
Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Am With You

Today, while waiting for my daughter to finish writing an exam at the university, I drove to the near by city and hung out at the mall. I am not a fan of big towns and as I was strolling through the mall I had such a lonely feeling come over me. I felt so out of place, like a country farmer in New York City, totally out of my element. I reach out to God and He reassured me He was right there beside me. I felt so loved and warm and very secure. It was an amazing feeling.

Genesis 28:15 NIV
"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go"...

I'm linking up with Barbie, Fresh Brewed Sunday.



  1. I love that He goes with me, no matter where I go. I believe even when I stray from the path He has set out before me, He is still there, nudging me along in the right direction. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      It is so amazing to see how God puts up road blocks in front of us when we go astray. I love the word you used, 'nudging', I believe He is nudging us along towards His path.

      I love linking up for Sundays, thanks for hosting this.


  2. Hi Child of God ~

    This is a great post. He is right there with us all the time. Sometimes we just need to be reminded. I think it's good that sometimes we feel a little out of place because then we reach out to Him. I do the same thing.


    1. Hi Chelle,
      I do agree with you that it is good for us to feel out of place. It is such a good reminder of just how much we need God. Glad you liked this post.


  3. You are such a humble child of God.
    I'm also not a city person, I don't mind a short visit, but always look forward to getting back to the country.
    Blessings my faithful friend, Geoff.

    1. Hi Geoff,
      Lol, you and me both country hicks who would rather romp with the wild animals then with people.

      Thanks for stopping by and using your precious internet minutes to leave me a message.


  4. I am glad that you were reassured by God Presence! Hugs.

    1. Hi JBR
      His presence is so awesome!! He took all the sadness away and gave me love.


  5. I guess that we bloom where we are planted. I've lived in Anaheim, California (next to Disneyland and Angel Stadium), since it was mostly orange groves and strawberry patches and watched the urban expansion fill extra vacant piece of land. Yet, growing up in the concrete jungle gave me the prospective that city life is natural and God is here with us. Every year, my family would vacation at Bass Lake in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California (near Yosemite National Park)and I gained a love for nature and the great outdoors. I never feel out of place because of where I am because the Lord is there. Psalm 139:7-10 tells us "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. Where I find myself out of place is where Jesus is not honored and respected. Where God is attacked and ignored. Where sin abounds willfully.

    1. Hi Brian,
      Thank you for sharing Psalm 139:7-10, I love this psalm so much.

      The funny thing with me is I born and raised outside of Toronto, Ontario. Yet from a very young age I always remembering begging my father to buy a farm. I have lived in the west since my 20's and know that I would never want to move back into a city. I guess I still have a long way to go with being content and filled in every situation in life. I will definitely work on this. :)

      I love the wisdom you share and I find I am always learning for you. Thanks for stopping by.


  6. what a blessing to feel Gods presence in your life.

    1. Hi momto8,
      Feeling the presence of God is amazing! So warm, secure and joyful. He really did wash me over in His love while walking through that mall, it was like being surrounded by family but better.


  7. Hi Child of God,
    I agree with you.
    I understand well when you say I feel like a country girl farmer in New York City...
    Our dear Lord, Jesus Christ is with you at all times. So, don't feel lonesome!!
    God keeps blessing you, sweetheart!!
    Thank you so much for your kind email, and the picture of your mountain view!!
    Warm Hugs & All the Best,
    Poet & Song-Writer Starry Dawn.

    1. Hi Starry Dawn,
      Yes, Jesus is right there beside us always. We are the ones that forget this. :)

      Blessings sister I always love hearing from you.

  8. Hi Child of God -

    How precious that our Lord gave you His blessed assurances. Glory to GOD for His marvelous kindness and care.

    There's no other like our amazing Lord!!!

    1. Hi Sandra,
      I felt very special when He came in with His presence in such an ungodly area, I must have been glowing. :)

      Thanks for stopping by,


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God Bless,