
Monday, September 23, 2013

Jesus Is The Message

Galatians 2:19-21 NIV
“For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
The law does not bring freedom only rules, regulations and often frustration at the fact that we cannot keep the law! If we need the law for salvation then like this passage says, Christ died for nothing!

Jesus came to give us freedom! Not freedom to sin but freedom from sin on our soul. It seems, though, that our world does not want to hear about Jesus and to say His name in some public places can get you into a heap of trouble.

People need to hear about Jesus and that through Him there is freedom. Don't let society stop you from spreading the only Good News that can truly set you free.



  1. Hi coG,
    I am honoured to say the name of Jesus, no matter where it is I speak it. When my friend and I meet up in a very vibrant and busy town to hand out our leaflets with poetry and scripture in, there are quite often several people spreading the gospel, some with microphones. It is lovely.
    God bless

  2. Hi Brenda,
    How wonderful!! It is so encouraging to hear that there is still freedom to preach Jesus in England. Here in Canada there is freedom but from what I've read, the United States is losing this freedom and in some places saying Jesus Christ or preaching about Him can get you into a heap of trouble.

    Keep spreading His Word!!
    Blessings sister,

  3. Excellent word! How can we not share our Father's truth? He loves the ones that don't know Him yet... even when they use the gift of their life and breath to curse Him... That's love... Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Hi Floyd,
      I think because He lives in us the desire to share His Truth burns within us and we must share because of the drive deep inside. Every single person aches to hear the Truth whether they realize it or not. It is the addiction to sin that keeps them from accepting Jesus.

      Blessings brother,

    2. Hi Sweetie,
      People do not want to hear about Jesus because they love their sin. It is as simple as that. It is sad and hard for those of us who have tasted His freedom, who know His awesome love and power to understand why people will choose to remain in that sin and darkness.
      We have the Holy Spirit residing within us for understanding...those who don't have only what their flesh reveals to them about the world around them...But Jesus draws all men to Himself at some point so it is important for us to be ready to give them the truth of God's Word when the door opens up in them before it slams shut again!
      And we must remember we used to be lost once too...Sometimes it is really hard to remember what life was like before Jesus...I do remember how my understanding was darkened and I lived by the law of man not God...In other words I lived like the rest of the world lived.
      I just read what you wrote in the comment before this (reply to Floyd), and you said it...the addiction to sin...great minds do think alike lol!...Great minds have the mind of Christ...Amen!

      God bless~ Lisa

    3. Hi Lisa,
      Lol, great minds do have the mind of Christ! Love it :)
      The freedom given to us in Christ is so amazing and once a person gives up the rebellion and chooses to follow Jesus the flooding in of freedom is pretty intense.
      As I share about Jesus, I keep reminding myself that it is my obligation to share the Gospel and to feed into those around me Scripture but it is the Holy Spirit's job to melt hearts and convict people of Jesus. He is the one to grow them and we need to be obedient to show them.

      Blessings hon,

  4. I am with you sister, everyone is looking for something and filling it with what ever they think will make them whole and happy. My heart is challenged each time I get a chance to tell about the one who will give water that will cause them to never thirst again. Good post, Love the book of Galatians.

    1. Hi Betty,
      All people are created to worship and if we are not centering ourselves around God and worshiping Him then we will worship something else. Even Christians can have many idols that they put above God and this is so wrong. This can cause our hearts to grow cold toward Him and eventually turn away from Him. That is why obedience to His Word is so very important. When we are obedient children then we are flooded with the Spirit of Christ and amazing things happen. Others who do not know Jesus, or who are rebellious to Him, will see Him in us and desire what we have.

      I too love Galatians, it is so deep.

      Thanks for commenting. Blessings hon,

  5. Yes, there is a need within humanity to worship something beyond themselves. The Aborigines in Australia worshipped totems that represented the whole tribe, bringing solidarity even though false. Heathens worshipped spirits and I think every group and tribe worshipped something, were aware of something beyond them, nature, the sky, the sea, rivers, trees etc; all false but accepting that there is something bigger than them. When I read the Bible, especially the advice, it all makes sense, it works out and it brings chastisement, peace, warnings, hope, direction, solace, guidance and many other things that no other book, counsellor, religion, philosophy could ever hope to do. And God's Word is alive and vital, it has to understood and prayed over, and sometimes, though the words are plain as day, another meaning can jump out and surprise you and they pertain exactly to what you were praying about or what you are going through!

    1. Hi Tim,
      These idols we have in our lives need to be knocked down because they are really destroying us. Even anger can be an idol, and holding onto this emotion will cause stress which in turn makes our blood pressure rise, gives us heart issues and can eventually lead to a stroke or a heart attack. When we have the Creator of all as our center everything seems to click into place. God, He really is so amazing.



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God Bless,