
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Update on Gunner & a New Prayer Request

Update on Gunner from his Facebook page...

Just wanted to give an update on Gunner and his hand. His attitude is amazing! He is still his same ol funny self and crawling on his hand. But when I come near it, he gets nervous and starts to cry. It is still really tender and yesterday when I was wrapping it, it bled a lot. I have gotten some better tips to tweak how I am wrapping it now from our EB community, and I am going to try that today. Thank you for your continued prayers for our Gunner!

New prayer request from Jaxson Eugene's Facebook page...

I need prayers for my son please!!!! He was turning colors and sweating so I took him to our local E.R. and he had a big seizure, he is now being life flighted to the university of Iowa children's hospital! Pray pray pray!

Jaxson was not supposed to survive pregnancy yet he did and he was born with multiple birth defects. Please lift him up to our God in prayer asking Father to heal this baby and to comfort his mom and dad. Thanks!

Philippians 4:6-7 ESV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers!!


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Jennifer,

      Thank you for your faithfulness in praying!!


  2. Hi child of God,
    Gunner certainly is amazing and I pray that our Lord continues to heal him. I have just been reading about the centurion's slave and how the centurion knew that Jesus had the authority to heal. I pray that the same authority heal this little baby Jaxson for, just like the centurion, I too know that with God 'All things are possible'.

    1. Hi Brenda,

      I love your faith! I will join you in praying the centurion's faith and healing over Jaxson.

      Thanks for your prayers.

  3. Glad to hear about Gunner... Praying for Jaxson. May our Father pour His grace and mercy upon him.

    1. Hi Floyd,

      It seems Jaxson is doing better, although there hasn't been a post on what caused the seizure. Here is what his mom shared...Jaxson is very stable and doing wonderful! He's got a lot of neurological problems but they dont believe it hurts him in anyway. Now we are just waiting to hear from cardio. I think things will be better if they could just fix his broken heart already I will be posting an update soon.

      Thanks for your prayers. :)


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