attitude!

    1. Hi Floyd,
      Thank you! It is exciting and scary all at the same time. Now I just need to keep Jesus front and center and this promise from Scripture in my mind.
      Thanks for your encouragement. :)

      Blessings brother,

  7. How inspiring!
    God has made us. God can use us.
    Nothing is beyond Him. He has no limitations, why do we place them on ourselves?
    We just trust Him and GO when He says to!

    1. Hi TC,
      You make it so simple! Thanks for visiting and leaving such encouraging advice.



  8. In one of the previous posts in this series you asked for a word that I have been given, and my word is "give". I think that also applies to anything that we can do using our gifts (not just money but of course it can be that too, but giving ourselves).

    As I was reading these I was thinking about Jesus needing to withdraw and pray as well.

    Bless you Child, the Lord desires that we be faithful with however little or much we have been given to give, whether it is one talent or two or five, He doesn't want that we bury the talent but we need to do something with it so it gains Him a return on His investment. :)

    1. Hi Susan,

      I love your word and I totally agree that 'give' means more than just money but giving of ourselves.

      Really, all I want to do is serve our Father in a way that will glorify Him and bring others to know just how awesome He is. Not planning on burying this one. :)



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God Bless,