
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Which Way?

Matthew 16:15-16 NIV

““But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”” 

Last night my husband had a chance to speak to a friend who doesn't follow God but is into the New Age thought process of all paths lead to God. He said it was difficult to talk to him about the Truth because this man believes in all god's and all paths to him. The focus of their religion is on self happiness and it doesn't matter what you do as long as you are happy. So my husband posed a question to him of a mass murderer and is it okay for someone to kill people as long as they are happy? And, if what you are doing doesn't make me happy then what do you do? It totally stumped him and got him thinking.

There is only one way to God and eternal life with Him and that is through Jesus Christ. Who do you say Christ is?

I'm linking up with Barbie for Fresh Brewed Sunday. 



  1. Just behind you at Barbie's this morning. Your post today is one that clearly points to our troubling times -- all paths lead to God, as long as I'm happy it doesn't matter who I hurt, and self is more important than anything or anyone else. I do hope your husband's friend will heed your husband's teaching. We who know Christ is the only way are indeed happy!

    1. Hi Sherrey,
      My husband has been talking to this friend for 10 years now, planting seeds and steering him right. I can only hope and pray he sees that real happiness can only be found in Jesus Christ.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. The Son of God, the bread of the face, the tree of life, the blood on my doorpost that prevents the destroyer from coming in, the door to the sheep fold, the only mediator between man and God, my Saviour. That's who I say Jesus Christ is. Praise our lovely Father for sending Him to be a sacrifice for our sins. Lord, may the friend of child of God's husband find Truth of salvation through Jesus, and may You send others to water what has already been planted. Thankyou Father in Jesus name.Amen.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I love your words for describing Christ! He is that and oh, so much more, praise God! Jesus, He is my all and Paul says its best in Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

      Blessings sister,

  3. Good question stumper. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What an awesome question to ask him! I think the Holy Spirit must have been moving! Praise God!

    1. Hi BB,
      The fellow is a cop, so it was a very appropriate question to pose. :) I do believe the Holy Spirit was on the move convicting him and I pray he sees the Truth.

  5. I came back by for some more living water.....

    Blessings to you dear one.

  6. I too am thankful that Lucy is doing so well right now, and that the Lord has decided to lengthen her days with her family on earth....however, of course, God is good no matter what He decides to do, and if He decides it is time to take Lucy home to be with Him, He is still amazingly good and merciful.

    I too have been praising God for healing Lucy, and yet feel convicted that I love God more only when things go the way I want them to go. He is not a genie in a bottle. He is God, and He knows what He's doing even when we feel hurt by His decisions at times.

    I know that isn't what you're saying, Child of God, I know you always love the Lord even when He decides to bring someone home to be with Him. I'm talking about me and my shortcoming in this situation, and yet, am thankful that Lucy is enjoying the love and comfort of home and family. :)

    1. Hi Susan,
      You are right in saying, He is not a genie in a bottle. He is God,... Some people only love and follow God for His miracles, but that is not what He is about. He is always good, in all situations. I love reading Job. This book really brings home the fact of just how good God is.

      Lucy is doing really well and it sure does look like God is working a miracle in her. Praising God no matter what. :)


    2. Sorry that I put this under the wrong heading, I accidentally put it here instead of putting under the Lucy post, and yes, I need to be better at praising God no matter what! ;)

    3. Hi Susan,
      No worries about putting this under the wrong heading.

      God deserves to be praise just because of who He is. We all need to improve on praising Him. :)



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