
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thinking on Faith

Faith, what is it? 

Faith is an inward operation of that divine power which dwells in the contrite heart, and which has power to lay hold of the things not seen. Faith is divine act, faith is God in the soul. God operates by His Son, and transforms the natural into the supernatural. Faith is active, never dormant; faith lays hold, faith is the hand of God, faith is the power of God, faith never fears, faith lives amid the greatest conflict, faith is always active, faith moves even things that cannot be moved. God fills us with His divine power, and sin is dethroned. 

"The just shall live by faith"  Habakkuk 2:4 NKJ

Habakkuk 2:4 NIV
“See, the enemy is puffed up; 
   his desires are not upright— 
   but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness   

Galatians 3:11 NIV
Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”

Hebrews 10:38 NIV

 “But my righteous one will live by faith
  And I take no pleasure 
  in the one who shrinks back.”

You cannot live by faith until you are righteous. 
You cannot live by faith if you are unholy, or dishonest. 

Taken from: Smith Wigglesworth, The complete Collection of his life teachings, pg. 713.



  1. I've never had one word stick out until this year started. Faith!

    I hope you are doing well. Many blessings and much love!

  2. Hi Sara,
    It took great faith for you and your husband to make the move you did. I am so glad that God bolstered your faith along the way.

    I am well! Thanks for asking.


  3. Those are such powerful words. SO much meaning - thank you for sharing.

    I love the blog header!

    Kaela Breanne
    Chazak! (Be Strong)

  4. Hi Kaela!

    It was a powerful read and this section just jumped off the page at me.

    I'm glad you like the blog header. Felt like I needed to explain more about what this blog is about.


  5. i love anything about faith. it's simply very powerful and it gets God's attention.

    1. Hi Pia,
      Thanks for stopping by! Faith sure does get God's attention, just look at Abraham. :)


  6. Cannot have enough reminders on Faith. Blessings to you dear one.

    1. Hi JBR,
      Are not people funny? We have a miracle one day and the next we forget about how God bolstered our faith and we run up to an issue and find our faith lacking. I sure am glad our God has a lot of patience. :)


  7. One of my favorites is Hebrews 11:6

    I really like your new header on the blog;)

    1. Hi Ma,
      We need to believe in order to believe. ;P

      Thank you for the compliment. The picture is from half way up the mountain that is behind my house. It was a glorious day for a hike.


    2. I like that it is one of your pictures, too, it really makes it original. It is very beautiful:)


  8. Hi Ma,
    Thank you again. :) Most of the pictures here are mine and the ones that are not are linked back to the source.

    Thanks for the encouragement, I do appreciate it.


  9. Hello Child, I had wanted to email you about the past events of my life, but always something got in the way. My daughter and I moved back to my father's house a few days ago. Hopefully before too long I can write you... just wanted you to know. (My most recent blog post is about this return.) Thanks for your prayers

    1. Hi Lidia,
      Congratulations on moving back into your father's house!! Praise God for answered prayer. :)

      No problem about not writing, you are busy. I am overjoyed at this news! I hope all is well with you and hoping things have been all sorted out.

      God bless,

  10. Love your post. Faith is just something we can't live without!
    Blessings to you friend...Chelle

    1. Hi Chelle,
      Without faith we would have no hope in the promises that are to come to all believers everywhere; eternal salvation to all who believe in Jesus Christ.

      Blessings to you to my friend.

  11. Hi Child of God,
    I like the new look:)
    Faith is everything..God said in order to please Him we must believe in Him. (Heb.11:6)...So simple and yet, everything hangs upon this truth. I think we must sometimes close our eyes and become silent, listening only for His still small voice to speak into our hearts. Sometimes only when we shut everythng around us out, can we hear Him and reaffirm our faith. And sometimes we can only say "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"
    (Mark 9:24)

    ~God Bless~

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Yes, I have asked the Lord to help my unbelief many times. He always answers my prayer and gives me more faith. He is so good all of the time. Even when it seems like my world is crashing down around me, He shows me just how very good He is and my faith is lifted up once again.

      Thanks for stopping by. Blessings friend.


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God Bless,