
Monday, November 5, 2012

In Need Tonight! UPDATED Joey & Ian

Ian is in need of prayer tonight as he just had some important scans done. Please pray with me that this cancer is gone!! If you feel led, head over to his mom's blog, An Ordinary Mom, and give her some encouragement as she is trying not to be worried.

UPDATED: Ian's scans were stable! Now praying for the next step. Thank You GOD! :)

Joey is having more issues from this cancer. Below is taken from his CaringBridge site.

To boil this down, it seems like the evidence is pointing toward the cancer causing this. If its something else, they aren't telling us. Results of MRI (4p today) come in the morning I guess. Couldn't find a kidney stone but urine/bladder is filled w/amorphous debris. Microscopic (irregular shaped) crystals, as I understand it. Could cause problems and irritation, but not keep him from emptying his bladder. Preliminary results say he does not have bladder infection. Formal results in morning. So every, literally 5 minutes he grabs himself and asks us to get the urinal, and then either tiny bit drains out, or nothing. He is miserable. And I'm losing my mind. I can deal with almost anything in life, and have been through some stuff. What I cannot deal with is him suffering. Can NOT. Urology resident said they won't cath him again until 300 cc's. he's in torment at 75cc. We're doing another bladder scan now. Thx for prayers. Desperately needed.

My posts moving forward are probably going to be just medical facts and updates. For a bunch of reasons, but primarily bc this is heart wrenching, is the spiritual battle of my life, and extremely personal. The MRI showed "a lot" more cancer (in comparison to the one a month ago), all over his brain, and down his spine. She thought maybe his (still) high heart rate was from a new lesion or cluster on his brain stem. We are waiting to hear more, as far as medical options, if there are any. I will post more as I know more. 

THANK YOU for praying!! 

Psalm 27:3,5,13-14 NIV
Though an army besiege me,
    my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
    even then I will be confident.
For in the day of trouble
    he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
    and set me high upon a rock.
I remain confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.



  1. Praying with you and the families. Cancer is so hard on everyone. I pray that the Lord just give them all a special touch tonight.

    1. Hi Chelle,
      Yea, it is such a rough go. :(
      Praying in agreement with you, a special touch from our Father.


  2. Prayers going up for Ian & Joey and their families. May the Lord's love hold them. The arms of love. Prayer also for a cause stopper, a treatment and a cute.

    1. Hi Brian,
      Standing in agreement with you.
      Thank you for praying,

  3. Hi child of God,
    I join you in prayer for these two young ones and ask the Lord to remove this sickness from their bodies and restore them to health. We will wait for You Lord to see Your goodness materialize in these two young people. amen and thankYou Lord.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for interceding. I just saw news on Joey, and it is not good at all. :'( I am pasting it here for you to read and I am going to update this post as well.
      My posts moving forward are probably going to be just medical facts and updates. For a bunch of reasons, but primarily bc this is heart wrenching, is the spiritual battle of my life, and extremely personal. The MRI showed "a lot" more cancer (in comparison to the one a month ago), all over his brain, and down his spine. She thought maybe his (still) high heart rate was from a new lesion or cluster on his brain stem. We are waiting to hear more, as far as medical options, if there are any. I will post more as I know more.

      Our God needs to give the word of healing. His will be done, always standing in agreement with Him.

  4. Joining in prayer for Joey~ Praising God for stable scans for Ian, and further miracles for both boys!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Yes!! Further miracles for both boys! Agree!


  5. Hi Child of God,
    Thank you for all your prayers you offer up to God for these precious children. I am praying with you.
    God bless,

    1. Hi Ken,
      Thank you for joining in prayer! Joey is not doing well at all. The cancer has spread and his only healing is a miracle from God.



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God Bless,