
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Master Commander

Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,” 
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, 
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

This is so profound! 

We think, therefore we believe we think like God. We think we understand God and know why He does things in the way that He does. Life moves along smoothly and we believe we have it all figured out and then sickness comes in or financial issues hit us. We check ourselves and see that everything seems to be in alignment and we are following in His footsteps and we question God, "Why LORD?" He returns us His silence. 
God has a plan, a master design and we don't really know what it is. His thoughts and ways are far beyond ours and for this I am so very thankful for His is trustworthy. Even if I don't understand the why's I do know that He is fully capable to lead and direct my life because He knows the ending and by reading His Word, the ending sounds pretty good to me.

I'm linking up with Barbie, Fresh Brewed Sunday. 

Have a wonderful Sunday and please, keep praying for Lucy!



  1. How very true! God's thoughts are way beyond ours and much purer. I agree - such is certainly very profound.

    Love the photo - it's so beautiful.

    1. Hi Wendy,
      God is pure, no defect can be found in Him. I'm glad you like the photo,daisy's are so pretty.

      God bless,

  2. Hi child of God,
    even though 'the secret things belong to God, those revealed belong to us' I trust our lovely Father one hundred percent. Yes, they are beautiful daisies. My margarite daisies are in flower at the moment too.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Yes, and He has revealed a lot to us, it is all there in Scripture for us to read and know.
      I had to search up margarite daisies because I have never heard of this type before and the pictures I saw look very much like these daisies here but different colours. Reddish pink and light pink. They look beautiful!

      Thanks for stopping by,

  3. Hi Child of God ~ Is that picture taken where you are? It's beautiful!

    So glad I checked your blog this morning. It is so true how life moves along smoothly and then "Wham" it all hits! Sickness...finances...just life problems...then we wonder why. At times it's hard but I know what you say is true ans He is in control.


    1. Hi Chelle,
      Yes, this picture is taken along the road where I go running. Right now the daisy's are in full bloom and so pretty.
      Even though we don't know all of the why's, God does and if we give control over to Him and trust in Him, things will always work out for the best. Maybe not in the way we think things should be, but in His perfect way and it will feel right and be right.

      Blessings hon,

  4. Such truth and comfort -- God has a master plan! Thanks for a beautiful post for Sunday morning. Catching you from Barbie's Freshly Brewed Sundays.

    1. Hi Sherrey,
      Thank you!

      Blessings and thanks for stopping by,

  5. I've often said that once I stop and thought about everything that there is to know and how big the universe is, I am bought to my knee by the scope of Isaiah 55:8-9. The first time that I read Job 38-42, I caught a glimpse of just how big our God is ... and how small this "child of God" really was. Psalm 8:3-6 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God, And You crown him with glory and majesty! You make him to rule over the works of Your hands, You have put all things under his feet. How can we help, but to worship Him!

    1. Hi Brian,
      I believe worship in heaven will be so amazing. We will see God and know so much more about Him then we already do. We will continue to know more and more of Him and this will go on for eternity!! Sometimes I think if God let us know everything right now our mind would just blow up, we couldn't handle it all. We will need eternity to know Him.

      Yes, what is mankind that He is mindful of us? Wow!


  6. I am so thankful that His ways are higher. I cannot imagine getting anywhere in life if I had my way all the time. And yes, the Daisey's are gorgeous. They were one of my grandmother's favorite flowers.

    1. Hi Barbie,
      I totally agree. If I had things my way I am pretty sure I would be just spinning circles.

      The daisy is so simple but very elegant...I wonder if your grandma was like this too.


  7. Wouldn't we all be in trouble if God thought and acted like us! So wanting to think and act like Him instead!
    Thanks so much for your kind comment on Psalm 23.

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      It would be a very bad world, worse that it is already, if God thought and acted like us. :s I am very glad that God is perfect and His ways are the best, even if we suffer and don't understand.

      Blessings hon,

  8. Hi Child of God ~ Just wanted to stop back by and thank you again for your prayers for Wayne. I will update when I know something. God bless you...Chelle

  9. I certainly believe that God does have a master plan for us all! Amen. Thank you for sharing that Scripture verse as well.

    1. Hi JBR,
      I believe He does too! Praise God!!

      Blessings hon,


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God Bless,