
Monday, December 2, 2013

Trust God, Prayers For Joanne

We haven't heard from Joanne for awhile, a lot has been going on and she is struggling and really needs prayer. Please stop by her blog The Simple Wife and give her some encouragement. For those of you who do not know Joanne, she had a major stroke over 2 years ago and her family nearly lost her, but thousands of people prayed and fasted for her and the Lord restored her to her husband and her family. It has been a rough 2 years and it seems it is still pretty rough. Joanne needs us to stand in the gap and pray for her. Please join your heart with mine and many others and lift this woman of God up to His throne.

Here are her prayer requests:

Please pray
1. For a Job for Toben (one with good benefits would be sprinkles on the frosting on the cake).
2. For my relationship with the girls. I want so much to shower love on them, yet I also want to respect their desire for some distance. It hurts and I am sad.
3. For the girls. They are doing well for the most part – dealing well with school and friends. I would dearly love for Audrey to have a big sister/mentor in her life to pour into her, to love on her, to be her friend.
4. For my sleep. I go to bed tired, wake up tired, lay awake in the night tired. I am not active but I am worn out a lot.
5. As I read this, I see I am afraid a lot. One of the Psalms says, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you”? I need help to do this more! I do trust you, Lord; help me trust you more!
 I am in Denver now, so many thanks to my Dad for typing this for me! And for loving me so unconditionally and well.
 I’m headed back to Colorado Springs on Wednesday and we will spend Thanksgiving there.
 My goal and desire is to blog more regularly. So I hope to “see” you again soon.
 With love and many thanks for your love and care,

John 16:33 ESV
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Praying and praying,


  1. Praying for you Joanne and covering your needs in the ALL POWERFUL shed Blood of Jesus! With love from Tennessee!

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      Thank you for your prayers!!


  2. So heartbreaking how they are struggling. Praying!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      My heart is just breaking for her. Thanks for your prayers. :)


  3. Lord I join all my brothers and sisters in Christ in praying for Joanne, one of Your beloved children. May you bless her and her family with all of her requests. Thank You Lord Amen.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for always standing in the gap and praying for these who are in need.

      Blessings sister,

  4. Replies
    1. Hi KevHead,
      Thank you for visiting and letting us know you are praying for Joanne and for following her.

      Father bless you!

  5. I went over there to let her know I am praying for her...So much going on all at once for her and her family...No wonder God wants so many to pray...Thanks for letting us know.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I'm sure she appreciates you letting her know you are praying for her.

      Thanks for praying hon. :)

  6. I'm praying for Joanne and her family.

    1. Thank you for your prayers Floyd, you are such a blessing!



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