
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Spiritual Warfare 2013

That is my word for 2013, spiritual warfare, and the verse I have been given is 

Ephesians 6:12 NIV
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Father has been leading me on a path of self denial and He has been walking me into intercession for the sick and slowly leading me into spiritual warfare. These last few months, though, He has been walking me into spiritual warfare in a way I have never thought possible. He is revealing to me things in the spiritual realm that I had no idea existed and He is showing me who I am as a child of God, a daughter of the King. He is revealing to me my identity in Jesus and He is showing me the power He gave to Jesus that is available to all believers in Him. This power has the ability to demolish evil in the high places and to tell Satan and his demons to depart, back off and never to return again. To claim and reclaim that which belongs to our Father and to fight for Him and stand up for righteousness and Truth.

Father has been leading me in this direction for most of my life but it has only been in the last 6 years that He has truly been preparing me through self denial. I am still unsure of where this will take me by I do feel the lead taking me into the streets and possibly the mental hospital to pray over the sick, lost and mentally deranged. I live in an area where satanic worship is high, we have a huge holding for the hell's angels here and I do believe Father is leading me to pray and seek the Father's grace in demolishing this very evil strong hold.

'Mischief' by W.Zau__ (I don't know her name) 

About 4 years ago, Father lead me to this picture but just the sight of it totally freaked me out and as Father pressed this on my heart I just kept saying no Lord, no. Last spring Father once again gave me the opportunity to buy it, so out of obedience to Him I agreed and with total trust from my husband, I bought this picture and proceeded to put it in my closet all covered up. Only recently has Daddy been showing me that He wants me on my face in humility at His feet in spiritual warfare. I think that is what this picture is showing me. The evil of this day is growing rapidly and our world is changing very quickly with every second that is passing. Daddy is leading me here and I am excited to see where, exactly, His leading will take me. The passion I have for praying for the sick of body and soul has increased but an ever increasing passion to give Satan and his demons a powerful blow into oblivion is being raised up inside of me.

Do you feel called into spiritual warfare? Do you feel Father leading you down this path of knowing who you are in Jesus Christ? Spiritual warfare is the work of the child of God and Jesus is our leader and teacher in it. When Jesus prayed at Gethsemane He prayed so hard and the spiritual war was so intense that His sweat was like drops of blood. Have you felt the spiritual war that intense before? Well my friend, the bar has been raised and our LORD is returning soon. Satan is on the rampage and he wants your soul especially if you are active for God. Build your foundation on the Word of the LORD and no matter what Satan does to try and knock you down he will never succeed but will run at the sight of you on your knees. These days we live in are very dark and few will continue to walk the straight and narrow path because men are lovers of themselves instead of remembering their first love, God the Father.

I am praying for you, that no matter what comes your way you will continue to seek His face and walk the path of eternal life. Please pray for me too as I don't want to fall into the way of the world but to live with my eyes on Jesus and the eternal prize that is waiting for me in heaven; eternal life with Daddy.

Intercession is pretty exciting work!

I'm looking forward to 2013 and all the wonderful new things that are just waiting to happen.

Be blessed my friends, be blessed!



  1. Hi Child of God,
    I feel as though you are a strong warrior for the Lord. Keep fighting the good fight, my friend. I keep you in my prayers and I pray you have a blessed 2013 in the Lord.

    1. Hi Ken,
      Thank you for keeping me in your prayers, I do appreciate it. :)

      Blessings brother,

  2. I love your heart for His people, and I am thankful to partner with you in prayer for so many of these needs. You are a blessing to the Body of Christ!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      It is good to war beside you! You bless my heart and I love learning from your experiences.

      Blessings sister,

  3. Amen and you are in my prayers!!! There is an evil out there and he roams the earth looking to devour someone!!

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      Thank you for the prayers. :) This evil is bigger than we can imagine, but what is so cool and amazing is our Father is even bigger than it! AND, we are on the winning side. Now, how awesome is that!?!

      Blessings sister,

  4. Great word for the year! I know God has been using you to demolish strongholds in His name! I pray that you will keep increasing in faith and fervency as His power flows through you mightily to defeat the enemy of our souls. I ask that as you intercede for others the healing power of the Lord will touch them right where they need it. Thank you Father that you are so faithful! Many blessings for 2013! Shana

    1. Hi Shana,
      Yes Lord, amen!

      Thank you Shana, be blessed!

  5. Hi child of God,
    I have always loved intercessory prayer. I used to get together with my friend in the town I last lived in and we used to intercede in prayer together. Please pray for me that I will come across a prayer partner in this area that I can gather with. We pray in church but I am not able to intercede in a service the way I would in a small prayer group. God bless you with increase this year.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Praying in a large group can be difficult. I too enjoy the intimacy of small group prayer. I will be asking Father to lead you to this, a small group of intercessory warriors.

      Did you think of starting something like this in your home? You are such a powerful prayer warrior, I just know you would lead an amazing group.


  6. You know, that picture of the child scares me... I really don't like the look of it. I have to be truthful, I feel it is evil...
    I suffered what I called depression for the last couple of years. Nothing I said or did lifted it. Then I drove hundreds of miles to visit my elder son. I didn't want to go because the time I went before, ended with him being almost nasty, all the time. I had never known my son to be like this, but now, I had no desire to visit him again.
    I knew, in my heart of heart I was to go, so I did. it was a wonderful visit and I helped work out my sons medications. It was his 44 th birthday while I was there. Its hard to buy for him as he likes to choose things for himself. On the day before his birthday, I felt to share the YOUTUBE story's about Akiane, the girl who visited Heaven and paints it. My son was deeply touched by it all. Then I felt to get him a big picture of Akiane's painting of Jesus. When I gave it to him for his birthday he was so touched. Then I took photos of him inside his bungalow. Later his friend drew my attention to angel spots on the wall behind him.On the Saturday night I was there in bed when I felt a weight lifted off me. Instantly I got the word, OPPRESSION... I praise God it is gone. I praise God my son is delivered... There is much to praise Him for..But, in all this, "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." I could never be away from Jesus as He is my Rock and fortress. As I was writing this I almost lost the page... strange? NO!! Perhaps you are not meant to read it? Love Crystal xx

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,

      I agree with you that picture is evil and it creeps me out, that's why I didn't want to get it. For 3 years I said no Lord but if it is Your will then please let my husband be in agreement and I will obey You, because I cannot walk out from under the authority of my husband. So, on the 4th year I agreed to Father but He had to move my husbands heart and He did!! It was so amazing! The conversation with Father went like this..."Lord I know in my heart You want me to buy this demonic picture but my husband has already told me no. You, Daddy, need to move his heart." I told my husband that the LORD wants me to choose this picture and my husband looked at me and said, "If the LORD said so then you better do what He said." I was totally shocked and thrilled all at the same time.

      I remember you posting about your son on your blog and your facebook page. I stood beside you interceding for him and you and I was rejoicing with you when you mentioned about the change in him. I also remember the angel spots above his photo that was taken. My heart tells me that this oppression that you were having was because of what your son went through. You, being his mum, are tied to him and felt what he felt and therefore knew how to pray and seek others to pray with you.

      What Satan wants to destroy or block will never succeed with a child of God, if that child continues to seek God and press into His will. God is bigger than he who bullies the second heaven and when a child of God knows who they are in Christ then Satan flees so quickly because he cannot stand to be in the light of the Father shining out of the child of God.

      Praise You Jesus!! Thank You for setting this note from Crystal Mary free to reach me and those who are reading. You are so good LORD, so very, very good!!

      Blessings sister,

  7. May the Lord bless you and make your spirit Grow.
    This morning I was at war and started researching about it and God has led me to this site to not wait anymore and start his will today. No more time can be wasted.

    May God bless you.

    1. Hi Lily,
      Thank you for leaving a comment and letting me know you came by.
      I agree that the waiting is over as time here is short. There is much work to do and it will be accomplished on our knees in intercession for the lost. Jesus has won the war but the battles still rage on as we draw closer to the time of His return.

      I will pray for you in the area of your need. Although I don't know what it is, Father does and His will be done.

      Blessings in Christ Jesus,


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God Bless,