
Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Friend

Song of Songs 5:16 NIV
His mouth is sweetness itself;
    he is altogether lovely.
This is my lover, this my friend,
    O daughters of Jerusalem.

The words of God are so beautiful to me. To think He loves us so deeply and completely just makes me wonder and wonder about Him. How will He look like. What will it be like standing forever in His presence. I am so excited to meet God, to see Jesus face to face. Will I be able to tell Him just how much I love Him? I believe so. He is my lover, my friend.

I'm linking up with Barbie, Fresh Brewed Sunday. 

God Bless,


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Modern Day Disciple,
      Blessed Sunday to you as well!


  2. Love the Song of Solomon and the word pictures it creates for love. Nice visiting here with you on this glorious Sunday.

    1. Hi Redemptionsbeauty,
      Yes the word pictures created are so exquisite.

      Thanks for visiting,

  3. I love how our relationship with the Lord is revealed in that book of the Bible! Thanks for reminding me.

    1. Hi BB,
      Every time I read Song of Songs I get something new. This book is so rich and very exciting to read.

      Blessings hon,

  4. I love this posting. Thank you!

    1. Hi Jedidja,
      I'm glad you enjoyed this post. :)


  5. This a great post. God bless you.

  6. I love this post C.O.G!

    I often wonder those same things. I can not even imagine the love and peace and beauty that awaits us. Heaven is Home, and Home is God who can only be seen with the spirit.
    ~God Bless my friend~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I love how you said, "Heaven is Home, and Home is God who can only be seen with the spirit." It will be an exciting time indeed. :)

      Blessings sister,

  7. I am afraid that the love of God is so infinitely greater than I can imagine. How amazing is His love and mercy?! I am not worthy of His loving grace, yet the Lord God richly pours it out upon you and I (the Child of God). How can we not give Him praise and honor and glory forever?

    1. Hi Brian,

      Sometimes when I read God's word I just look at the words in awe and just wonder how can He love us so much. When I think about the root sin of pride that I have I just think wow God You are so amazing! I agree with you Brian, how can we not give Him praise and honor and glory forever?

      Blessings brother,

  8. I've got to hand it to you. Great post and I echo all that Brian Ray Todd expressed in his comment. Well said!!!

    1. Hi Kerrie,
      Brian always has a bounty of wisdom to share, I learn so much from him.



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God Bless,