
Friday, November 16, 2012

Cancer Stinks!

Proverbs 4:20-22 NIV
My son, pay attention to what I say;
    turn your ear to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
    keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
    and health to one’s whole body.

Joey Needs a ton of prayer right now as he has taken a turn for the worse. Taken from CaringBridge site.

...things have gotten progressively worse over the last two weeks. What a nightmare. We wanted to again ask for your prayers. Joey can barely communicate w/us, is very tired (from having to breath so fast) and is having trouble breathing (labored). We need God to intervene and stop what otherwise will be a horrific next few days. There are some signs that it might be hours not days. ...

Jordan is in hospice house and is losing the feeling in his legs. Below is taken directly from his blog.

...The reason we came to Canuck Place was to explore two options for pain management until Jordan's healing. Both are harsh but one has become dangerous due to the seemingly rapid progression of numbness throughout his body.  So in many ways we are backed into a corner....

...And what we had thought would be a few days, (I packed for 5 to be on the safe side) suddenly has no end in sight...that all by itself was a tough one....

...In a text I received this morning, Reece asked me if I was scared.  And I was surprised, after checking, that I was more mad/frustrated than scared.  For crying out loud, he just wants to sit up or lie on his side.  And late last night and this morning, eating became increasingly difficult, stealing some of the joy from one of his few pleasures.  This is wrong on soo many levels....

Lucy has been pretty sick and so her scans were canceled  I am not sure when they are going to do them as there has been no information put up yet. 

Scarlett will be having surgery to remove this unknown mass from her brain after the American Thanksgiving. Click on her name to go to her blog and check out the scans. Please pray this is nothing to be of concern. 

Joy had a set back. The following is taken directly from her Facebook page...

Joy is back on the ventilator. She was working very hard to breathe and her sats were getting low. While we are disappointed at this step back, we are not discouraged. We know who holds her future and He will never leave us alone. 
We are blessed.

Please keep these children in your prayers. God is listening and we just need to keep on pressing in with faith. Thanks!!

On another note please keep Israel and her leaders in your prayers as there is now a chance of a 7 weeks war to happen. Check out the post from Joel Rosenberg. Below is taken from the post.

...Israel's Home Front Command has been ordered to tell the nation to prepare for 7 weeks of war.
75,000 IDF reserve soldiers are definitely being called up for action -- up from 30,000 on Thursday, and 16,000 on Wednesday. ...

God Bless,


  1. Love your picture and what it says. He is with us through everything. Praise the Lord!! Will be praying for all of these you well as Israel. God bless you...Chelle

    1. Hi Chelle,
      Thank you. It is so reassuring that He walks with us through all of this junk.

      Thanks for praying. :)


  2. I second that... "Cancer Stinks!" big time. Just going out for a little while to buy the DVD that Jaiden and I watched last night. So excited to find it on sale at the local Christian book store for $16.99. Worth every penny! I'll make a note of these updates and keep these precious ones lifted up in prayer. Love you Child of God!!! xOx GOD BLESS!

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      I'm sure you and Jaiden will enjoy many hours enjoying that video, it is so beautiful. when I have more free time I will stop by your blog and watch more of it.

      Thanks for praying.

      Blessings sister and love you back!

  3. Oh, I have been glued to the TV set through out the night here, waiting to see what came of the meeting. It's devastating... praying for Israel. Saw on Joel's page, seven weeks of war! Then what?

    We all know Jesus is coming soon, more and more conflicts breaking out everyday. Many we don't even hear about.

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      What is going on in the Middle East is devastating and so heart breaking. Prophecy coming true. Joel Rosenberg was saying in another post that this could possibly the beginning of fulfilling Isaiah 19, the prophecy against Egypt.

      Blessings sister,

  4. Thanks for the link to Rosenberg's blog, COG.

    1. Hi Vilisi,
      Your welcome. I believe from that link you can subscribe to his emails.


  5. Oh Lord God, heal them all.

    Have you seen the movie, LIVING PROOF..
    It is excellent on an alternative cure for some kinds of breast cancer.

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      I have not seen this movie 'Living Proof'. It is nice to know there are some alternatives to the chemo treatments. Chemo is so hard and has some terrible side effects.

      Thanks for sharing,


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God Bless,