
Monday, June 11, 2012

Random Stuff


Long - easy - runs with my daughter which allow for heart to heart talks :)

Seeing bears in the middle of the road and not knowing if it is a grizzly or a brown bear

Listening to the music my son is producing on Garage Band and his amazing strumming on the guitar

Listening to my daughter sing and play the piano and just before bed listening to the sound of her strumming on the guitar and singing worship songs

Working in the garden with both of my children even though it is slow in growing and 75% of the tomatoes froze

GOD always!



Spending over 1/2 hour talking on the phone with my brother followed by talking over 1 hour on the phone with my sister 

Lying in bed with a soft purring cat resting on my chest

Listening to the thrumming of birds that have burrowed a hole in the roof of my home

Watching all the different birds come to the feeder

Enjoying the sound of no rain for the day and pleased that I didn't have to start the fireplace this morning

Being so thankful to God just because He is awesome in all situations

Looking at my handsome 6'6 1/2" son and seeing him turn into a man of God :)

Watching my daughter lead in worship and feel my heart swell knowing she really is in love with Jesus

Knowing my husband is a provider and has a heart that is after God's heart and knowing he is working on being the covering of our family protecting and interceding for us always

All of YOU! 

I am so thankful to God that He has sent all of you to join with me in praying and praying for all of these dear sweet people that God has laid on my heart. I feel so blessed that we can join our hearts together interceding for healing

Verse that is on my heart today:

Psalm 46:10 NIV
“Be still, and know that I am God; 
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” 

Thanks to all of you for reading, caring and praying



  1. That's a wonderful and blessed list!
    Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Hi Chelle,
      Thanks, it sure felt good putting it all down and reading it over.


  2. Your list of 'enjoys' lifted my heart. Thanks for sharing!! <))><

    1. Hi Mary,
      Blessings sister, glad you enjoyed! Yep, still love that fish!


  3. Smiling your way with love, and with you I am enjoying immensely the things you're enjoying.

    GOD always!!!

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      Thanks! It is good to look at the wonderful gifts in life, especially since there has been so much sadness lately.


  4. I was just talking to another Engineer at work today about how we tend to focus on what we do not have, and neglect looking at all the things that we do have and enjoy, and should be thankful for, knowing that every good gift comes from God. Sometimes, I think that we need to ask ourselves: "What are we looking for and why?", to evaluate our goals and motives as a child of God - that our will is aligned with the Lord's. By counting our blessings, we find contentment with love, joy & peace, and drop the distractions that obstruct and hinder our Christian walk through this beautiful life all around us. Love your list.

    1. Hi Brian,
      Isn't that just so! We tend to look at our cup half empty instead of half full. I think it is very healthy for us to count our blessings for with each blessing we see and make note of really puts into perspective that really we don't need the other things that are just stuff. We have lots and are well provided for.

      Glad you like the list.

      Blessings brother,

  5. Random is fine. Seeing God in everything is wonderful. Blessings to you CoG!

    1. Hi JBR,
      Thanks hon!

      Hugs and love to you girl,

  6. Hi child of God,
    How lovely to share all the wonderful blessings from God. Yes, it is good to be still and know that He is God, and to remember just how powerful He is to put blessing in the lives of those who have faith in Him and, where faith might be weak, to bring us to pray for blessings to be in one another's lives. Thank You Father for Jesus.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      It sure is comforting focusing on the blessings from God. He is all powerful and all sustaining we need only seek His face and ask for Him to show us and He is faithful to show us just how very blessed we are.

      Blessings hon,

  7. Hi COG!
    You are very blessed and you are a big blessing to so many also, including me!
    You helped me to appreciate so many little things the sweet symphony of my hound dog baying as i write this! Little stuff, but good stuff.
    ~God Bless~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you!
      I love the sound of hound dogs baying. I don't have any but one of my neighbours, (6km) away have hounds and they are adorable. I love to hear them bay.

      Glad to hear that this list helped you to stop and look at the little things too.

      Blessings hon,


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God Bless,