
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Strength Found In Him

I'm linking up with Barbie for The Weekend Brew.



  1. Replies
    1. Hi Jennifer,
      These verses are so comforting and give hope, I too love them.


  2. I love those scriptures and the pictures. What a refreshing thing to know that when we grow weak He renews our strength! What a wonderful sensation to soar with Father over His wonderful creation, high above all the worries about money or sickness or crime, etc..In the Spirit~ God bless~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      When we are in the valley of pain, loss, sorrow, frustration or whatever it might be, we can always turn to the Lord and He will protect us and lift us up. I love these verses because they give me so much hope.


  3. Two of my favorite verses!
    Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Hi Chelle,

      They are some of my favourite verses too.

      Blessings hon,

  4. I used the Jeremiah verse last week, and I love the Isaiah verse. It's great to be reminded of God's strength - especially when we feel so depleted of our own strength and energy.

    1. Hi Jon,
      When we are at our end He is there to pick us up. All we need to do is have faith in Him and turn and seek His comfort and strength.

      Thank you for visiting.

  5. Dear one you have no idea how I needed this post. Blessings and hugs....

    1. Hi JBR,
      Isn't it amazing to see the very verses we need to see right at that moment? I love when that happens. Shows to me how very active God is in our lives.

      Blessings and hugs back,

  6. There are so many scriptures shared today about strength, hope, waiting. God is reminding His children to wait, to hope, to reach for Him and remember that He will strengthen!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      He will strengthen indeed! Father is faithful and He comes through in our time of need every single time. Sometimes, though, we need to wait a while on Him but the wait is worth it.

      Hugs my friend.

  7. I love the posters that you make - Nature and nature's God comes to mind as the mighty Words of Holy Scripture seem to jump off the page. And this seems to remind me that, even in tumultuous times, The God of the Universe is totally in control and desires us to "Fear not". 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." If we are not seeing the "Fruit of the Spirit" in our lives, then we must realize that we are not walking in the Spirit and "seek, ask & knock" to get our eyes of Jesus. Whole-heartedly, earnestly, honestly and humbly. We all need the Lord, for sure! Thank you dear sister for your refuge and light. Blessings.

    1. Hi Brian,
      Thank you, I love photography and putting Scripture to the pictures I take is fulfilling for me.
      Thank you for sharing this verse with me tonight as I am battling a bout of fear and I believe the Lord used you to get this message across to me. God has all the answers to the issues we deal with right in His Word. We need to diligently seek it out, study it and apply it to our lives. Stretching and growing hurts on many levels but our God is faithful to help us get through all of it.
      I desire His fruit to produce in my life. :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

    2. We see Divine Appointments and Coincidence every time we look around us the Holy Spirit indwells our spirit and our Lord Jesus is with us aways, to the end of the age (MAtthew 28:20) ... and that continuosly. And it warms my heart to realize and know that the infinite is for & with the finite, the immortal with the mortal, the Almighty with the Needy, the perfect witht he imperfect, the creator with the created creature and the Father with the Child of God. You lift me, and countless others up sister, because the love and Spirit of God flows out of you like a stream of "Living Water' to all those around you and I hope that you see and feel the love of God flow right back to fill your heart and spirit byond what the world can understand. Agape. Glory to God adn love to you sister in Christ.

    3. Hi Brian,
      Since God is all around us and in us we should see divine appointments all the time, if we are looking for them. So many people believe these are just coincidences and not from God, but when you believe in God and His Word, then you must believe that He is speaking to us all the time because He promised that if we are seeking Him, He will never leave or forsake us.

      Your kind words have helped soothe some of the frustration that I am dealing with, thank you for sharing them with me. :) It is amazing to be part of this online support from so many brothers and sisters in Christ.

      Blessings in Christ, my brother.

  8. Hi coG, beautiful pictures, beautiful words.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you, it was fun putting them together.

      Blessings hon,

  9. Hi again,
    I just looked at your facebook page, I don't know that much about facebood although I have a page and someone has put a christian site on there. Is it that you can create a christian site on facebook or can you share your blog on there. I don't want to take up too much of your time but I am interested. Perhaps there is a helpline I could get info from?

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Facebook is more interactive that blogger. You can make your site a Christian site and you can share your blogger posts there too, but to make long posts like you do on blogger you would have to use the 'note' section of Facebook. Here is a link to the Facebook help center

      It is not really hard to use. What you can do is get your page up and going and let play with it. Look at other people pages and see what they do and also check out that link I gave you.

      I hope this helps if not just ask again and I will see if I can help you. You are not a bother, ever!! :)


  10. Thankyou fo all that good info,
    I am awful for having 'ten fingers in ten pies' but I will look into it and maybe put up a site one day on Facebook that would be suitable - God willing.
    God bless.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I'm glad I could be some help to you. If you set up a page let me know I would love to be a part of your facebook community.


  11. just think what our world would be like if we committed these verses to memory and lived our lives like we believed?!

    1. Hi Annmarie,
      I believe our world would be a wonderful place to live in if we were doers of the Word instead of just speakers of the Word. Actions speak loudly.

      Blessings hon,

  12. Hi Child of God, I love these pictures and Bible verses. Isaiah 40:31 is dear to my heart. It was one of the passages I memorized and held onto a few years back when my first wife went home to be with the Lord. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures and scripture with us. May God bless you,

    1. Hi Ken,
      I remember praying for you during your time of mourning. Isaiah 40:31 is a beautiful verse and it has great memories for me too, during the time I clung to those precious words.

      I am so happy that you are re-married and that empty spot by your side is now filled.

      Blessings brother,


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God Bless,