
Monday, October 15, 2012

CPR Ezra 8:23 Re-Opening :)

Matthew 7:7 NIV
”Ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

Hello my blogger friends!! Oh how I have missed this part of my ministry so much! But, God has not let me rest at all! No, way! He has increased my ministry and I do believe I am a bit overwhelmed with all the prayer needs of sick children, it saddens my heart so much. It will take me a while to update the prayer page. God has led me into a prayer ministry on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr for which I will put up links if you are interested in following along there as well. As you can see I am giving this blog a bit of a make over, something fresh and new for the new things God is doing in this ministry. 

To fill you all in a bit, there hasn't been a resolve to the problem I am dealing with but that is okay because I am at peace with it. I have spent a lot of time praying and fasting and just really seeking God. I want to thank you for praying for me. I have been flooded with online love from so many of you. It is nice to know this ministry blog has touched your heart. Thank you for telling me how much you want me to keep this blog going. I have been so blessed by many encouraging emails and facebook messages. Thank you so much

Really, I just want to thank you all for caring and praying, I have been so blessed. 

2 Samuel 2:6 NIV
May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this.

God Bless,


  1. Yaaay! I don't get over here as much as I'd like to - but when I do have some time to browse my friend's blogs - I do visit you here.
    Praying that God will assist you in your endeavors to change/regroup this blog to the ministry He has for you!
    Hugs and blessings,

    1. Hi Deb,
      Thank you for the encouragement. :)

      It is always so nice to have you visit.


  2. Hi Child of God~ So good to have you back with this blogging ministry! I am delighted to hear of your increased ministry calling, although I am not surprised, as I know you are not the type to sit idle while you are waiting to hear from the Lord about something~ no time to waste, as the time is getting shorter~ Amen...I am also glad to know God has given you peace concerning what happened...In a way that means God is working on resolving it without your involvment...Don't exactly know how that works, but I have experienced such a peace with personal issues, where I did whatever I was supposed to do, and then handed it over to God.
    I will continue to pray for you whilst you are getting everything back together here. I am not on facebook anymore, but will continue to look for your updates here... (YAY)!
    God bless you, and this ministry~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you!
      Lol, God didn't want me to stop, just wait. :) The moment I rested this blog was the moment He led me to many prayer needs and the need is still increasing! God is good and His ways are perfect, it is just waiting on His timing that is so hard. :s

      I agree with you that God is resolving this issue without my involvement and the peace He is giving me is a blessing.

      Thank you for your continued prayers, I appreciate it a lot.

      Blessings hon,

  3. Hi child of God,Welcome back!
    It's midnight and I popped in to check my emails for something as my husband is watching tele in bed. Thought I's check my blogs at the same time (I felt the Lord encouraging me to start a new one for those who do not know Him) It's on
    It is lovely to have you back blogging. I don't know much about twitter or how to share a blog on facebook, maybe I will learn some day. Better get back to bed. ha ha.
    God bless you

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Lol, you are so sweet!
      I'm checking out your new blg right now.

      Sweet dreams sister.

  4. Hi Child of God ~ Praise the Lord you are back! I knew that God wouldn't let this ministry go. You are much needed here...and such a blessing!


    1. Hi Chelle,
      No, I guess God really wants this ministry to keep going. :) It is a good one and much needed. Thank you for keeping me covered.

      Blessings sister,

  5. Hi Child of God,
    I am pleased to hear your are reopening your blog. I have always enjoyed and was blessed in visiting your blog. I will keep you and your ministry in prayer and thank God for giving you peace.

    1. Hi Ken,
      Thank you! I am glad to here this blog blesses you too. I really appreciate you praying for this ministry as I am being led to see how many people are suffering so and are in need of prayer.

      Blessings brother,

  6. Yeah! So glad to have you back! God is so good!

  7. Welcome back sister. As you have been blessed to be a blessing to us, your blessing us has lead us to be a blessing to others. Keep shining the light of Christ!

    1. Hi Brian,
      Thank you for being such an encouragement and support to me. God has really blessed me and I am so grateful.

      Letting Christ's light shine brightly.

      Blessings brother,

  8. Praising < - Woohoo!

    Happy dancing and fist pumping the air, and a few high fives too! I'm so glad to see your online ministry re-open here. It's fantastic to have you back. I want to let you know how much you and your friendship has come to mean to me.

    Oh and ever so thankful God has given you rest while you needed to rest. And peace, peace that can only come from Him. God is good... And all the time!!!

    I'll be sure to keep checking in on your prayer page for changes and updates. You are a dedicated prayer warrior. Bless you for all the love, care, support and prayer you give to others. There are way too many people (little and big) in need of prayer, which saddens me a lot. I cry so many tears for others; especially for little ones that are diagnosed from birth with the most terrible of diseases. It is just so very hard to comprehend.

    Anyway my dear friend... In this WORLD, where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE... JESUS RULES!!!

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      Lol!! Thanks! It sure is sweet to have some online friends, glad we can say this. :)

      Well, I sure did have rest from blogging on blogger, but no rest from praying which is a good thing.

      I will try to have the prayer page updated by the end of this week, there are many to add in and I am trying to figure out the best way to do this.

      You have such a dear, tender heart. This is so good for where the heart is soft God works BIG!

      Thank you for your prayers and encouragement, it means so much to me. I have been flooded with so much love, caring and prayers that I truly felt lifted and carried through this whole ordeal.

      Blessings sister,

  9. I am so thankful that you are feeling released by the Lord to reopen your blog. How I have missed you. I have been following your prayer links on Facebook and it's so overwhelming the need for healing. Our God is a BIG God, isn't He? I will be glad to have you back here too! Missed you!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      Thank you for your prayers and for following along on Facebook. Those poor, dear children. My heart just breaks seeing them suffer so much. The need is great but like you said our God is a BIB God!!

      I missed this space. It is very good to be back!

      Blessings sister,

  10. I'm glad to see you here again!

    1. Hi Ma,
      Thank you!! It sure is good to be back. :)

      Blessings sister,


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God Bless,