
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Written for our Learning

Romans 15:4-5 NKJV
For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus. 

God has really been speaking to me about watching and waiting. Scripture is being opened to me and the promises of God are jumping off the page at me. 
My heart has been so heavy for the sick. The physically sick and the spiritually sick and I find myself in intercession most of the day as God lays their precious faces on my mind. This is not an easy battle for Satan does not want me here and he has been attacking, but God keeps showing me that He is Sovereign and His Word is true I just need to believe and trust in Him that He's got this. 
As I stand under the attack of the evil one I know my Lord is defending me, so I fight with the armour of God on and look on the people around me with the love and patience God has for me. 

I'm linking up with Barbie for Fresh Brewed Sundays



  1. Your photo and verse is beautiful.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Thank you!! This is a picture by our creek.

    Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Beautiful picture child of God, reminding me of how great our God is to have created such beauty. We keep our eyes on Him and continue to call satan the liar that he has been from the beginning. Thankyou Father that as we wear the armour that You have given to us, we remember 2 Corinthians ch.1 v.20 which reads 'For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God'.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you!
      I stand with you in calling Satan the liar and claiming God's promises. He is good! This armour God gave us is not heavy and it fits our body perfectly. With God by our side we can fight 24/7 and never grow weary but become stronger with each passing minute.

      Blessings sister,

  4. Satan is attacking more and more because he also knows the urgency these days...his days are numbered! Praise God!! We all need to stand together...armor on and arms raised in prayer...believing in all the promises that we know to be true! God does have it all!
    Praying for you...Chelle

    1. Hi Chelle,
      You are so right! Satan's days are growing really short so he is viciously attacking where he only attacked mildly before.
      Thanks for your prayers, I do appreciate them. This ministry comes with a price that I gladly pay, so it is encouraging to know others are covering me.

      Blessings hon,

  5. You keep fighting my friend. Your prayers help to release heaven into the lives of others. I know they are making a difference!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      One more soul for the Lord. I can't remember who said that but it was a famous preacher who kept on saying one more soul for the Lord. On his death bed he was still ministering to all who came by his room. Doctors, nurses, orderlies and cleaning people. He told them about Jesus and a few gave their lives to Christ just before he died, and he would say, one more soul for the Lord.

      Blessings sister,

  6. Hi Child of God,

    So true about the armor of God! He equips us with everything we need to fight the good fight, and then after we have done everything we can, to then stand (immovable and firm in our convictions) and satan will flee from us. Glory to God in the highest! :D

    1. Hi Susan,
      Something you said here just really clicked with me. to then stand (immovable and firm in our convictions)
      What hit me was even though we are wearing God's armour Satan still attacks and we need to be resolved and stand without wavering, on the God's promise that He will deliver us in His timing.
      I have known this, but a deep meaning was just revealed to me and I think that is awesome.

      I seem to be learning a lot from you in this past short while.

      Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thrilled to have discovered such a helpful blog- have emailed a prayer request and have subscribed. God BLESS you abundantly as you serve him so faithfully.
    mary, New Zealand.

    1. Hi Marygems,
      I'm glad you find this blog helpful. :) Thank you for subscribing and I will reply to your email later on this morning.

      Praying and praying for you hon, keep your eyes on Jesus.

  8. Thank you for you for visiting E-1-A this week. What a wonderful testimony you shared there.

    Keep looking to the Lord of the armour and He will indeed keep you safe and secure in your knowledge of Him.

    Have a wonderful, promise filled week.

    1. Hi Wendy,
      I'm glad you like my testimony.
      There is no safer and better place than in the center of the will of God, even if it is in the middle of the battle field, because the presence of the Lord is thickest there and I love His presence.

      Thank you for stopping by.



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God Bless,