
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Update on Amy

Here is an update for Amy taken directly from her CarringBridge page.

I got a call from Dr Fisher the oncologist last night. I wish I can say we got all positive news but its only cross our fingers and pray kinda news. Radiation is not possible. Chemo alone wont cure this, brain surgery alone wont cure this. Brain surgery and chemo together is our best shot. He believes they can get a biopsy and find out what kind of tumor this is (they think it is a low grade glioma but there is a chance since it is a reoccurrance that it can upgrade to a high grade glioma and for that there would be little chance of a cure, So pray for low grade please.) the biopsy will help them determine what chemo treatment to use. We have a 10.00 am meeting with the neuro surgeon Dr. Storm on Tue dec 18 th Amys birthday. (i just told her last night that i would make it after her birthday but he only sees people on tuesdays-sometimes i feel that its like the world is out to get me. oh well its just a consult and she will have the party that night to lift her spirits again after hearing all the scary stuff about surgery)  Well thats all i can give you for now.

If anyone has any ideas how i can make scotty feel less overlooked please let me know. Im trying really hard but I am also concentrating on keeping everyone updated and doing little things around the house that need to be done and of course concentrating on how to keep my little girl alive. Shes getting cards and stuff and he jealous because hes not getting anything. Although I do have him signed up to get stuff it just takes time. If someone would like to write him a little card every now and then email me and ill give you our address. He told me yesterday he feels like we love amy more than him. I tried to explain we are just trying to help her survive. But hes little and doesnt understand. I hope talking to a therapist will help. I love them both so much but its really hard right now not to be concentrating solely on amys tumor and what is going on. So please if you have any ideas speak up and if its constructive critisism ill try not to hold it against you I will do anything to help my babies through this rotten unfair horribly scary situation.

 God Bless you all and thank you so much for the prayers I can feel the love. And I know he hears us and he will take care of us.

Friends, you know we serve a mighty big God so will you join me in asking big? I'm praying for the biopsy to come back clean, no evidence of cancer. Also will you pray for Scotty, Amy's brother. He is feeling unloved and not special. If you have any ideas on how to make him feel loved, please send a message to Etta. You can send a friend request to her Facebook page here.

Matthew 4:23-24 NASB 
Jesus was going throughout all Galilee,
teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom,
and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.
The news about Him spread throughout all Syria;
and they brought to Him all who were ill,
those suffering with various diseases and pains,
demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them.

Praying and praying,


  1. Dear one thank you for your recent comment. I took a break with God. Blessings to you.

    1. Hi JBR,
      Thanks for letting me know. Rest sweetly with Father.



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