
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love To Forgive

Colossians 3:13 NIV
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Sometimes forgiveness does not come easily, especially if the hurt is deep. We need to ask God to give us strength and for His supernatural power in order to forgive. Does this mean we trust and forget? No, but we choose to love and accept and He works a miracle in our heart as we obey the Father. There is freedom in forgiveness. 

I'm linking up with Barbie for Fresh Brewed Sunday. 


  1. So true. Only God can give us the ability to forgive others. How can I not forgive, when He has forgiven me so much. Blessings to you my friend.

    1. Hi Barbie,
      Trying to forgive in our own strength only results in resentment and bitterness which is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit. So it boils down to rebuking self and going to God for only in Him is there true peace.



    God's blessings to you my Sister in Christ,

    1. Hi Lon,
      Yes!! Indeed we in Christ are free!! Haha!

      Blessings bro,

  3. Hello Pham Minh Tam,
    Thank you for the invite. I will visit. :)


  4. Hi child of God,
    yes that is right, there is a freedom in forgiveness. If we do not forgive then we do not allow for ourselves to make mistakes and do others wrong, which we all do at times. If we don't forgive others then God won't forgive us.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I love freedom. I hate being caged in and tied down. Sin cages in and ties us down. It is a weight that we have no idea we are carrying until we repent and Jesus forgives us. The freedom that comes with forgiveness is amazing! It is a light heartedness that can be found no other way.

      Praise God He is willing to forgive us.

      Blessings sister,

  5. Wow, Forgiveness has been a reaccuring theme for me lately!
    Did you know that I once turned down a chance to head a women's ministry in the church I was a member of a few years ago...because I was not willing to forgive someone...Unforgiveness can sure put a stop to God's plans for our lives! It does not have to be this way, if we will only hand our difficulty to forgive others over to the Lord, and ask Him to give us the heart-felt love for that person, the way He loves them...It can be done!
    Good Post~ God Bless you, my dear sister~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      An unforgiving heart hurts us so much more than it hurts the unforgiven person. Bitterness and mistrust tends to creep in unnoticed and can lead to a very hard heart. You are so right in saying that "Unforgiveness can sure put a stop to God's plans for our lives!" He has so much for us if we could only trust in Him. This is a lesson I am learning too; trusting in God and allowing Him in to take care of my fragile heart.

      Thanks for sharing hon, I think you are just great!!!


  6. Forgiveness! Such important truth Child of God. Thank you for sharing an important reminder!

    God Bless you in your life and as you offer the Truth of Jesus here on your blog!!

    Thank you for being a Blessing on my blog as well!

    All the Best!

    1. Hi Jephyr,

      Thank you for the blessings!

      In Him,


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God Bless,