
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bringing In The Hay

My sunshine for the week. 

The smell of fresh cut hay is so amazing! It is the smell of summer, hot days and tough hikes in the mountains. Bringing in the hay is not really tough work but it is long, hot and you really need good weather for just over a week so you can have all the hay in the hay shed without rain. We have had a perfect wet, rainy spring and now, in about 1 week, the weather went from around 10 C to 35 C!! So, with the super hot weather around the hay was knocked down, dried and baled.

This year haying is super special to me because I was able to help! For the past 6 years I haven't been able to join in because of the RA but God is healing me and I was able to drive that tractor, lift bales and well just do the hard manual labour. Here, I am teaching my daughter how to bale the hay, she's driving and I'm snapping pics. ;P

My son and hubby are on the other tractor picking up the bales and stacking them in the hay shed. It is so nice to have kids old enough to really help out on the farm. They are strong now so they can really do some hard physical labour like pound in fence posts, string up barbed wire and now they are able to work the machines. When my son was little everything he touched he took apart. My mom reassured me that when he was old enough he would be putting everything back together and get things working. Well now is that time. :) He is so handy with the farm equipment and I am just amazed at how much he can do.

Today is Thursday and I'm linking up with Summer for the Sunshine Project. Why don't you join us and share some sunshine from your week? 

Psalm 104:10-14 NIV

He makes springs pour water into the ravines;
    it flows between the mountains.
They give water to all the beasts of the field;
    the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
The birds of the air nest by the waters;
    they sing among the branches. 
He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; 
    the earth is satisfied by the fruit of his work. 
He makes grass grow for the cattle,
    and plants for man to cultivate—
    bringing forth food from the earth:

God Bless,


  1. O.K. I just smiled so big my puffy cheeks hurt! YOU got to BALE HAY, Drive the tractor, lift HAY BALES< YOUR ARE IN REMISSION!! OMG I am so happy for you I could scream! I bet you never were so happy to do manual labor lol! I am so happy for you! That you can join in with your precious family, teach them the ropes, and that is awesome! I have a friend who bought a farm and the work is never ending! It is a lot of fun to though!
    Thanks for joining in and ALWAYS giving me and everyone around you SUNSHINE! Thanks for sharing yours and linking in!


    1. Hi Summer,
      I am so thrilled because I believe I really am healed. :) I'm doing a lot of manual labour and I'm only sore in one wrist but it's not enough to make me stop!! One thing for sure is and that's the kids...they are not use to their mom being so active and making them do so much more work.

      I love this sunshine project it is so fun. Keep it going. :)

      Praying for you always hon.

  2. Praise Jesus! Living on a farm, there's always something to do, and it's hard yakka. So I'm thrilled to bits that you're in remission from RA, and have the strength and energy to do all the hard manual labour. Your children are blessed that you can pass on such wisdom and knowledge to them. This achy-breaky heart of mine, which yearns for the country really wishes to be there with you. When I lived on a farm (as a teenager) the work was hard, it was relentless, but it was ever so rewarding! Great photographs, by the way - love, love, love 'em! You've really brightened my day, that's for sure!

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      Yakka! I love that word! Never heard it before, I will need to use it.
      Hard, physical labour is a good trait to learn, my kids have learned it since they were small, but with me being sick they kind of slacked off a bit but now they are back at it.
      I'm sure with you working on a farm as a teen, you understand and appreciate this post. :)
      Glad you liked the pics.

  3. What a beautiful bible verse. I love it that you all work together as a family, like old times. I can imagine that you felt good to be able to help, Praise God. Instead of stressing over the heat you are rejoicing in being able to drive the tractor and lift the bales.I am so happy for you. The pics are so good, I love looking at all thet, it makes my heart sing!!

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      It is great to work together as a family and I am so thankful we have God because when it's hot outside temperaments rise too, but with Jesus as our centre, it doesn't take long for the tempers to cool and realign our focus.

      I'm glad you liked the pics and this brought you some Canadian sunshine. :)


  4. As you unrolled this harvest story, I could just picture this wonderful farm family of yours and it made me smile also. What a blessing! Thank you.

    1. Hi Brian,
      It seems this post made a lot of people smile. Well, it was sheer joy for me to get my hands greasy, sweat up a storm and see that hay shed start filling up.

      I'm glad you smiled.


  5. Hi Child Of God. I had no idea that you had RA. I guess I wasn't reading your blog when you posted about it. So now...I will rejoice with you that you can do this again. Isn't God good??!!!


    1. Hi Chelle,
      I don't blog about it but have mentioned it a few times in some posts. I have had it for 7 years and have been in remission for about 2 1/2 years with this year being my best year. God has been so good to me and I just praise Him. :)

      Thanks for rejoicing with me, all glory belongs to Him!



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God Bless,