
Monday, May 28, 2012

Jordan's Healing

I have been away from the internet for the past two weeks but am now plugged back in! 

Jordan Unrau
Yesterday we had a stand in pastor who preached on the why's of God. Why does God not seem to answer our prayers. Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Why does God not heal all of the time? These are some very tough questions which I think Pastor Unrau answered well. You see Pastor Unrau is standing by while his 14 year old grandson is dying from cancer. The family was recently given the word that Jordan only had one medical option left for him and that was multiple amputations along with severe chemo therapy and even with that the chances of survival are very slim. Jordan and his family choose to seek healing from God and God alone. 

Jordan was diagnosed on January 2 2012 with bone cancer caused by quick growth. His parents thought his leg pains were from growing pains and when they went in for tests they were given the word cancer and that changed the course of their lives forever. You can read his story and support him through prayer at Jordan's Healing blog. His family has requested that you pray through victory and they have set up a prayer page with the specific requests. I have copied and pasted it below but you can also read it here

A call for unified prayer for
From the Unrau family
Some of you have expressed that sometimes you just don’t know what to pray so we're sharing with you what we're praying. You can utilize these or just ask Jesus what He is praying and agree with Him.

We believe we are called to pray with specifics so here is what we are praying:

Oh Father, in the name of Jesus, your healing Son, and by whose stripes we were healed of every infirmity, we pray right now. We thank You and praise You first for who You are. You are our Best Friend, our Provider, our Keeper, our strong Tower, our Sovereign Lord, Omniscient, Omnipotent, All Loving.

Jordan has exclaimed over the last month how incredible he finds You. He has said, “What kind of God would give His life for his creation who treated Him horribly! What kind of God you are!” Only you are in charge of Jordan’s situation and we thank You for the quick response of the wonderful, caring and skillful medical staff on His behalf. Bless them Father. We are so grateful for them. Yet they are limited. You are not. We are praying together for the complete, miraculous and total restoration of Jordan’s health.

Thank You for commanding us to pray - to use the authority You have given us through Your Son Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit for truly being Comforter, Teacher, Healer and Guide.

We command in the Name of Jesus  
Every tumour in Jordan’s body completely removed  
The restoration of every function and sensation in Jordan’s body  
The reversal of any damage in and around Jordan’s right femur and spine 
The cessation of any pain in his leg. Lord, we see in our minds and believe in our hearts Your powerful reordering to correction of every problem in his body right now!  We see the tumors dissolve and disappear. We see Jordan healed, restored to walking and running with total normal function, with joy and without pain - all for your glory!
By the blood of Jesus, we hold captive ever negative thought around Jordan’s situation - especially any well-intentioned but ineffective, wrong-centered, or wrong-minded prayers by any of us for Jordan and especially any fears or any evidences of faithlessness in You by any of us.

Oh God, we receive You Holy Spirit right now, to empower, correct and refine our prayers on Jordan’s behalf and to engage and empower Jordan’s own faith, even for himself for Your Glory.

We loose in heaven, by the power and authority that raised Jesus from the dead, every heavenly power to heal Jordan completely. Oh Father, by faith, we see it! We believe it, and we receive Jordan’s healing on his behalf, and in Jesus’ mighty and precious name, by faith - itself a marvelous gift from you.

We thank You in advance for every good gift you will give...because you have given so much to us as your children already. You didn’t withhold Your Son. We trust You.

o   Thank You for every child of Yours praying around the world right now. We link arms and add our faith to what looks like an immovable mountain, and we say “Move!”
o   Thank You for all the miraculous moments You’ve allowed us to witness even within our own families and communities.
o   Thank You for giving every prayer warrior the will, the discernment, and the clarity with focus to pray effectively on Jordan’s behalf.
o   Thank You for standing in the gap for us over the coming days.
o   Thank You for sending your angels to stand guard over Jordan in every space he has entered and occupied during this challenge.
o   Thank You Father for caring for our bodies which You made and caring for the health of every person reading this prayer and saying it with us.
Heavenly Father we are comforted and assured of Your great faithfulness, Your wonderful trustworthiness and especially by Your love made visible through Jesus.

Thank You again for the powerful prayers of praying friends who continue to pray for Jordan. Friends who pray without ceasing. You hear and You answer.

“The Lord thy God in the midst of you (Jordan) is mighty.” Zeph 3:17 May the living Christ pass moment by moment into your redeemed body, into every cell, filling, energizing, vitalizing it with the presence and power of His own personality and wholeness.

In Your Name, Amen

Pastor Unrau spoke through brokenness and through his message he conveyed how solid Jordan's faith in Jesus is and how now he is questioning God and wrestling with everything that is happening to him.

It was tough sitting through that Sunday sermon watching a pastor of deep faith being broken over watching his grandson suffer. Did Pastor Unrau doubt in God? No, he praised God and thanked Him. He worshipped Him and asked for others to pray for Jordan, to ask God to strengthen Jordan's faith and through this wrestling to come out stronger in God and loving Him more. Now, my friends, that is faith! 

Psalm 107:28-32 NIV
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
    and he brought them out of their distress. 
He stilled the storm to a whisper;
    the waves of the sea were hushed. 
They were glad when it grew calm,
    and he guided them to their desired haven.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love 
    and his wonderful deeds for men.
Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people
    and praise him in the council of the elders.

God Bless,


  1. Welcome home my friend. This story is so touching. Yes, I will be praying from a place of victory for Jordan. Thank you for sharing his story.

    1. Hi Barbie,
      Thank you, it is good to be back but the time away was fantastic!
      Thanks for praying for Jordan. His grandpa told me that on his way down to Texas they stopped in San Diego at a church there for prayer. This church, I don't know the name of it, is said to have many people healed from cancer.

      Blessings sister,

  2. I am glad to have you back. I have to admit that my tears still flow when I come to your page. I know God is good, and I trust Him. I know that in this world there will be suffering, but it is hard to watch. My heart aches for this family. God, I come to you in the name of your Son, Jesus, asking for healing for your precious Jordan. Lord, I know you are a God who still heals. Please let a miracle touch this young man. Let all that cancer flee in the name of Jesus. No matter what, You are worthy of praise as You see what we do not. Our hope is in You. I thank you Lord. Amen

    1. Hi BB,
      Thank you, it is good to be back. I agree with you that my blog makes my heart ache too.

      I stand in agreement with your prayer and ask Daddy to touch and heal Jordan here on earth. God you are good all of the time. In Jesus' name amen.

      Thanks for praying,

  3. I think this girl needs a lot of prayer:

    1. Hello Anonymous,
      Thank you for the heads up on Aimee. I will have to have permission from her or a family member before I can put her here on this blog so I will ask, but I will definitely pray.

      God bless,

  4. Jordan is a handsome young man. I have to say my heart sank when I read this one, because it feels rather close to home. Our son experiences a lot of pain. which we've put down to growing pains. He's learnt to cope with the pain, because we've always made it into a positive game when he has them. Though, recently we did take him to the Doctor. The next step is a blood test. This hasn't been done, because the lady who was going to do it felt she didn't want to be the cause of more upset to him. He has only ever had one blood test before, and it was a very horrible experience for him. So we need to find a nurse who can and will do the test, without being rough. I've had blood test and some of them are just so rough, then you get the ones who do know what they're doing and you don't feel a thing. Perhaps, you could be in prayer for him to have a gentle and good experience when the time is right for him to have the blood test. I'm not going to push him into it. Oh, and for good results! Anyway, I shall life Jordan up in prayer. And I'll pop over and visit the website. By the way, it's nice to have you back! Love, KC xoxo

    1. Hi KC,
      Don't worry about Jaiden, my kids experienced a lot of growing pains and I did too. I am sure that is all it is. I will be praying tho, praying for a nurse that knows how to insert a needle and for blood results to be normal. :)

      Thanks for praying for Jordan and for the welcome back. :)

      God bless,

  5. There are many things this side of heaven we will never understand. Just having the faith to know that God knows what He is doing. Touching story. Glad of your return as well on the internet. Your presence was missed.

    1. Hi JBR,
      I believe that even when we are in heaven there will be new and wonderful discoveries every day and we will never fully understand God because we will be learning new things about Him for the rest of eternity. There will never be a dull moment in heaven.

      Thanks too for the welcome back and it is nice knowing I was missed.


  6. welcome back.
    The only good thing about cancer is perspective.
    I will pray for Jordon and his whole family.

    1. Hi Annmarie,
      Thank you. :)
      Yes, perspective, something we can have a time struggling with.

      Thanks for your prayers, I know the family really appreciates them.


  7. I add to that prayer for no bone metastasis to be present.. In Jesus name. Amen. xxx

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      Amen!! In Jesus name.


  8. Hi child of God,
    just read your post and then read the prayer for Jordan which is absolutely scriptural. I know the power of prayer within my own life and others' when only trusting the word spoken by God above all other words, no matter how kind the people might be speaking them. I would like to add, to encourage, something I felt the Holy Spirit inspired me to write while waiting on a healing.

    The Journal
    I looked into the medical journal to see if my sickness was there
    scanned pages from start to finish, my symptoms and pain to compare
    I found there all sorts of malignants from tumours to non-healing sores
    bone fractures, coughs, colds and contagious diseases were there in their scores
    I didn't feel better for reading, I have to admit I felt worse
    for the words written there spoke no blessing, only page after page of a curse
    So I looked in another great journal, this too spoke of symptoms and pain
    The symptoms were those of rebellion and sin, but the pain there was all for mans' gain
    Yes the symptoms were mine and the rest of mankind's, they were sorrow and torment and loss
    but the pain was my Lord's to redeem many souls as He hung in our place on that cross
    So I'll close the big book that speaks only of strife inflicted by Satan - the liar
    and I'll open the book that brings blessing and life, the one written of Jesus - Messiah
    God bless Jordan

    1. Hi Brenda,
      What a beautiful poem! I love how God has gifted you with eloquent writing. :)

      Our mind is so powerful and what we think on develops our character. I always tell my kids to feed your mind uplifting and positive things; things that honour God. What you focus on is what you will become.

      Thanks for sharing sister,


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God Bless,