
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Some Updates udated with 2nd part

All is fine for Lucy. :) There is a pretty amazing video that was done on Lucy's Story, part 1. You can 2 3 Kids, a Mini Van and a Mortgage Part 2 should be up shortly. Since I don't have permission to show it on my blog, you can see it on their blog.

Here is the link to part 2 found at 2 3 Kids, a Mini Van and a Mortgage. 


This facebook page was removed but just today I found another page up and running and I was
thrilled!! Easton had a trach placement and he seems to be doing really well. Please keep him in your prayers as this child has such a fight in front of him. 

           2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

Please continue to pray and pray for these dear, sweet children. Thanks!!!


  1. Hi child of God,
    All credit for Lucy's healing goes to our Father answering the prayers. May the Lord continue to heal. With healing it is not 'seeing is believing'. It is 'believing is seeing'. God bless you as you are led to pray for people.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Yes it does!! Praise God for miraculously healing Lucy!! She is a walking miracle. :) I agree with you that 'believing is seeing'.

      Blessings hon, and thank you too for being so faithful.

  2. Lucy story is nothing short of a miracle. I'm glad I could show you where the new page for Easton was. He certainly is a little fighter.

  3. If you watch the video about Lucy's story at the Fox News website, they provide a link for the story to be shared on various platforms or the HTML code to share on blogs.

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      Lucy’s story is amazing and I thank God for healing her, she is one precious, special girl.

      I saw the link for the Fox News page on Kate’s blog, but I did not ask for permission from her to share it on my blog, so I didn’t believe it was my place to share it without her knowledge.

      I don’t recall you showing me where Easton’s new page was, I saw it on one of the Epidermolysis Bullosa prayer pages that I follow.

      Blessings, thank you for visiting.


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