
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Majestic Mountains

I have been sort of absent from the internet for the last bit as I have had a house load of family here. Tons of great, fun times!! Tuesday I took my mother and father in law home and this is what I was feasting my eyes on during the drive back to my home. The Rock Mountains coming in from Alberta to BC. Sunshine? Yes indeed!! As I gazed my eyes on the majestic mountains I was renewed with an overwhelming awe for our awesome Creator. My son joined me on this trek and as we snapped pictures we started planning a camping/hiking trip to these glorious mountains. Hopefully soon we will head in and start exploring the hills.

Psalm 68:15-20 NIV
The mountains of Bashan are majestic mountains; 
    rugged are the mountains of Bashan.
Why gaze in envy, O rugged mountains,
    at the mountain where God chooses to reign,
    where the Lord himself will dwell forever? 
The chariots of God are tens of thousands
    and thousands of thousands; 
    the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary.
When you ascended on high, 
    you led captives in your train;
    you received gifts from men, 
even from the rebellious —
    that you, O Lord God, might dwell there.
Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, 
    who daily bears our burdens. Selah
Our God is a God who saves; 
    from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.

I'm linking up with Summer, Summer's Story for the Sunshine Project. 



  1. I know you had so much fun with family! We've talked through email while they were there. I am so glad ya'll had such a great time! Wow check out what our creator has made! I love all these photos! The clouds are amazing and so is the sky! I love that you got to share it with your son, pure Sunshine! GOD is so good at showing us Sunshine when we need it most! I am so happy my mom kept Lucky one reason was because of Kelcee lol! They are already best buds! Hey since the hubs said no doggy for us right now my mom said well ya'll can have one at my house bwhahaahahha! Greg loves him too and he loves that he doesn't have to buy us one right now! love you girl me

    1. Hi Summer,
      The clouds were so amazing, I just really wish I could have caught the pure beauty of them on photo.

      I think Lucky is a real lucky dog to find his way into your family. I just know Kelcee will love on him a lot.

      Blessings hon,

  2. What beautiful sights! The world reveals the glory of our Lord!

    1. Hi BB,
      The world sure does reveal the glory of God. Thanks for stopping by.


  3. G'Day there Child of God,

    I've been thinking about you EVERYDAY, knowing that you had family staying with you and knowing that there'd be plenty of fun in store for you all.

    I never tire of looking up at the majestic mountains, clouds and in fact all of God's awesome creations! Leaves me speechless. I'd find it kinda hard to drive along there and keep my eyes on the road being surrounded by such beauty.

    A camping and hiking expedition sounds fabulous! I'm excited for you all.

    You know, visiting you here fills my heart with an abundance of sunshine.

    Love and blessings, Kerrie xoxo

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      Thank you for the thoughts. :) It has been a super busy time and it is still going on. I will come by to visit you soon, when I have a bit more time on my hands.

      I'm glad you found some sunshine here in these beautiful mountains.


  4. so amazing this beautiful creation, isn't it?! what magnificent glory!! yes..How Great Thou Art...
    good for you for fun family times...we start tomorrow...

    1. Hi Annmarie,
      Enjoy your vacation. :) My hubby's holidays start tomorrow too. Two weeks of having him around, camping, hiking, wedding. Will be so much fun!


  5. Yes, having family or anyone extra means time away from Blogging. But you sound like it was good, and family come first. How lovely to walk around in such a beautiful peaceful setting with your son, you will enjoy that also. The photos never create the perfection or silence that being there in person brings. I look at these and try to imagine the complete setting. Such serenity and bliss.

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      It was a very nice time with family and you are right, family does come first. Although the blogging slowed down the praying didn't slow down at all because God always comes first over anyone or anything else.

      Photos just never do capture the real beauty of the real thing. The third dimension is missing and that captures the grandness of it all.

      Blessings hon,

  6. And we cannot even grasp what Heaven is going to look like! WoW! Awesome pictures....

    1. Hi JBR,
      You and I will have to go exploring in heaven. It will be so amazing and can you just imagine what the colours will be like? Sweetness!!


  7. Hi child of God,
    What a happy time you have had with your family, and how beautiful your journey back after taking your mum and father in law home. We were in Calgary several years ago and the view of the mountains was really beautiful. Enjoy your time with your hubby, take lots of pics so you can show us all.
    God bless

    1. Hi Brenda,
      The road we took back is a route that we don't often travel and I am so glad I decided to take it because it got my son churning for an adventure.

      Calgary is a very nice city and at one time it was a place that I desired to live in.

      I will take lots of pics of our hiking adventure and post the ones that turned out.


  8. There is something so majestic about mountains alone, and then when the clouds rise above them, it just takes my breath away. So thankful you go to spend this time with your family!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      The beauty of the Canadian Rockies is so different than the beauty of the mountains in California/Oregon. I had no idea that northern California was so beautiful!

      Family time is treasured by me because I don't have any family around for more than 11 months of the year, so when they all come out at once I just soak it up.



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God Bless,