
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Be Happy

Ecclesiastes 7:14 NIV
When times are good, be happy;
    but when times are bad, consider:
God has made the one
    as well as the other. 
Therefore, a man cannot discover
    anything about his future.

If we didn't have bad times we wouldn't know what good times are. A friend of mine just returned from a missions trip and upon her return her heart was so thankful for what she has. Before she left she thought she lived in a 'not so nice' part of town but after being away and seeing how others lived she realized that where she lives is, in fact, a very nice place. 

I'm linking up with Barbie, Fresh Brewed Sunday. 

God Bless!!


  1. I've read that verse many times, but it never gets old. It's easier to be happy when things are going well for us, but much more difficult when we are going through bad times. God calls us to praise him during all times. Thanks for sharing.

    Ann @

    1. Hi Ann,
      Thank you for stopping by!
      I am learning that it is for our benefit if we are happy and thankful during the bad,sad and tough times. There are physical benefits as well as spiritual benefits. It is not easy to do but the more joyful I am during trials the quicker the trial and the less intense it seems.


  2. Thank you for sharing a smile.....

    1. Hi JBR,
      Your welcome hon, glad this made you smile. :)


  3. In this 'instant gratification' world, it's hard to appreciate what is really important. We can always use the reminder!

    1. Hi Betty,
      It is good to be reminded to be happy since it is so easy to fall into ungratefulness. Just today as I was working in garden I started grumbling as my back and wrists started hurting. It didn't last long though as I was quickly reminded of how very blessed I am that I have the land to grow my own vegetables and fruit.


  4. Since you approve your comments, please consider turning OFF the word verification. Sometimes I can't read them and, thus, comments are not published. I know others feel the same way. Just a thought!

    1. Hello again Betty, :)

      I had the word verification off for a while and I was getting so much spam that I turned it back on. I am sorry if you have a hard time reading it, but you can refresh the verification and usually the second one is easier to read.

      Thanks for your thought,

  5. There is nothing more sad than a sad Christian
    ~God Bless~

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I totally agree with you!

      Blessings hon,

  6. I am learning to see His goodness in all things. Thanks for linking up with Freshly Brewed Sundays!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      When we look for His goodness we see it everywhere.

      Blessings hon,

  7. Hi Child of God,
    I totally agree that being happy is a good thing and that there are so many sad things that we see around the world, we have so many things to be happy about. If we are content, it does not matter whether we have many possessions or few.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Being content in the Lord allows us to be content with what we have.

      Blessings hon,

  8. Thank you for your encouragement on my blog and this post went right along with what I am going through right now! Hugs, K


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God Bless,