
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Trial Is Not Your Trial

James 1:2-8 NIV

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

What do trials look like? It is different for every person. One person may go through a trial that wouldn't be considered a trial for another. One thing we do know and that is trials produce perseverance and if we seek help from God we need to trust that the help He sends is from Him. 

On my journey through life patience is one of the trials that I go through. It is very tough for me. I'm a super, hyper active person and love to move a mile a minute and I love to complete many things all at once...yesterday. ;P I always remember my mom telling me to slow down, that I'm moving way to fast. 

God has been teaching me patience and I remember my first lesson when I was 9 years old. I tripped, fell and broke my foot ending up in a cast for 8 weeks. Even with a cast on I didn't slow down. After the removal of the cast I found myself back in the hospital a couple of months later with another broken bone in my foot. By the time I moved into grade 7 I had in place 8 casts from different injuries all because I just moved too fast.

Just recently, on the time away that the family and I had, I went and had a session with an intercessor on hearing God. I was seeking council on a few family issues and the jist of the session came out with God trying to teach me patience and to give all control over to Him who is ultimately in control. I am learning that this trial I am going through is from God and He wants me to seek His wisdom and this wisdom that He is giving me is to S-L-O-W D-O-W-N!  I think I am finally getting it. :s

The trial you are going through is unique to you and when you seek God's wisdom trust that what He puts in front of you is from Him. Obey the council He gives you and I guarantee that you will be very pleased with the outcome from the perseverance that you gain from the trial that you are in.  



  1. I am so blessed to have a God that holds my hand during all my trials. Blessings.<))><

    1. Hi Mary,
      Love your fish! :)
      It is pretty neat knowing God is right there with us, all we have to do is look for Him and we will see Him.


  2. An old adage says Patience is a Virtue. I have trouble with patience. I prefer getting things done on time. If I am not ahead of time I am behind time. God bless you.

    1. Hi JT,
      My mom use to say that saying all of the time, "You know hon, patience is a virtue."

      Thanks for stopping by and visiting.

      Blessings brother,

  3. Great word for me tonight! Thanks!

    1. Hi BB,
      Your welcome, I believe a lot of us have issues with patience. :s


  4. Like you, I have always run full steam ahead, and want everything done yesterday..
    Trails...yes, they are so hard, yet so necessary.. I realise that but aren't they difficult at the time.. Be still and know, that HE is God, (and not us).. xx

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      If we didn't have trials we would have no idea what happiness and peace really is. God has really been laying on my heart that cute saying...Let Go & Let God. It is tough to do in some situations but I know the out come will be far better that if I mess with it.

      Blessing hon,

  5. Hi Child of God,
    As I was reading your post on patience I was reminded of some years ago when I looked up the word 'patience' in the dictionary. It read 'Patience is the ability to endure with calmness'. I realized straight away that the 'calmness' was missing in my experience of patience. I could endure many things but usually with irritation or gritted teeth. So I prayed that the Lord would enable to me to have the calm while enduring. Within a very short time I found myself working as a care worker in a home for the elderly. I realized within a very short time that my prayer was being answered. I had a lot to learn and my teachers were the best I could have, the resedents. God has a wonderful way of changing us, for He always causes us to be part of the picture, not just a spectator.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thanks for sharing a bit of your story. One does need to be calm in order for patience to settle in. In general, I am a pretty calm person, I am just on over drive and really like to move super fast, I like to be 5 minutes ahead of time and never late.

      I do agree with you that we need to find out what it is we are lacking and pray directly for it. I have prayed for patience, to slow down, and God is doing this, it is just not fast enough for me. ;P It has been a learning process that so far has been in the process for 6 years.

      Blessings sister, thank you for your encouraging story.


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God Bless,