
Friday, December 7, 2012

Phoebe AT/RT

Please lift Phoebe up in prayer, she is having a rough go and needs a lot of intercession. Below is taken from An ATypical Miracle

Phoebe is still having a rough go in the hospital. Yesterday there was a mix-up in her orders and her Hydrocortisone was dicontinued. Well, Phoebe is cortisol dependent and can not live without it, so by yesterday afternoon she was floppy, distant and fading. Her heart rate was accelerated and her sodium was very high and thank God they finally figured it out before she crashed. Needless to say it was a rough day.

Her body is still not absorbing Potassium which is most likely a kidney issue, and that could continue for weeks, or months, or years or just suddenly correct itself. I constantly have to remind myself that people can live with potassium supplements but they can not live with AT/RT. People can live with Diabetes Insipidus but they can not live with AT/RT...etc.etc. Chemotherapy is a double edged sword.

Right now she is receiving her second blood transfusion and yesterday she received platelets. Her ANC is 40 today which is still pretty low, but at least on the upswing. We will be here for a few more days until her counts recover and she is in better shape. Thank you all for continuing to pray.


Psalm 72:12-14 NIV
For he will deliver the needy who cry out,
    the afflicted who have no one to help.
He will take pity on the weak and the needy
    and save the needy from death.
He will rescue them from oppression and violence,
    for precious is their blood in his sight.

Praying and praying,


  1. Hi child of God, I join you in prayer for Phoebe. Father we know that all things are not possible with man, but we know by Your word that what is not possible with man is possible with You. So Lord we ask You to do what the doctors cannot do here for Phoebe,we ask You to heal her completely from this sickness. She is Your creation and we bring her in prayer to You. Amen and thankYou Father in Jesus name.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you.
      Yes Lord, with you all things are possible. You are the Great Physician and Phoebe's healing rest solely in Your hands. We trust her in Your care. In the name of Jesus, amen.

      Thanks for praying,

  2. You know C.O.G., it's breaks our heart in the "right" way to see and hear of Phoebe, because that is exactly what it takes for us sometimes to take action. Pain and loss in this fallen world, is not pleasant experiences, but is a call for compassion and care as our Lord demonstrated and does for us. Love God and love your neighbor is thought, word and action. I thank you for your dedicated action to both care and creating awareness of Phoebe and all the other children. God bless you. I am surely in prayer.

    1. Hi Brian,
      Yes it sure does! This kind of a broken heart is good for our soul.

      Thanks for praying. :)



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