
Friday, November 22, 2013

How Come?

I saw this picture on Facebook and I thought, yea, so true! If evolution was true then mothers should have at least 10 hands. I say this in itself proves evolution to be false. :)

Revelation 4:11 ESV
“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

Exodus 20:11 ESV
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.



  1. If evolution was correct, then men would have at least 6 arms: one to have his arm around his lady friend, one to text his mates in the pub, two to hold a bottle of beer in each hand, another to play on the fruit machine and the last to scratch his private parts!!!!! Just being silly!!!! Evolution makes no sense at all. The incredible workings of the human body alone just evolved??? The miracle of childbirth??? The amazing number of species??? The fact a dragonfly has up to 30,000 lens in each eye??? You've got to be having a laugh!!! It takes more faith to believe that load of tosh than in believing in a Creator.

    1. Hi Tim,
      Evolution does take more faith to believe in, so much of what they claim is pretty far fetched. Dragon flies have 30,000 lens in each eye? That is wild, I had no ideal. Creation cries out about its Creator. How can something like 30,000 lens in an eye just evolve?

      Thanks for stopping by brother and giving me a science lesson. :)

  2. I love the caption child of God,
    I always say that if evolution exists then why are there still gorillas and apes around if we evolved from them, hy aren't they all human beings? I have never believed in evolution though and if others want to be a 'monkey's uncle' then so be it. (oh dear, couldn't resist the joke). The scriptures prove themselves far more than the evolution theory does.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Lol! Love the joke. :)
      Evolution is just silliness, they is no change of kind only adaptions in the same species. It amazes me how these very smart men and women can believe such a foolish tale. Satan has really pulled the wool down over their eyes.

      Thanks for stopping by sister. :)

  3. Man, don't even get me started. The fact that in Job God talks of His greatest creation that has a tail the size of a cedar is just the beginning of the proof in the Bible of a young earth and the farce of evolution. Micro evolution is one thing, but DNA changing into something else is something science is working on to come up with a "hypothesis" or in other words, a man made explanation that won't hold water...

    1. Hi Floyd,
      It is silly, yet so many people buy into it. My daughter is finishing off a 3 rd year university physics course that covers a bit of quantum physics. As this course is coming to an end she has some very tough questions for her professor all of which challenge the thought of the big bang theory. She has proposed a few of these to him and she told me his look of shock and then his reply of 'we really just do not know' mentioned to her how her questions rocked his belief system. When you examine down to the, now what did she say, -100,000 thousand to the 10 th, or something like that, there are just too many unanswered questions to support this theory of big bang and evolution. There is more support and proof for an Intelligent Designer, then anything else, yet science will not voice this at all.

      Thanks for visiting, blessings.

  4. Interesting debate you're having here. I often notice that on Left wing political forums, the usual rule is to allow everyone to have their say, regardless of whether it agrees with the website's stance or not. I think that Right wing sites rarely allow that debate. Also, it seems that Christians are prepared to listen to science and accommodate other points of view, but at times the scientific community, and especially those with a hostility towards Christianity and belief in general. By the way, I am not trying to equate Christianity with Left wing politics, just making a point! Being open minded is better than being dogmatic because whatever we believe, we cannot really comprehend so much in this life, so why argue over things we don't understand? But, I believe God created, us, life the universe and everything from scratch; how He did, well, I haven't go a clue!!!

    1. Hey Tim,
      Your right, Scripture doesn't give details on how God created things and He could have very well used the big bang theory to do it. This was a discussion my daughter and I were having about 2 weeks ago. She had to write an essay on deuterium abundance and it was challenging to her, from her belief point of view, to write it without compromising her belief. It was tricky but she did accomplish this.

      I really do not like getting into debates with atheists because they are really cruel and no matter what you say they try to pick a fight with you or turn things around and call you a bully. :s It is hard to have a civil conversation without them manipulating words to cut you up. Okay, sorry for the rant, but I do feel better now. :)


  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Child of God!

    I've been reading the Bible over, started with the NT and now am in Genesis to go through the OT and then again with the NT...whew! It is a BLAST! I'm getting so much more out of it this time than I did before. Sometimes I'll think of something along the way that I dig a bit deeper into and WOW, the Holy Spirit is just amazing!!! One thing that I just discovered in the book of Genesis is that Shem (the son of Noah) was still alive when Abraham was born. Shem lived to be 600 years old, and was just under 400 years old when Abraham was born. Abraham lived to be 130 so Shem was still here even after Abraham died!!! And I believe Shem was probably much livelier than many 60 year olds today when he was 599! LoL. Just wonderful things to discover in God's word <3

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thanks! :) The Canadian Thanksgiving was last month so I didn't celebrate with you all but I sure did think of my American friends and am very thankful for them.

      How cool! I believe I heard about Shem being around after Abraham died but I didn't really make a point of noting it. It IS wonderful to see Scripture open up in understanding that we never saw before. Thanks for sharing this.

      Blessings hon,

  6. Today is also the beginning of Hanukkah so it's Thanksgivukkah :)

    1. Haha!! Lol! That's great Susan!!

      Thanksgivukkah to you my friend!!


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