
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Garden

Isaiah 58:11 NIV
The LORD will guide you always; 
   he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land 
   and will strengthen your frame. 
You will be like a well-watered garden, 
   like a spring whose waters never fail. 

Where I live we have a ton of rocks and the only way to start a garden without breaking your back is with a mini excavator. Here is the beginning of my garden. 

Here is the very rough dug up garden that has been disked and now waiting for the rocks to be picked...yes that is my job. :)

Most of the rocks have been picked and the soil has been worked through with the rototiller. If you look closely you will see the beginning of the rock wall. 

My beautiful rock wall that I believe by the end of this summer will be well over 4 feet tall! We grow great rocks here. :)

Today, the kids and I went out and worked in the garden. My son, SOTK, worked the rototiller and my daughter, Squeaks, and I picked rocks. It is starting to look pretty good!

Almost no more rocks and now just waiting for the weather to get a bit warmer so we can plant! I do believe, though, the carrots will go in tonight. :) 

This is my garden, my husband's garden is 5 acres and is at the foot of the hayfield. It already has a deer fence around it and a small fruit tree orchard growing. This year in his garden only the potatoes and corn will be planted, the rest of the nummy veggies will be planted here in my special spot.  

Jeremiah 31:12 NIV
They will come and shout for joy on the heights of Zion; 
   they will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD— 
the grain, the new wine and the oil, 
   the young of the flocks and herds. 
They will be like a well-watered garden, 
   and they will sorrow no more. 

God Bless 


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Emily! :)
      Thanks, it was a lot of work but I believe it will be worth it. My achy joints are paying for it but oh well I can't just sit still.


  2. I completely understand as you know we live in the forest as well..lotsa roots and rocks! We always have a little chuckle whenever we see the tourists picking up rocks along the roads and putting them in their car! If it wasn't such back breaking work i would sell rocks LOL!..We once made an inspector cry (real tears) when he found out our whole family had dug 4 ft. footings hauling out boulders and me & my hubby hatcheting roots everywhere! We rented a small excavator, but it kept sinking in the sand...we ended up dropping everything one day and just went fishing instead!..Your kids will have fond memories about the family projects like this...It looks like your pup is doing the inspection job?
    ~God Bless~

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Yes you would know what it is like. Lol we chuckle too when we see people picking rocks. Actually we do give our rocks away to those we know who want them. We do have some beauties. :)

      Haha, that's a funny story about the sinking excavator! Lol, we have too many rocks to our mini excavator to sink.

      The kids will have great memories of the farm, work and all the stuff we have done here, just like I am sure your kids have great memories too.

      Shinzou, the dog, loves to lie in the cool dirt. He is kind of a bum as he doesn't like to move, so we have to pull the rocks out from under him while he sleeps. Such a funny dog.

      Thanks for sharing your story, I enjoyed.

  3. I am glad our ground doesn't have all those rocks; however, I would love to use them around my landscaping. Pray that God blesses your fields!

    1. Hi BB,
      If we lived closer to each other I would give them to you. We have soooooooo many! I believe I could build a 10 foot high wall all around our property with them.

      Thanks for the fruitful prayers.

  4. What a lot of hard work, but that rock fence will look lovely!So will your vegie garden.
    Jeremiah 31:12 tells it all, and it is good. Blessings and love.

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      Great verse! Thanks!!
      It is a lot of hard work that has been on going for coming on 19 years, but it is all well worth it. My husband and I have carved our home/farm out of the side of a mountain. Back breaking work but I would never change it for anything.

      Blessings sister,

  5. Awesome garden and the Scripture you share is perfect for the post. Blessings to you dear one.

    1. Hi JBR,
      Thank you. I hope and pray this garden produces lots.

      Blessings sister,

  6. It sounds so nice! :) Please share the garden with us when it is finished and things are beginning to grow? I love the idea of a rock wall. Welldone for all your hard work so far! The verse in Isaiah is amazing. Enjoy eating your fresh produce! God bless :)

    1. Hi Daisy,
      Sure, I will share the pictures as it grows. I hope it grows for I don't have a green thumb but my son does.

      I am sure you see lots of rock walls in the UK. I have never been, but I have seen some beautiful pictures.

      Blessings sister,

  7. What beautiful digs you have! I am happy that your family lives in such a wonderful place. Yet, I know that all places require hard work to maintain and improve. The bigger the acreage, the more the work, but its a labor of love. Enjoy the fruit of your labors in everything that you do. Blessings to you and yours.

    1. Hi Brian,
      Thank you. :) Yes, it is a ton of work but it is fun. We took this place with nothing on it but a few fences and an irrigation system for the hayfield and have put up a house, water system, electricity, barn, hay shed and tons of fences and different paddocks. It has been slow work for 19 years and it seems like it may never be done. :)

      God Bless brother,

  8. Great team effort! Love the photos you've shared of the beginning stages. It's such a rewarding experience to grow your own vegetables ect. from seedlings. May you reap a wonderful harvest when the time is due.

    1. Hi Kaycee,
      Thanks! As it turned out we were not able to plant because of the frost warning and my husband told me I needed to put some peat moss on top and work it in. More work, but it will be worth it!



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God Bless,