
Monday, April 2, 2012

The Fourth Watch

Matthew 14:22-27 NIV
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Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.
During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Jesus went up the mountainside probably around 6 pm or so and prayed until 3am. Meanwhile the disciples, being obedient to Jesus, were on the boat far from land and their progression was hindered because the wind was against them. Sometimes we can be right in the centre of God's will and be in a squall that can scare and thwart our progression in the direction that God wants us to go.

Jesus sees what is going on in our lives and He is interceding to the Father for us. We are in the midst of the battle of doing God's work and because of the storms that we are in, we cannot see the progression we are making or notice Jesus' presence but He is there watching out for us always. This also shows us that sometimes God will let us struggle and wrestle with situations while our faith in Him expands. We need to come to the end of strength in self before we are able to grow our faith in Jesus.

The fourth watch is significant. 

The Romans divided the night into four watches, 6pm - 9pm, 9pm - 12am, 12am - 3am, 3am - 6am. These times also have a spiritual meaning as we read that the disciples thought Jesus was a ghost and He reassured them that He was not. Here is a good read on the spiritual aspect of the different watches in prayer.

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The spiritual battle that we encounter as obedient Christians is vast. We are in a war and there are people praying against Christians and they take their prayers seriously staying up late sacrificing, praying and fasting. Jesus, coming to the disciples in the fourth watch of the night shows us that during the high satanic hour, when the battle is at its fiercest, Jesus comes in and takes over by eliminating the effects of the evil one and showing us everything is in His control. Jesus is always in control and He just wants us to obey and keep the faith in Him. When the time is right He will come and show Himself and the storm will cease resulting in His will being done.

In Him,


  1. This is very interesting and something I did not know! However, I do know that an ill person is at their very lowest peak at around 3am. This is when the breathing lowers with the heart rate and when death will likely come..So it all ties up doesn't it.. Amazing.
    I have been under very spiritual attack..Perhaps because of my book?? So much so that I have been unable to read, or write as I would like to.
    Then last night I had my husband Ray put on a terrible tantrum while we were eating out. During this I remained calm and undisturbed.. I slept well and today am feeling normal again for the first time in ages.I quote that scripture aloud. "For the weapons of my warfare are mighty not carnal, with them I pull down strongholds."
    Love sent to you today. xxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Crystal Mary,
      I didn't know that an ill person is at their lowest at 3am, interesting! Yes all things do tie in together I believe one day we will see just how everything is woven together.

      You could very well be under attack because of your book. You are getting the word of God out into an area that will reach many people for Jesus and Satan does not want this at all. How best for him to try and stop you from writing the sequels.

      Good for you remaining calm!! That is half the battle right there. :) It is hard though and you do need lots of support first and foremost by God and His word and next by family, friends and :) bloggy friends. I support you sister, in prayer.

      Thanks for sharing,

  2. Hi Child of God,
    This is a very interesting post. I didn't about the fourth watch or even how they divided the night. I didn't know what Crystal Mary said either. I do however know about spiritual battles and how hard it is to fight through them. Prayer is definitely the key. Than you for sharing this. I do learn many things reading your blog.
    Blessings to you...Chelle

    1. Hi Chelle,
      I too am learning lots and lots!!
      Prayer is key and so is faith and obedience to the Lord. God is so interesting and there is so much to learn, I'm glad we can do this together.

      Blessings sister,

  3. Amen. Thank you for sharing and preparing our hearts for this up coming week. Blessings.

    1. Hi JBR,
      Your welcome. :) Resurrection Sunday is my favourite celebration of the year! I am excited to worship Him.


  4. I didn't know what the fourth watch meant. Thank you for sharing this information. I really can't wait until Easter!

    1. Hi momto8,
      The passover time is always my favourite time of the year! I love the birth of Jesus but His resurrection, well it just WOW! He did that for us!

      Good Friday our town churches all get together and put on a service in the huge hockey rink. They have a Christian band, we worship Jesus and then there is a preacher who usually gives an awesome talk. It is such a wonderful time worshipping with the different denominations.



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God Bless,